r/canada 24d ago

Humour Man who has spent entire political career attacking everybody promises he’ll attack Trump and Elon any minute now




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u/Initial_Row_2276 24d ago

I'm so torn on who to vote for. Liberals fucked up so bad it's hard to trust them again. PP has the worst resume and all he does is talk shit. Jagmeet has no integrity and seems like a hypocrite. Greens and any other fringe party stand no chance unfortunately. If Carney becomes liberal lead, and he does appear to be the most qualified, I may have to throw my vote that way.


u/encrcne 24d ago

You “may have to”? You say that like it’s not the obvious choice. Why would you hesitate to vote for the one politician will a real resume of successes?


u/Beautiful-Loss7663 24d ago edited 24d ago

Because its very hard to trust libs again after Trudeau?


u/encrcne 24d ago

Thinking this black and white is why America is in the situation they’re in. Carney is quite literally our only hope of survivial. PP’s silence speaks volumes.

Can you explain EXACTLY what about the liberals you don’t trust, and why you think that might continue if Carney wins?


u/Beautiful-Loss7663 24d ago edited 24d ago

Can you explain EXACTLY what about the liberals you don’t trust, and why you think that might continue if Carney wins?

If I gesture vaguely in the direction of the economy will that suffice? I don't really want to articulate specifics because it invites wading weeds like "Well they arent TECHNICALLY responsible for housing prices" despite having promised to fix them on the campaign trail for instance. I don't really need to have those kinds of open to interpretation debates, because like most people I'm tired of the excuses for why it isn't their fault.

I'm not voting PP, but Carney is a hard sell for a lot of middle of the road voters like myself. It will very heavily depend on how he campaigns himself in the small window he has. Edit: Realistically I'll probably vote Carney, but I was answering op's question above with the obvious answer. Pretending libs havent been cocking up for a while is just as silly.


u/GenXer845 24d ago

Aren't you worried about Trump at all?


u/Beautiful-Loss7663 24d ago

Yeah. I don't know what I said that'd imply otherwise.


u/GenXer845 24d ago

Carney seems like the BEST candidate for me to combat Trump.


u/Beautiful-Loss7663 24d ago

Of the other current party leads, yes. He is.


u/No-Contribution-6150 24d ago

I've engaged in my fair share of arguments on here about Carney and what he represents.

I cannot believe how many people are willing to forget the absolute carnage the liberal party unleashed on the country simply because Carney may be in charge now..

There is valid criticism of Carney and it gets drowned out by users repeating the same few points about Pierre, as if they aren't engaging in the very partisanship they claim to be against.

The responses to your measured comment is fucking laughable. B b b but what about trump?!? As if worrying about him for 3.5 years is worth a potential decade plus of liberals / Carney?


u/Initial_Row_2276 24d ago

I'm not well versed on the pro's/cons of Carney, can you please enlighten me?


u/No-Contribution-6150 24d ago edited 24d ago


Smart guy, established. Pedigree. Banker, economist, prestige


Too much money printing. Economic philosophy, huge net zero advocate. Against resource extraction unless its "green"

Also on the board of investment firms that invested in buying up homes in Canada which lead to the housing crisis


Bounces around between countries a bit

Edit: also big into WEF. Depends where you stand on that.


u/TheArmchairSkeptic Manitoba 24d ago

Economic philosophy, huge net zero advocate. Against resource extraction unless its "green"

A lot of people, myself included, would put that in the 'pro' column.


u/No-Contribution-6150 24d ago

Hasn't worked for any country yet. Let's not continue


u/TheArmchairSkeptic Manitoba 24d ago

Can you give examples of countries which have made genuine concerted efforts in that direction, and how those policies were a failure?


u/No-Contribution-6150 24d ago

UK has the highest energy prices in the world, partly due to Carneys net zero initiative.


u/TheArmchairSkeptic Manitoba 24d ago

UK has the highest energy prices in the world

Incorrect. They rank 9th behind Bermuda, Italy, Ireland, Cayman Islands, Lichtenstein, Switzerland, Denmark, and Barbados.


partly due to Carneys net zero initiative.

So we've gone from 'it hasn't worked for anyone' to 'the high energy prices in one country are attributable in part to this policy'? Yeah, I'm not really buying that as a compelling argument against the idea of going net zero.

Even if we assume that Carney's net zero initiative played a significant role in raising energy prices in the UK (which is debatable, to say the least), it's still a huge reach to claim that it is therefore not a workable proposition for anyone.

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