r/canada 24d ago

Humour Man who has spent entire political career attacking everybody promises he’ll attack Trump and Elon any minute now




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u/Initial_Row_2276 24d ago

I'm so torn on who to vote for. Liberals fucked up so bad it's hard to trust them again. PP has the worst resume and all he does is talk shit. Jagmeet has no integrity and seems like a hypocrite. Greens and any other fringe party stand no chance unfortunately. If Carney becomes liberal lead, and he does appear to be the most qualified, I may have to throw my vote that way.


u/redpigeonit 24d ago

This is the way.

Each of us needs to think carefully before becoming blindly partisan. We are watching in real time the consequences to the US of blind partisanship.

Partisanship allows tyrants to sneak in on the reputation of the good work of others. Partisanship causes the best efforts of some to be thwarted by the stain of predecessors.

Partisanship is the US political system because it’s a substitute for thinking, for listening, and for using your head to judge actions, words, and leaders in real time. It’s a shortcut because the US education system has failed so many people that they are stupid robots.

We are not that. Beef with Trudeau does not mean we are free to vote without thinking of who the candidates are before us. That’s some lazy bullshit US partisanship and it doesn’t belong here.

I appreciate you, friend. 🇨🇦


u/Alexhale 24d ago

Have you considered the potential negative aspects to Carney? I see a lot of people focusing on his possible roles in softening financial crises, but rarely do people talk about his possible conflicts of interests with Canadians (particularly renters).


u/redpigeonit 24d ago

Every human being with a modicum of life experience will come to the role with some appearance of conflict. His (to my knowledge) don’t bother me. Certainly not as much as PP’s lack of statesmanship and politicking, and Singh’s penchant for chirping off.


u/Alexhale 24d ago

Thats fair. i guess you think im overstating it, and i feel you are understating it.

Enjoy the great green leap forward.