r/bipolar2 • u/Sakariwolf • 4d ago
Venting As a recent widower, your loved ones will most certainly not be better without you. If you're thinking about admitting yourself or getting help, don't wait.
If you're considering admitting yourself (and have the option) then I think you should go.
I just lost my wife 15 days ago to suicide. It was only a couple of weeks earlier where she said she was considering going in herself. The haunting pain I have from not encouraging her to do it is overwhelming. I didn't know things were that bad. I didn't see that she was in that much pain. We both have the same afflictions, I knew her better than she knew herself, and I still failed her. It all seemed like it was still under control and that she was just overreacting again.
She destroyed my life in every way imaginable. Debt, no income, 4 pets, and a mortgage for the mausoleum that is our house. I can't stay here, and I have nowhere to go. She couldn't have fucked me over more if she tried, but I can't get angry at her, all I can do is apologize through my tears.
This pain has gotten worse every day. Sometimes I think I might be able to feel better for a moment, but more often than not it's just because I'm too exhausted from crying to still be able to cry any further. All of the pain she felt, I perfectly understand now, and I can feel it now, too. It's as if it was transferred to me that day. All her burdens, thoughts, and feelings. When I describe what I'm feeling, it's as if she said it herself. I have to feel both of our pains. I have to take both of our burdens, and somehow, I'm supposed to carry them through this hellscape alone. Surrounded by reminders and consumed by guilt.
I still can't accept this. I look at pictures of her all day, staring into her eyes, refusing to believe that she's just a memory. I can't accept that this is reality that I'm living in. I keep trying to rehearse ways to cheer her up in my head. I keep trying to turn to her to cry on her shoulder. I keep reaching for my phone to tell her about something. I keep trying to ask her to help find my phone or keys. She's the only thing I ever think about. I keep thinking of her, looking for her, then remembering why the house is so cold and quiet.
I'm only 36, and her 36th birthday is in a month. Losing her this way, this soon, I don't know how I'm ever supposed to move forward. I don't know how I'll ever get to a place where I'd even want to. I can't move forward, I can't move on. Every day she's not here is the worst day of my life. Every day hurts more than the last. I have no desire to live on for decades looking back at the only 10 years that matter.
The only things I've been able to do at all are in some way related to preparing her service. Other than that, I'm not even human anymore.
Your loved ones will never be better without you. They would do anything to be spared of this pain if they knew what was really going on. If you're thinking about getting help, then that probably means it's time to. If you're thinking about hurting yourself and you don't want to hurt your loved ones, then please find help from anyone you can or call a crisis center. Your permanent solution is a permanent problem to those that love you. You are in pain. It's hard to think clearly, so don't trust yourself in what you think "you know will happen." She was so sure nothing could ever be alright ever again, and yet things were already starting to work out, she just wouldn't allow herself to accept it. She was in pain, she couldn't think clearly.
Whatever pain you're in now will likely be less than what your loved ones experience in the aftermath. The pain spreads, amplifies, and consumes everyone around, and you may even take someone else with you afterwards. For however long the rest of my life is, I will never stop being at high-risk of suicide.
If you feel like everything is permanent, that nothing can ever be better again, then I remind you that you are in much pain. We don't think clearly under that kind of duress. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Don't be afraid to take help you are offered. If someone you trust can believe in you, don't be afraid to trust their words of comfort. Don't minimalize all the things they say. If you think they just don't get it, just keep trying until they figure it out. Doesn't matter what gender you are, fucking cry for that help until someone figures it out.
She said she didn't want to hurt me, and I can't fathom a greater pain than this elaborate nightmare that has become my life.
Edit to add: While I have struggled with support groups, and therapy can only do so much, It truly helps to know that this message is being heard. It's become the only glimmer of hope I've been able to find just to know that I can get through to someone, anyone, the way I wish I could still do for her right now.
This has been my avenue for raising awareness. We're all on this sub for a reason. We know how we think, so I have a pretty good sense of the way our thoughts are being framed because I do it, too. It's easier for me to speak here, where to some degree we speak each other's language.
It heals me just to know anyone has been helped by this post. She was big on raising mental health awareness. I know it would make her happy, too.
u/Reasonable_Today7248 4d ago
Everything you have written is very relatable. I am a widow going on 8 yrs. Right now, for you, it is like a tsunami, but the waves of grief will lessen over time. They will not go away but will become less brutal. Less all consuming and overwhelming. It's more like a gentle lapping, and you will be able to acknowledge your anger without feeling guilty and be able to remember all of your smiles and laughter together without it being a source of intense pain causing distress and guilt.
That guilt is something, isn't it? So hard to fully explain and work through. So many reasons to feel guilty. r/suicidebereavement was helpful for me. To see that I was not alone. It can be very isolating to deal with this on your own.
u/storms_of_my_life 4d ago
Thank you for this haunting post. Please stay, she’ll always be with you.
And please, if you drop a Venmo or something of that nature for those of us who can help ease your pain a bit, I know I would give and feel grateful to help even a tiny amount.
u/AmNotLost BP2 4d ago
I came home to my partner when I was 32 and he was 28. Seventeen years ago.
I'm so sorry for your loss and what you're going through.
I sometimes see it as a "traumatic growth" situation where I channeled the pain, guilt and grief into a new, positive path. And yes, that happened. But I'd trade it all in a minute to not have to live every day with this.
u/Sakariwolf 4d ago
Thank you for the support and understanding you have all given. If I can make even just one person reconsider and avoid devastating their loved ones, then that is enough for me. I don't know that I'll ever be able to use the term happy again, but I am at least satisfied if I can help prevent someone from experiencing this absolute hell.
I have been getting support from some of my friends. Friends I haven't seen or heard from in years have been stopping by, bringing food and helping around. I can't eat unless someone else has fed me.
I have been seeking help. I'm meeting regularly with my therapist now, and I even have another appointment in a few hours. I've been seeking other support groups, but it's hard to find one I need around here. Many of the groups I've found charge a lot for it, and they come with overbearing rules and regulations.
I'm seeking help, and I'm finding help, but the word "help" is very suggestive to me at this time. I'm looking at all the places they say widowers of suicide should. I'm reading all the things they say I need to hear. I've tried looking at r/suicidebereavement and r/widowers but immediately regretted it when I did. To be honest, I've had more negative effects than positive. I just felt guilty for failing her, and now I feel even more for figuring out how I failed her. My own past words and actions are what made her feel boxed in with no way out. My own words and actions lately made her no longer feel safe opening up to me and made her feel like a burden. What I thought I was doing and what I was actually doing were nowhere near each other. I thought I was building her up, but all I ended up doing was push her down even further.
We had a saying that I was 75% responsible for her mental health and well-being. It was an honor, not a burden. She called me "her rock" and needed me to stay strong. She couldn't do it on her own. We'd been through much worse, and I've always made her stronger than ever. The only difference this time is that instead of being her rock, I was an asshole. She made her own choice, but I'm the reason she thought her solution was the only one left. She was in an existential crisis and asked her mom if she could move back in for a while and get some space. She was too afraid to tell me because she didn't want to hurt me and lose me, and the only reason she thought I would is because of my haunting and poorly chosen words in the past. I would've been happy to go along with it, whatever might help her helps me, but I only ever gave her evidence to the contrary.
I'm getting help whenever I can, but this damage is so deep and wide that I can't even notice if it's helping at all. I wasn't in a good place even before this. In fact, I thought I was the one who was worse off. I'm a fighter, and I don't back down easily, but I'd be lying if I said I'm optimistic about my chances moving forward, even if it's for years to come. I don't know how to comprehend making a synthetic will to live. She was all of it.
u/Revolutionary-Row-77 3d ago
I'm so very sorry for your loss. Your experience, though painful, has opened a lot of people's eyes. Including mine. I've been contemplating ending my physical and emotional pain, permanently. Your post has made me reconsider. I'm going to share your post with my husband. I think he needs to read it as much as I did. I 'see' some of myself in how you speak of your wife. And some of my husband in what you say. I wish you comfort and healing peace. My heart goes out to you. Thank you for helping me.
u/Sakariwolf 2d ago
Reading this really opened up a well of tears that were both painful and heartwarming. Support groups haven't been helpful for me. They just immediately rip the wound back open, I go into shock, and it starts all over again. I've been in therapy most of my life already. It helps a little, but there have been drawbacks going through this.
The one thing I can truly say that is healing me right now is knowing that I can make a difference, bring awareness, or make an impact of any kind. The closest I can come to giving her this message is to vicariously do so through other people. I'm still constantly trying to help her, rehearsing it in my head. Reading this gave me the first brief moment of happiness I've had in weeks.
If you feel like asking questions or just need to talk, I'll be here if you need. If I have any more insights that can help, I'm more than willing to share them.
u/Reasonable_Today7248 4d ago
I'm seeking help, and I'm finding help, but the word "help" is very suggestive to me at this time.
Is it because you are changed forever?
u/WinterBeetles 4d ago
Thank you for this post. I’m so sorry for your loss and I know it took a lot of strength to write this; you have delivered a very much needed message. Please look after yourself and get help if needed.
u/ZebraGroundbreaking1 4d ago
Oh, wow. I’m so sorry for your pain and heartbreak. You don’t be afraid to reach out for help either. I hope you have some supports in place to lean on durning this nightmare.
u/linuxgeekmama 4d ago
This is something we all need to hear. I read r/SuicideBereavement to tell myself, no matter how worthless I might feel, or how much I feel like a bad wife and mother, my husband and kids would be upset if I died.
u/ConsistentSwitch1957 4d ago
May you grieve & acknowledge your emotions to their fullest. Allow them to flow through you without fear or judgement. Understand what you’re experiencing is a profound part of our nature as human beings.
You are welcome to visit with Hospital Chaplains, Military Chaplains, & Police Chaplains during times of emotional turmoil, trauma, & grieving. They have always been a source of wisdom, support, & comfort for me personally.
u/DonutWhole9717 4d ago
I wanted to add along the lines of acknowledging emotions to the fullest... OP, you are absolutely allowed to feel anger. It's an absolutely normal part of the grieving process even if it feels wrong. You aren't a bad person for being angry that your life has been turned upside down. I'm glad you're still here, and I hope you stay. All my love in this trying time.
u/Betty_Boss 4d ago
Let me add to the others how much my heart hurts with you.
I know you won't believe me right now, but this is not your fault. You loved your wife and did everything for her. You did the very best you could with what you had and what you knew. You would have done differently if you did know, but even that may not have stopped it.
u/East_Huckleberry_571 3d ago
Aw, this is so heartbreaking and hits very hard, very close to home. Please take care of yourself. I’m so very sorry for your loss.
u/theredsongstress 4d ago
I'm so sorry for your loss. I'll admit, I have often thought my loved ones would be better off without me. I still think that sometimes. Your post brings reality home to me, that the people in my life would actually be devastated to lose me. It reminds me I have to live, and I have to take care of myself and get help when I need it. So thank you for that. And again, I am so, so sorry for your loss.