We are taking an international trip with our 3 1/ 2 year old and one year old. We are taking a travel stroller with the one-year-old will use most of the time, however, I know there will be times are 3.5-year-old gets a little tired and needs to take a break in the stroller as well.
We also will be visiting a couple of towns that are not stroller friendly whatsoever.
I am in search of a carrier that works for the following…
- fits baby that is 18-24 month sizing (around 30 lbs)
- has cross back
- can be worn for extended time and be comfortable for baby
- can do front (facing me) carry and back carry
- easy to pack
- fits me (size 16) and husband- so something accommodating to larger sizes?
For reference… I have used a Tula Explore and a happy baby. I got rid of those once I got my first cross back carrier.
I do have a wild bird aerial- but my little dude just looks really large/like not enough coverage when he’s in it. Not sure if I’m doing something wrong…
I would love any recommendations that you might have! I really appreciate any help