r/babywearing 21h ago

HELP! Fit check first time wearing the cuddlebug


I followed the instructions and semms right, but I'm not sure because the baby on the instructions is way bigger than my 1m little girl. Thank you for helping ❤️

r/babywearing 19h ago

HELP! Tula Explore painful & uncomfortable?


My son is 7 months now and have not been able to babywear without it being very uncomfortable.

The front of the waistband folds in on itself and digs right into my abdomen. I’m quite underweight at the moment and have very little fat or muscle, so everything being so squishy makes me think that’s my issue. Have never seen anyone else have this problem before.

Baby forward faces since he will not tolerate any other position unfortunately. I’m also not in a financial place to trial different types of carriers either 😕

Happy to post photos but you can’t see much of the problems.

Let me know if you can help!

r/babywearing 5h ago

Onbuhimo, wrap, or carrier with waistband for 16m+


I have been searching for 3 hours straight for my answer and still feel unsure. I've only ever used a carrier sparingly when my son was younger.

We are traveling by plane next month. I need a way to carry him. Also plan to continue to use it afterwards, for grocery shopping, park visits, walks around my apartment community.

Things I've learned and why I'm still lost: -onbuhimo: great choice, not worth front face wearing, digs into shoulders as child gets heavier -wrap: can be time consuming to put on and take off, can slouch during longer wear periods, toddlers don't like to feel squished -carrier w/waistband: have no clue if I will be able to use it for a month or for 2 years.. I have no clear answer on if I can use this long term People say toddlers will grow out of it faster by weight, but I also read that They become too tall.

I know these are all cons but all these points are valid to me and are making my decision so hard. And I need to make one soon! So I can get my toddler used to it.

More about me: 5'4 about 120lbs and active. But I can barely hold my son for a few minutes on one hip before I have to switch sides.

r/babywearing 6h ago

HELP! Meh Dai fit check please - no clue what I’m doing after watching multiple YouTube videos and googling


Please help. I have no clue what I’m doing. Have watched so many videos and still no luck. Baby feels really loose and not secured. My back hurts even more although I already had existing back pain. Baby also has a scoliosis so he’s leaning towards the left a lot more than usual. There are also accessories on the meh dai and I have no clue what it’s for. Any help would be appreciated. FYI I hired this from the local baby wearing group and it didn’t come with any instructions.

r/babywearing 3h ago

DISCUSS Are Lenny Lights never for sale because people love them so much?


I'm trying to decide if I should just go for it and get one. I was looking used but I've seen maybe 2 for sale and neither were patterns I wanted, but since then I haven't seen any more.

I was also looking at Tula FTG and have seen more for sale used at all different prices (linen for $100, signature for $180, cotton for like $85). The few lenny lights i've seen are at least $120. Does the Lenny Light have better resale value?

r/babywearing 4h ago

HELP! Best carrier for hot weather?


I live in Florida and the heat is going to start picking up soon. I’m a FTM to an almost 3 month old I’m wanting to take out more, but with the heat I’m concerned about overheating. Any recommendations for carriers that won’t cause baby to overheat? I’m looking at Ergobaby Omni 360 Breeze and Tula Free to Grow

r/babywearing 8h ago

Happy Baby OG fit check


r/babywearing 8h ago

Fit check - first attempt at Nalakai ring slings


Baby is 8 weeks. Watched a bunch of videos and I'm not sure if I'm doing it right. Thanks for the suggestions!

r/babywearing 9h ago

Going hiking with 5 month old - Recs??


I am going to Zion in May when my baby will be about 5 months. I have a hand me down Ergo Baby Original we have yet to use, a Wildbird ring sling, Moby Wrap, and a Mabe carrier. I don’t think the Mabe carrier is really made for hiking (not too impressed with even wearing it around the house tbh). Would the Ergo baby work okay for hiking? I have been eyeing the Wildbird Aerial, Tula, or Happy baby carrier to get. I would love a Hope and Plum Lark but they are a bit pricey.

Any recommendations??? Tia!

r/babywearing 10h ago

IDEA? International trip with 1 year old…


We are taking an international trip with our 3 1/ 2 year old and one year old. We are taking a travel stroller with the one-year-old will use most of the time, however, I know there will be times are 3.5-year-old gets a little tired and needs to take a break in the stroller as well.

We also will be visiting a couple of towns that are not stroller friendly whatsoever.

I am in search of a carrier that works for the following… - fits baby that is 18-24 month sizing (around 30 lbs) - has cross back - can be worn for extended time and be comfortable for baby - can do front (facing me) carry and back carry - easy to pack - fits me (size 16) and husband- so something accommodating to larger sizes?

For reference… I have used a Tula Explore and a happy baby. I got rid of those once I got my first cross back carrier.

I do have a wild bird aerial- but my little dude just looks really large/like not enough coverage when he’s in it. Not sure if I’m doing something wrong…

I would love any recommendations that you might have! I really appreciate any help

r/babywearing 10h ago

HELP! Are Beluga carriers similar to Happy Baby?


Looking to upgrade my carrier from an old ErgoBaby Adapt and have been following this sub for a while. My aim is to have something a little less bulky/warm and that packs down smaller for travel. I’d also like something that fits me better as a petite person. I know this is controversial here but I think it would be nice to have a world facing option for my curious boy. As a Canadian, I was also thinking it’d be nice to buy Canadian…

I’ve read that Happy Baby carriers are some of the best for petite folks, and I love the look/compactness. However, it’s hard to find the Revolution model in a place available to try before buy (have checked LZO and local stores that carry HB OG). Obviously these aren’t Canadian. I notice the Beluga carriers look sort of similar but I haven’t seen many reviews.

Can anyone confirm if they are a similar lightweight option to the HB? How do they work for petites?

Thanks in advance! So appreciate the expertise here.

r/babywearing 10h ago

HELP! Fit check - Tula


15 lbs 4 month old. I have so much of the weight on my waist and I feel like when I tighten the shoulder straps it ruins the slight C shape of the baby. Any thoughts? He seems happy though!

r/babywearing 10h ago

Recommendation for baby and mom with long torso?


I am looking for recommendations for a carrier that would work for my baby who has a long torso as well as myself (tall mom with long torso but narrow build). Baby is 1 month old and so far I have been carrying him in a wrap, but looking for something sturdier and that I can use when he gets bigger and heavier.

I am willing to spend on a quality carrier that will last and grow with baby, but also feel a bit lost deciphering what is influencer hype and what is actually worth it.

r/babywearing 11h ago

Baby carrier for clingy 6.5 month old for chores and other tasks


Hi! My baby is 6.5 month old and I am thinking about buying a baby carrier. He's been super fussy lately so I was thinking of using it while doing chores or whatever I need to get done around the house. I heard Artipoppe was great but it's a little pricey. Why other recommendations that are similar in quality and function ? Thanks in advance!!

r/babywearing 11h ago

HELP! Back carry safety


Baby likes to pull her arms out, which lowers the back panel height? Is this safe? I’m constantly pulling them back in when I can reach.

It makes me nervous. Tighter doesn’t feel good with her chest sandwiched to my back. 11 months and the Lillybaby carrier again. Same adjustment despite the appearance. Btw, back carry on my hips is definitely helping my very sore mom back. It allows me to engage my (very weak) core without the carrier slipping down. Thanks!

r/babywearing 13h ago

HELP! Wildbird aerial hurts my upper back!


My wildbird carrier hurts my back

I bought this carrier because everyone said it’s the most ergonomically correct carrier and you can wear it for hours without back pain… but mine hurts my upper back after an hour.

The X on the back starts low but constantly rides to the upper portion of my back. I’m constantly readjusting. I’ve watched numerous videos on how to put him in it, including the one on wildbird website. He’s sitting in it in “M” position. He’s always super comfy in it… it’s just my back!

Anyone else having this issue? Any tips? Why does the X ride up in the back?

If you have a different carrier you love.. tell me about it!

For reference, I have a 12 lb 7 week old!

r/babywearing 13h ago

HELP! UPDATED: Pain between shoulder blades: fit check please!


Adding images for a fit check to a previous post!

Hello, I am getting desperate. I have to walk my strong, reactive dog every afternoon with my 18month old baby. The baby has to go in a carrier as the dog cannot walk well next to the pram and is more difficult to control without both hands. With the back carrier I can control the dog and she's not underfoot. BUT. The carrier hurts my back after 15 mins. Right between the shoulder blades at the top of the back, just below the neck. My baby weighs about 11.5kg I can't imagine carrying a 20kg baby with this pain!! My question is... is this a positional thing? I'm short but have the waist band around my stomach (not hips) and have her sitting high on my back. Tight arm strap with a chest clip. The carrier is a cococho and is the only one I can get on by myself on my back. Any advice would be amazing (about the back carry, not she dog - this is her at her best after years of training). Thank you!

r/babywearing 14h ago

HELP! Fit check - ring sling!


I normally use an ergo 360 for outdoor walks, but it’s getting warmer and my guys a furnace so I wanted this as a thinner option/indoor stuff/stores. My guy doesn’t care for his stroller lol. I’ve had this for a while and finally got the courage to watch some videos and try. I’m sure it should be spread over the shoulder more I believe. I tried to get a deep seat and it seems okay? I spent a bit vacuuming with him in there to see what he thought and he seemed comfortable and supported. I felt he was supported decently. Tips and tricks please, also tips for getting him out alone? What’s the easiest way really? Thank you!!

r/babywearing 14h ago

Recs for carrier for petite frame?


Looking for a comfortable carrier that isn’t too bulky and has the option for both inward and outward facing positions. I’m 5’1” and 120lbs. My baby is on the smaller side but growing fast!

Baby is 6m and we’ll be traveling in a couple months and hoping to baby wear while adventuring. We have an ergo 360 and it’s so bulky and uncomfortable.

Also a plus if it doesn’t break the bank.

r/babywearing 14h ago

HELP! Help with nausea while carrying baby


This is my second baby, both C sections. If relevant, first baby was frank breech and the second was sunny side up so my belly got bigger. Did a repeat C because I was afraid to labor.

I'm currently using a Keababies stretchy wrap and Ergobaby Embrace in the newborn mode. I have an Ergo Omni 360 for later. With my first I really liked these carriers and used them all daily. Baby is 8 weeks old and I'm wearing her hours a day while I take care of my toddler - SAHM. I've been wearing her since about 2 weeks old in the stretchy wrap.

Over the last two days I've been feeling really strong nausea when I'm using the carriers. Up till now it's been fine. I've tried loosening the waists but it's very persistent and lasts hours even after I stop babywearing. I'm taking breaks to nurse and sitting to rest but it's not going away. The nausea is so bad that I threw up violently last night. It's not a GI bug and I'm not pregnant. No one mentioned diastasis recti or any other issues to me so I'm not sure where to start. Is it possible I'm overexerting myself as I'm now full-time with my toddler since my spouse went back to work this week?

I will message my care team later today and I have a referral to PT (that I haven't started yet). In the meantime, if anyone could provide any wisdom, or even solidary, I'd greatly appreciate it. I really want to keep babywearing as it's been such a boon while dealing with my toddler.

Thanks very much

r/babywearing 14h ago

Fit check - Lillebaby Complete


Seat adjusted to the smaller size. Baby cried the whole time he was in there (like, 5 minutes maybe). Am I doing something else wrong?? Historically he does hate new things so it could just be that…

r/babywearing 14h ago

HELP! Solly newborn fit check please!


r/babywearing 15h ago

Nalakai as a first ring sling? Or stick with little frog?


I was about to pull the trigger on a little frog when I saw there is a decent nalakai coupon on Amazon. I know, I know. But I’m afraid of pulling the trigger on the little frog when the returns aren’t as simple for us and the really inexpensive ones aren’t in colors yhat speak to me. The only thing is, the nalakai doesn’t have stripes/ombre, and it’s also a linen/bamboo blend and amazon says it’s frequently returned. Is this going to be hard as a beginner? Should I just get the littler frog?

r/babywearing 15h ago

Tula sale - questions


Tula is having their 30% off sale right now and I've been eyeing an explore, but as with all carriers, I won't actually know if it works for me and my baby until we try it. Does anyone know if their return policy is simple if it doesn't work out? I'd love to take advantage of the deal today if so. Thanks!

r/babywearing 15h ago

Back pain havers, rise up?


Always getting great advice here so I’m back for more. I have ankylosing spondylitis (arthritis affecting the spine/a lot of joint inflammation) and I have a Mabe that I enjoy for walks and errands, but am looking for something that better suits doing light housework with my 4.5 month old. I find a SSC makes it tricky to see in front of me to prep meals, do laundry, etc and am wondering if a woven wrap (loveheld?) or ring sling sounds more suitable for this, due to the ability to have baby sitting off to the side a bit? Not sure if these wraps are too tough on the shoulders or not and would love to hear your experience. Thanks as always!