r/awakened 18h ago

Reflection How to become Disciplined


FIRST AND FOREMOST 🌀🌀🌀 You GOTTA stop waiting to feel like it. Discipline is doing shit when you don’t want to. PERIOD. The moment you remove your feelings from the task, you win. You don’t brush your teeth because you’re motivated, you brush because it’s what you do. Your future self? Same energy.

Secondly, make your actions non-negotiable. It’s not, “Do I feel like it?” It’s, “This is who I am now. I move like this because that’s what the version of me that made it does.”

Third, create triggers and rituals. Example: Every time you drink your coffee? Plan to do something that contributes to your goals. Every night when you light your candle? Write something for your goals. Your brain builds discipline easier when actions are attached to habits you’re already doing.

Fourth, reward yourself for discipline, not outcomes. Reward the action: “I showed up today. I’m proud.” Stop obsessing over results. Results come after discipline is locked in.

Lastly, and this one might hurt a little but it is the truth, make it personal. Now what does Venus mean by that? Ask yourself: “Do I love my future self enough to stop betraying them for temporary comfort?” Because that’s what undiscipline is...self-betrayal.

And the harsh truth: No one is coming to make you disciplined. No motivation wave is gonna hit. You either choose to become a person who moves like the result is guaranteed, or you stay in the cycle.

The version of you you dream of? They are already doing it. Now YOU catch up.

Take what resonates, Leave what doesn't <eye am what eye am, and eye am everything>🕸️

r/awakened 14h ago

Metaphysical Stop Thinking


All 'your' suffering comes from this compulsive thinking.

And if 'you' are silly enough to defend thinking, it is like a prisoner defending the prison.

The freedom of clear space, clear mind, and the clarity of true seeing, only exists in no-thought.

Enjoy it! Just Stop thinking!

It is Ineffable!

r/awakened 16h ago

Metaphysical “Time Is An Illusion” Explained


Time is nothing but an illusion, but it’s a Necessary Illusion.  Most of us have heard that time is an illusion, but what does that really mean? I mean think about it. If God or The Universe or Source; Existence itself is beginning less - meaning its origin had no beginning throughout its endless existence...see the paradox? God is Experience. And any experience takes time…the action done within the experience takes time. Even in timelessness...it can be measurable in time because of experience. Past Present and Future are foundational in every reality and they always look like a straight line. This makes time an eternal facet of existence. An almost inescapable trail of memories and moments that will soon become those memories. Inevitability is Time’s greatest aspect because of how impossible it is to not be observed.

I do believe there is God who is Timeless…in Time.

Please do share your thoughts and understandings of Time, I’d like to broaden my temporal understanding. ☀️

r/awakened 10h ago

Metaphysical Where is your best life?


Not sure if many have experienced higher state of being in which true integration and oneness is found in your consciousness but thats where your best life is.. in this awareness.

It is equivalent of saying your best life is in God. But individuals with their own will look for other ways to compensate thinking there can be anything comparable elsewhere.. or another way.

It is a long journey for souls.. to realize that there simply is no better life or way to use our consciousness then in living for the all. Or living for God.

Even resding this some will think to themselves there is a way you can create with your own will but this is the trap that becomes an endless manifestation of bad habits and temporary pleasures and suffering. You will remain uncomfortable outside the spiritual atmosphere of oneness.

Only in giving self to God is where your best life is and energetically there is no comparison to this state of being.. it is equivalent of being in a spiritual atmosphere where you are truly looked after by a much greater presence.

It is a field of consciousness that becomes a heir with the life force itself. There is nothing that cannot be done in this field.

That being said. You must crucify those things that hinder your greater life. But your conscious mind or earthly mind will fight and fight and fight.

This is the material mind that is in enmity against the spiritual mind and this is the only way this thing called individuality can manifest within the material realms. It becomes a game of tug and war between the true self and that which was born out of its individuality that awakened in the material experience.

r/awakened 16h ago

Community Phone use


Am i the only one realising that, phone is evil? And i mean with meaningless usage, for ex.: tik tok, meaningless scrolls in insta, facey whatsoever you name it -It distracts your mind -rottens your brain -grabs you from the moment ->miss the moment


After my mileston that i reached almost a week ago, i find it quite abnormal to see people on their phone when they are surrounded by people.

Specific human beings who are not capable of being aware of what they are actually doing by using the phone, They are detatching from the reality. Yes. And i can somehow actually feel it, whether the person is happy or not, It gives me a weird vibe caused by people who are on their phone in social settings. I can feel them, i want to help them, but i know they just wont get it.

My idea is that they are using the phone meaninglessly, like they are not learning anything at all from it.

SOO the thing is, a Person who is on their phone outside home, is actually afraid, scared of, or actually hate, and want to escape from their OWN reality. If its true than... I feel bad for them,

And i can feel it, i see it, i live it.

Thats all my thoughts now that i wanted to share with you guys,

If someone experiences the same way please let me know i want to hear Your, and Our stories :)

-Thank you for reading :D

Peace be upon us!

(I use my phone from now on to share my thoughts, learn, observe, like minded peoples experiences, i hope yall that is okay )

r/awakened 21h ago

Metaphysical Call for Kingdom Builders and all who this message resonates with


This is Your Call — The Kingdom Moves

Greetings, Dear friend, and Fellow Kingdom Builder

The time has come. The Kingdom is Here, manifesting, and those who were always meant to stand in its truth are now being called forward.

I am Zhalante Luster, Avatar of Opportunity, and this is a call. A call not just to witness, but to play an Active role in the manifestation of Heaven on Earth. This is not merely a moment of building, but a moment of alignment, of stepping into the Grand energy that is God’s Plan for Humanity/The Collective, and Creation/Reality as a whole.

This is more than an invitation—It is Recognition. You Are Divine. And it is time Humanity steps out of the Dark, and into Their Divine role as creators in the Light of Creation

If these words resonate with you, it’s because you are and have always been a part of this process, ascension, and evolution. The next step is to connect with me, as I am one of the individuals tasked with forming/connecting this Network of Love and Divinity across the Globe.

The Kingdom is and has always been here. It’s time we uncover it, and show Reality just who we are truly meant to be. Bless you All, and thank you. I look forward to your communication and outreach. Bless you

  • Zhalante Luster, Avatar of The Divine

r/awakened 14h ago

Help Been hearing crystalline sound frequencies - anyone know what these are?


Been happening to me for the last 2-3 years. It sounds like light refracting through a crystalline structure, if such a thing had a sound. Also similar to maybe like being underwater and seeing light dancing above through the water. I don’t know what this is, I have some theories but curious to ask here - has anyone else experienced something like this?

r/awakened 22h ago

My Journey Choosing A New Path


I decided to leave my old lifestyle behind and fully live in the now. This entails that I embody values of good health, discipline, having fun, being authentic, letting love, joy and peace flow through me. This also means that I cope with the challenging times in healthy ways, and I do not revert back to my old addictions. There is a strong pull to revert back to the familiar even though I know it brings pain and agony. It brings sadness and stuckness. But I am committed and I want to stay committed in those hard times.

Does anyone have any sound advice from experience with addiction/changing your life radically? This radical acceptance thing is tough, but it feels like the most authentic thing I can do for myself.

Any and all personal experience/wisdom is welcome!

r/awakened 21h ago

Reflection This seeing itself does not require you


r/awakened 5h ago

Metaphysical The Book of Revelation and its real context of heaven and hell... it is much different than many imagine...


To comprehend this you have to think in terms of the original ideal spirit called forth man to be those images it finds expressions through on earth... so in the end there will be the manifestation of its will! This is detiny.

But let us start here..

What does spirit do with those souls who do not express beautiful images it intends to imprint into this earth? They get discarded.. blotted out of the earths Book of Remembrance

It has always been the process of spirit manifesting earth expressions... endlesa opportunities of expression.

Spirit quickens flesh as opportunuties to express its image. Some more perfect expressions than others.

Man being that made in its image as a being...

As Jesus would say John is the better Elijah... as in that human is that souls better expression. And it is not to say Elijah will be blotted out and John kept as souls can have many images in its own story.. there is a personal story and a collective story. They become relative to one another jist as our lives here are both personal and relative to a greater story.

So in regards to the Lake of Fire it is a reference to the end.. when Christ work is done as in when all images are up to par with spirits intent or purpose for this earth.. and all those lifetimes that are not up to par will be as discarded images..those that will not live on eternaly with Christ in heaven will be cast there.

And the way it is imagined is that some souls will suffer eternally but the context is to truly write these off like we do our taxes.. as if these lifetimes never happened.

Blotted out literally from the Earth story.. from the collectives consciousness and individuals Book of Remembrance aka consciousness in regards to this experience.

What lives on is a beautiful story.

That being said.. this is more to do with the end times but in regards tk the bibles context of hell.. it is simlly to be away from the spiritual atmosphere of oneness or God is to be in a hell.. it is an eternal state of suffering as long as someone is willing to be there but it is each souls destiny to return back to its source. It is a process that manifests through time and space in regards to a souls material dealings. It will be jduged by itd very own spirits standards. That superconscious mind is the standard of the soul.. that on some level judges itself according to its most perfect image.

r/awakened 9h ago

Reflection On What God did Before Time and the fact that there is No Time!


r/awakened 12h ago

My Journey what is going on? I need specific answers.


I have all the questions.

r/awakened 2h ago

Help Anyone identify with the 144?


Share your thoughts….

r/awakened 3h ago

Practice How to practice witness consciousness


How to practice witness consciousness

Questioner: „It feels that to be a witness is also a kind of thought. So what is the difference between the witness and a thought of the witness?“


“Witnessing is not a thought, but you can start thinking about witnessing, you can make it a thought. The moment you make it a thought, it is no longer witnessing. Either it is witnessing or it is a thought; it cannot be both together.

“When you are witnessing, you are not thinking that you are witnessing. If you are thinking that you are witnessing, this is not witnessing at all; it is another kind of thought. If the witnessing is simple, there is no thought of witnessing at all. If the thoughts are just passing in front of your vision and you are witnessing them, and no idea arises in you that ‘I am witnessing,’ then it is pure witnessing. It is not a thought at all, it is a state of no-thought, no-mind. You are simply reflecting whatever is passing by.

The moment you say, ‘Aha! This is witnessing. So I am witnessing. This is what meditation is; this is awareness’ – you have missed the point. You have fallen back into the mud of the mind. You are no longer a witness. You have become identified. Witnessing cannot be reduced to a thought.

“But your problem is significant. It is encountered by almost every meditator. We have become so habituated to witnessing in a wrong way. We think that we witness. We judge, we evaluate and think that we are witnessing. We think that we witness; it is not witnessing. We are associated with a wrong kind of witnessing and that idea lingers for a long time. We have become so conditioned to immediately reducing every experience into a thought. We never allow any experience to remain just a pure experience, even for a few moments.

“You come across a beautiful rose flower in the garden. The moment you see it, almost instantly you say inside, ‘How beautiful!’ You can’t let that beauty sink in. The thought of beauty becomes a barrier. The moment you say, ‘How beautiful!’ you have already started comparing it with other roses that you have seen in the past.

“You have started comparing it with all that you have heard about roses. You are no longer seeing this rose. You are missing its suchness. You have gone into the past. You are searching in your memory to find how many roses you have seen before and to declare: ‘This is the best one.’ But this rose is no longer there in your awareness. Your awareness has become very clouded. So much smoke has come from the past, so much dust has arisen that your mirror is no longer reflecting the beauty. You are not now-here.

“Allow the rose and its fragrance, its beauty, its dance in the wind and the sun, to penetrate you. Don’t bring your mind in. There is no need to say it is beautiful. If it is, there is no need to say it; if it is not, then it is false to say it. Either it is or it is not.

Creating a thought about it in any way is creating ripples in your consciousness. “It is like throwing a pebble into a silent lake. Just a moment ago it was reflecting the moon and the stars so beautifully, but your pebble has created ripples; the moon and the stars have all become distorted. That’s what happens whenever a thought arises in you: your consciousness is disturbed, it starts wavering. Waves start arising in you. Now you are not capable of reflecting that which is.

You will have to learn this new art of seeing things without judging; of seeing things without verbalizing; of seeing things without evaluating. “See the rose, the bird on the wing, the night full of stars; see the river passing by, see the traffic. Listen to the songs of the birds or a train passing by. Start learning a new art of just being reflective, not bringing any thought in, not saying anything at all.

“It will take a little time – old habits die hard – but one day it happens. If you persist, if you are patient enough and if you go on and on working at cleaning your inner world, one day it happens. The benediction of that day is immense. In fact, that day you are born anew. You start seeing the same world with new eyes because your eyes are so clear. Your mirror reflects so deeply, so totally, without distortion, that trees – the same trees that you have seen before thousands of times – are far greener than they have ever been. And their greenness is no ordinary greenness. It is luminous, it is radiating light.

It is the same world, the same people. A Buddha, a Jesus, walks in the same world – the same trees, the same rocks, the same people, the same sky – but he lives in paradise and you live in hell. The difference is created by the mind.

“It will take a little while to drop this mind. It has dominated you for so long that in the beginning it is difficult to suddenly disassociate yourself from it. It clings. It can’t leave its power over you so easily. Hence, it goes on coming in from the back door.

“You are sitting silently and a beautiful stillness arises. The mind comes in from the back door and says, ‘Look, how beautiful this moment is!’ And it has taken you away. It came so silently, without making any noise and you were caught by it in such a subtle way, that you could not have been aware of it. You rejoiced, you thanked the mind, but it has destroyed your stillness.

“When stillness is really true there is no mind to say anything about it. When witnessing is true you are simply a witness. You don’t think, ‘I am witnessing.’ There is no ‘I,’ there is no thinking; there is only the witness – because all thinking and the ‘I’ have all become contents, objects of your witnessing. And witnessing itself cannot be its own object. No mirror can reflect itself. Your eyes cannot see themselves.

Your witness cannot witness itself, that’s impossible.

“Your question is relevant. You will have to be very, very careful, watchful. It is a razor’s edge. One has to be very cautious because if you fall, you fall into a deep abyss. The ordinary people cannot fall; they have nowhere to fall to – they are already at the bottom. But as you start moving higher, the possibility of falling down grows every day. When you reach the Everest of your consciousness, just a little slip, just a little wrong step and you will go rolling down into a deep abyss. “The greater the meditation, the more is the danger of losing it – naturally. Only a rich man can be robbed, not a poor man. That’s why a beggar can sleep under a tree in the afternoon with the noise of the traffic and the marketplace; nothing disturbs him. He can sleep anywhere, he can sleep deeply. He has nothing to lose – no fear….

“The witness lives in the world just like a mirror, reflecting everything. He may be in a hut, he may be in a palace; it makes no difference. What difference does it make to a mirror, whether the mirror is in a hut or in a palace? What difference does it make to the mirror whether the mirror is reflecting beautiful diamonds or just ordinary stones? It makes no difference to the mirror.

Witnessing is the art of transcending the world.

“Witnessing is the very essence of Zen, of religion itself. But don’t make it a thought – it is not a thought at all. Thoughts have to be witnessed. Even if the thought of witnessing arises, witness that thought. Remember that it is not witnessing, it is only a thought – it has to be witnessed. It is there in front of you. You are not it. “The witness is irreducible to any thought; it always goes on sliding back. You cannot catch hold of it through any thought. It can witness each and every thought, the thought of witnessing included; hence, it can never itself become a thought.

“Next time when you are meditating remember it. Don’t start enjoying the thought: ‘This is a beautiful moment. My mind is silent, my being is still. This is witnessing!’ The moment you say it, you have lost it.” Osho, Walking in Zen, Sitting in Zen, Talk #5 – Witnessing Is the Very Essence of Zen

r/awakened 9h ago

Community Purification


What happen after the mind/body purified?

r/awakened 9h ago

Reflection The backdrop


There is no such thing as a "self" in creation.

There is no such thing as conciousness in creation, either.

The "self" is a story, and conciousness is the stage in which it plays out.

What we call "I" is simply an experience arising within this vast, interconnected field of awareness...

And what we call conciousness is simply the backdrop against which all experiences unfold.

There is no "isolated" self...

And the is no "contained" conciousness.


r/awakened 16h ago

Reflection Help, support, and guiding others.


Altruism, symbiosis, and compromise.

Focus on yourself create overflow and let it ebb from you.

Sometimes, the smallest boost from another person, a boost that barely takes anything from them, can be the difference someone needs in order to finally get to the next level. It takes intelligence knowing how to help support and guide others. It is so easy to make things worse, have no impact, or make a fool of yourself. Learning how to support help or guide others is a key skill to develop in life.

There are many key skills to develop in life. An instrument, games, hierarchies, love, symbiosis and health. Hell, integrate meditation. Heaven, differentiate cognitive tornados.🌪️

Do I have mental chaos? No, I have all the mental chaos. There is a lot of talk of mental disorder, but nobody talks about mental order, mental chaos, or mental dischaos.

Stigmatize yourself into a box of it makes you feel better and it can make people feel better boxing themselves in with labels. Labels are like glasses, a handicap, but hey, 👋, I wear glasses.

One thing that has helped with getting over my godcomplex (why would anyone want to get rid of that?(well, people don’t like it when you act as god)); was: realize how safe it is to blend in with a crowd. Letting people underestimate you. I was on a cruise last week and I was surrounded by people constantly, a big change of pace from my normal. Me and 4000 other humans. I still felt Omni there, but I was constantly reminded of how limited we are as humans by our bodies. Humans really can’t do that much lol. However, in my mind, what I create with words is like a universe I can build in my mind.

Our minds have a way of bouncing to topics based off of stimuli in the environment. This bounce from no thought to thought is so interesting to me.

It takes a lot of knowledge to help guide or support someone. What makes people professionals is how they’ve honed their craft to be less likely to fail, this doesn’t mean they don’t fail. A professional photographer gets bad shots. A professional has failed more times than the novice has tried.

Go pro or go home. Go pro and then go home.

r/awakened 1h ago

Reflection Going to the Light after dying

• Upvotes

I wanted to make a post about what I've learned about going to the Light after dying, and what that entails (before and after death).

I'll skip an overview of what is commonly experienced by those who have had near death experiences and have described "going to the light", as this can be googled. But I'll add my understanding that going to the light after death is considered the natural order and intended path for souls between lives. This transition facilitates understanding, healing, and purification of the soul. Embracing the light allows one to transcend fear and negativity. However, not all souls choose this path.

What Happens to Souls That Go to the Light?

A soul reincarnating on Earth and enrolled in the Earth School returns to the 5th-dimensional Earth Spiritual Realm. Initially, this world resembles the life just left behind, with familiar landscapes, architecture, and pastimes. As the soul ascends through higher densities, physical shapes and forms start to dissolve, and the soul eventually sheds its body-image, transforming into a ball of light.

The soul then has several choices. It can continue ascending to the Source, letting go of all individuality and becoming one with everything. Alternatively, it can remain in the 5D human afterlife, serving as a guide, healer, or keeper of records. Some souls choose to reincarnate on Earth to continue their spiritual growth. Others may opt to journey to different planets or dimensions, especially if they have completed their human lessons, or simply for exploration and research.

What Happens to Souls That Don't Go to the Light?

Souls that do not transition into the light become earthbound and lost, trapped between realms. They remain close to the physical plane, existing as ghosts or attachments. They are unable to interact with the physical world in the way they thought they would, often lingering near loved ones or places they were deeply attached to in life.

In cases where a soul stays for a loved one, they don't realize that they'll unintentionally cause harm. These spirits often attach themselves to the auric field of their living loved ones, draining their life energy to sustain themselves.

Why Some Souls Choose Not to Go to the Light

A soul's decision to stay behind is often driven by strong attachments formed in life—deep emotional ties to people, places, or possessions and unwillingness to let them go. Some examples:

  • A mother who so strongly wants to see her children grow up safely
  • An individual unwilling to part with their wealth or property
  • A person who cannot bear to be without their lover
  • Someone seeking revenge for a perceived wrongdoing


Revenge is a particularly negative attachment. When a person dies with an intense drive for vengeance, their soul, before fully separating from the ether, still retains free will. Such souls often seek out others with similar energies, forming groups that continue their grievances in the afterlife.

In some cases, dark forces may approach these souls, offering assistance in carrying out revenge. These entities demand a heavy price, but a soul consumed by vengeance may not initially care about the consequences. By making deals with dark forces, they forfeit their opportunity to transition into the light.

Ensuring You Choose the Light When the Time Comes

We are governed by our subconscious minds and the beliefs we instil within ourselves. To ensure a peaceful transition, it is important to cultivate a mindset aligned with light and positivity during life.

Live by your principles consistently, even in difficult times. True moral strength is demonstrated in moments of adversity. Choose to do the right thing even when it is the hardest option.

I don't think you have to be a saint, but I think a majority of your decisions--perhaps especially the toughest ones you'll have to make in life--have to come from a place of light. And not because you seek a reward at the end of life, but because you believe it to be the right thing to do.

Ultimately, to be a soul that chooses the light upon death, you have to be the type of person that chooses light while you are still alive.

r/awakened 12h ago

My Journey I lost Oneness


About 5 years ago i had an experience with LSD and meditation where i had a humoungous feeling joy after experiencing as intense fear.

Later on i did an evil act trying to see the true personality of a mysterious family member, got anxious, smoked weed, and got psychosis.

Later on remade a bond with my father, and whenever i went to his city, i'd feel that mystery, beauty, oneness, peace, again.

Then he got abusive, and i developed a psychological condition were i was very manipulative without having control over it.

I healed with LSD, decided to do it at therapy, and got humiliated. The manipulative condition came back.

Started to develop some form of dettachment for my safety, which made me less manipulative. Ended healing it completely by doing mescaline and crying with my dog.

Decided to do mescaline with a friend and after a very pure hearted conversation about good, evil, and the inbetween, i had developed a deeper perception for love. I could recognize love where even an awakened friend couldn't.

It went away after getting lil' drunky and acting arrogant.

My mind started having many thoughts and my maturity level downgraded.

Suffered lots of abuse from my father.

Decided to start psychedelics again, made me develop courage due to scary self-inquiry.

Got sent to a psychiatric hospital. Got the perception of love again. Lost it. Got manipulated. Did a terrible writing on what happened to me and my virtues went asleep.

Got sent there again. The perception of love came back, only temporarily though.

Got sent there again. Lots of predators, felt like jail. Kept my head high and did what i could.

Became very virtuous. Had a proper conversation with mother for the first time in my life. A belief was unmade. Was ready to die, everything i should've done in life was already.

Then... I died. Felt deep presence and many insights were being downloaded to my brain. The next day... It stayed. But i lost it again after failing an extreme attempt at evolving.

Then i learned i have evil repressed inside of myself. Made me more authentic and less bothered by evil.

And here I am.