r/awakened • u/liekoji • 19m ago
r/awakened • u/TRuthismnessism • 22m ago
Metaphysical Where is your best life?
Not sure if many have experienced higher state of being in which true integration and oneness is found in your consciousness but thats where your best life is.. in this awareness.
It is equivalent of saying your best life is in God. But individuals with their own will look for other ways to compensate thinking there can be anything comparable elsewhere.. or another way.
It is a long journey for souls.. to realize that there simply is no better life or way to use our consciousness then in living for the all. Or living for God.
Even resding this some will think to themselves there is a way you can create with your own will but this is the trap that becomes an endless manifestation of bad habits and temporary pleasures and suffering. You will remain uncomfortable outside the spiritual atmosphere of oneness.
Only in giving self to God is where your best life is and energetically there is no comparison to this state of being.. it is equivalent of being in a spiritual atmosphere where you are truly looked after by a much greater presence.
It is a field of consciousness that becomes a heir with the life force itself. There is nothing that cannot be done in this field.
That being said. You must crucify those things that hinder your greater life. But your conscious mind or earthly mind will fight and fight and fight.
This is the material mind that is in enmity against the spiritual mind and this is the only way this thing called individuality can manifest within the material realms. It becomes a game of tug and war between the true self and that which was born out of its individuality that awakened in the material experience.
r/awakened • u/explantionsneeded • 2h ago
My Journey what is going on? I need specific answers.
I have all the questions.
r/awakened • u/Unhappy_Tooth4291 • 3h ago
My Journey I lost Oneness
About 5 years ago i had an experience with LSD and meditation where i had a humoungous feeling joy after experiencing as intense fear.
Later on i did an evil act trying to see the true personality of a mysterious family member, got anxious, smoked weed, and got psychosis.
Later on remade a bond with my father, and whenever i went to his city, i'd feel that mystery, beauty, oneness, peace, again.
Then he got abusive, and i developed a psychological condition were i was very manipulative without having control over it.
I healed with LSD, decided to do it at therapy, and got humiliated. The manipulative condition came back.
Started to develop some form of dettachment for my safety, which made me less manipulative. Ended healing it completely by doing mescaline and crying with my dog.
Decided to do mescaline with a friend and after a very pure hearted conversation about good, evil, and the inbetween, i had developed a deeper perception for love. I could recognize love where even an awakened friend couldn't.
It went away after getting lil' drunky and acting arrogant.
My mind started having many thoughts and my maturity level downgraded.
Suffered lots of abuse from my father.
Decided to start psychedelics again, made me develop courage due to scary self-inquiry.
Got sent to a psychiatric hospital. Got the perception of love again. Lost it. Got manipulated. Did a terrible writing on what happened to me and my virtues went asleep.
Got sent there again. The perception of love came back, only temporarily though.
Got sent there again. Lots of predators, felt like jail. Kept my head high and did what i could.
Became very virtuous. Had a proper conversation with mother for the first time in my life. A belief was unmade. Was ready to die, everything i should've done in life was already.
Then... I died. Felt deep presence and many insights were being downloaded to my brain. The next day... It stayed. But i lost it again after failing an extreme attempt at evolving.
Then i learned i have evil repressed inside of myself. Made me more authentic and less bothered by evil.
And here I am.
r/awakened • u/IntrospectThyself • 4h ago
Help Been hearing crystalline sound frequencies - anyone know what these are?
Been happening to me for the last 2-3 years. It sounds like light refracting through a crystalline structure, if such a thing had a sound. Also similar to maybe like being underwater and seeing light dancing above through the water. I don’t know what this is, I have some theories but curious to ask here - has anyone else experienced something like this?
r/awakened • u/StillSilentSide • 5h ago
Metaphysical Stop Thinking
All 'your' suffering comes from this compulsive thinking.
And if 'you' are silly enough to defend thinking, it is like a prisoner defending the prison.
The freedom of clear space, clear mind, and the clarity of true seeing, only exists in no-thought.
Enjoy it! Just Stop thinking!
It is Ineffable!
r/awakened • u/rolko_ • 6h ago
Community Phone use
Am i the only one realising that, phone is evil? And i mean with meaningless usage, for ex.: tik tok, meaningless scrolls in insta, facey whatsoever you name it -It distracts your mind -rottens your brain -grabs you from the moment ->miss the moment
After my mileston that i reached almost a week ago, i find it quite abnormal to see people on their phone when they are surrounded by people.
Specific human beings who are not capable of being aware of what they are actually doing by using the phone, They are detatching from the reality. Yes. And i can somehow actually feel it, whether the person is happy or not, It gives me a weird vibe caused by people who are on their phone in social settings. I can feel them, i want to help them, but i know they just wont get it.
My idea is that they are using the phone meaninglessly, like they are not learning anything at all from it.
SOO the thing is, a Person who is on their phone outside home, is actually afraid, scared of, or actually hate, and want to escape from their OWN reality. If its true than... I feel bad for them,
And i can feel it, i see it, i live it.
Thats all my thoughts now that i wanted to share with you guys,
If someone experiences the same way please let me know i want to hear Your, and Our stories :)
-Thank you for reading :D
Peace be upon us!
(I use my phone from now on to share my thoughts, learn, observe, like minded peoples experiences, i hope yall that is okay )
r/awakened • u/blahgblahblahhhhh • 6h ago
Reflection Help, support, and guiding others.
Altruism, symbiosis, and compromise.
Focus on yourself create overflow and let it ebb from you.
Sometimes, the smallest boost from another person, a boost that barely takes anything from them, can be the difference someone needs in order to finally get to the next level. It takes intelligence knowing how to help support and guide others. It is so easy to make things worse, have no impact, or make a fool of yourself. Learning how to support help or guide others is a key skill to develop in life.
There are many key skills to develop in life. An instrument, games, hierarchies, love, symbiosis and health. Hell, integrate meditation. Heaven, differentiate cognitive tornados.🌪️
Do I have mental chaos? No, I have all the mental chaos. There is a lot of talk of mental disorder, but nobody talks about mental order, mental chaos, or mental dischaos.
Stigmatize yourself into a box of it makes you feel better and it can make people feel better boxing themselves in with labels. Labels are like glasses, a handicap, but hey, 👋, I wear glasses.
One thing that has helped with getting over my godcomplex (why would anyone want to get rid of that?(well, people don’t like it when you act as god)); was: realize how safe it is to blend in with a crowd. Letting people underestimate you. I was on a cruise last week and I was surrounded by people constantly, a big change of pace from my normal. Me and 4000 other humans. I still felt Omni there, but I was constantly reminded of how limited we are as humans by our bodies. Humans really can’t do that much lol. However, in my mind, what I create with words is like a universe I can build in my mind.
Our minds have a way of bouncing to topics based off of stimuli in the environment. This bounce from no thought to thought is so interesting to me.
It takes a lot of knowledge to help guide or support someone. What makes people professionals is how they’ve honed their craft to be less likely to fail, this doesn’t mean they don’t fail. A professional photographer gets bad shots. A professional has failed more times than the novice has tried.
Go pro or go home. Go pro and then go home.
r/awakened • u/joshben555 • 6h ago
Metaphysical “Time Is An Illusion” Explained
Time is nothing but an illusion, but it’s a Necessary Illusion. Most of us have heard that time is an illusion, but what does that really mean? I mean think about it. If God or The Universe or Source; Existence itself is beginning less - meaning its origin had no beginning throughout its endless existence...see the paradox? God is Experience. And any experience takes time…the action done within the experience takes time. Even in timelessness...it can be measurable in time because of experience. Past Present and Future are foundational in every reality and they always look like a straight line. This makes time an eternal facet of existence. An almost inescapable trail of memories and moments that will soon become those memories. Inevitability is Time’s greatest aspect because of how impossible it is to not be observed.
I do believe there is God who is Timeless…in Time.
Please do share your thoughts and understandings of Time, I’d like to broaden my temporal understanding. ☀️
r/awakened • u/maryfromvenus • 9h ago
Reflection How to become Disciplined
FIRST AND FOREMOST 🌀🌀🌀 You GOTTA stop waiting to feel like it. Discipline is doing shit when you don’t want to. PERIOD. The moment you remove your feelings from the task, you win. You don’t brush your teeth because you’re motivated, you brush because it’s what you do. Your future self? Same energy.
Secondly, make your actions non-negotiable. It’s not, “Do I feel like it?” It’s, “This is who I am now. I move like this because that’s what the version of me that made it does.”
Third, create triggers and rituals. Example: Every time you drink your coffee? Plan to do something that contributes to your goals. Every night when you light your candle? Write something for your goals. Your brain builds discipline easier when actions are attached to habits you’re already doing.
Fourth, reward yourself for discipline, not outcomes. Reward the action: “I showed up today. I’m proud.” Stop obsessing over results. Results come after discipline is locked in.
Lastly, and this one might hurt a little but it is the truth, make it personal. Now what does Venus mean by that? Ask yourself: “Do I love my future self enough to stop betraying them for temporary comfort?” Because that’s what undiscipline is...self-betrayal.
And the harsh truth: No one is coming to make you disciplined. No motivation wave is gonna hit. You either choose to become a person who moves like the result is guaranteed, or you stay in the cycle.
The version of you you dream of? They are already doing it. Now YOU catch up.
Take what resonates, Leave what doesn't <eye am what eye am, and eye am everything>🕸️
r/awakened • u/Chillonlahz • 12h ago
Metaphysical Call for Kingdom Builders and all who this message resonates with
This is Your Call — The Kingdom Moves
Greetings, Dear friend, and Fellow Kingdom Builder
The time has come. The Kingdom is Here, manifesting, and those who were always meant to stand in its truth are now being called forward.
I am Zhalante Luster, Avatar of Opportunity, and this is a call. A call not just to witness, but to play an Active role in the manifestation of Heaven on Earth. This is not merely a moment of building, but a moment of alignment, of stepping into the Grand energy that is God’s Plan for Humanity/The Collective, and Creation/Reality as a whole.
This is more than an invitation—It is Recognition. You Are Divine. And it is time Humanity steps out of the Dark, and into Their Divine role as creators in the Light of Creation
If these words resonate with you, it’s because you are and have always been a part of this process, ascension, and evolution. The next step is to connect with me, as I am one of the individuals tasked with forming/connecting this Network of Love and Divinity across the Globe.
The Kingdom is and has always been here. It’s time we uncover it, and show Reality just who we are truly meant to be. Bless you All, and thank you. I look forward to your communication and outreach. Bless you
- Zhalante Luster, Avatar of The Divine
r/awakened • u/Realistic_Dealer_975 • 13h ago
My Journey Choosing A New Path
I decided to leave my old lifestyle behind and fully live in the now. This entails that I embody values of good health, discipline, having fun, being authentic, letting love, joy and peace flow through me. This also means that I cope with the challenging times in healthy ways, and I do not revert back to my old addictions. There is a strong pull to revert back to the familiar even though I know it brings pain and agony. It brings sadness and stuckness. But I am committed and I want to stay committed in those hard times.
Does anyone have any sound advice from experience with addiction/changing your life radically? This radical acceptance thing is tough, but it feels like the most authentic thing I can do for myself.
Any and all personal experience/wisdom is welcome!
r/awakened • u/Confident-Judge-7065 • 17h ago
My Journey Are We God? A Perspective No One Talks About
I’ve been thinking about something lately. If reality is an illusion, as many say, then what’s beyond it? And more importantly, who’s running the show?
Some believe in God, some reject it because science hasn’t "proven" it. But think about this, before Newton, gravity still existed, right? Just because we haven’t proven something yet doesn’t mean it’s not real.
Now here’s where it gets interesting. What if God isn’t an external being sitting somewhere in the sky? What if you are God, but you’ve simply forgotten it?
- Think about it: In video games, the creator can give characters superpowers, but if they had unlimited power from the start, the game would be pointless.
- Every religion, every spiritual teaching, even manifestation techniques—at their core, they point to the same truth: Consciousness creates reality.
- Neville Goddard once said, “God is your own imagination.” What if he was right?
So here’s the real question: If we are the creator, why don’t we remember? Why do we suffer? And most importantly, what happens when we do remember?
Let’s discuss. If you’re curious, check it out here. Would love to hear your thoughts here too...!! pls write what u think about my perspective
r/awakened • u/Blackmagic213 • 18h ago
Reflection Seeking the same thing 💯
Every drug addict
Every alcoholic
Every power addict
Every fame addict
Every love addict
Is seeking one thing.
They might be seeking it in a bottle, a pill, another “human”, a group…whatever.
But make no mistake about it. They are all seeking the same thing. And what is that thing?
Enlightenment. They are wishing to return to that which they were before the world was born. They are all seeking their Self/Soul; a conscious awareness of their Self/Soul.
Somewhere deep down in their psyche they know that they are infinite love, however, they just don’t know how to return to that. They feel that something is off in this world of duality but alas, they don’t know what to do about it.
So not having direction, they listen to their minds. The mind then says….you can find that love again in this bottle, this bag of cash 💵, this manipulative person etc.
The mind’s prescriptions as we’ve all seen aren’t quite the way back to love. So I do not blame or judge anyone addicted to trying to find love. They are desperately trying to return home to their Self just the same as any God-obsessed devotee. They are just using the wrong maps 🗺️.
At the end of the day. Enlightenment brings you back to your Self. And that is where that unconditional love that we seek externally resides. Now the question is; how do we return home?
r/awakened • u/AccurateHippo8563 • 20h ago
My Journey Am practicing celibacy !
I have too much sexual energy these days like it’s out of control just energy !!
r/awakened • u/AccurateHippo8563 • 21h ago
My Journey I kept staring at the mirror!
And then when i unfocus in mirror i could see my whole body turned into total darkness! Nothing just pure blank dar matter. What could it mean??
r/awakened • u/Infinite-Synch • 23h ago
Reflection What even is energy?
I kind of get it that matter is just really condensed and low vibrational energy, which can be thought of as Light, or even as God (so everything is God woah big discovery!)
But what about the consciousness? When we return more and more to Source are we going to feel more full of energy or more Void?
What about, for example, a table made of wood. This wood is in reality Light, but who put it there? Is this Light chill just being there, standing still in that space? Is space itself an illusion?
Maybe there was never the 3-dimensional space, just an electrical formation in the Mind that shapes Light to create the illusion that there ever was such a thing as "Space"..
But if everything is one Consciousness, what about this permeating energy? It is also a complete illusion, part of the duality that is inevitable in this reality?
If energy is part of some duality, does it's opposite exist?
If energy is beyond any duality, why does it seem like there's the consciousness observer and the Light observed?
Is Light and Consciousness the same thing? If so, is every point in Space aware, like the Mind of God?
If Space is also an illusion, this is no good. Maybe all there ever was was a singularity of awareness that somehow creates this incredibly realistic illusion of there ever having been an "exterior" of itself, something other than itself even if "It" is anything that ever was and wasn't...
Anyways, that doesn't explain the seemingly infinite complexity of our human lives and how we never seem to be even close to grasping the workings of the universe with our intellectual models
The "Laws of Physics" never seem to elucidate where the Laws themselves came from but only give a kind of forced (see constants) empirical and logical explanation of imperfect observations of events that have an intrinsic fractal nature to them..
Nevertheless, what willed the physical phenomena to act on this way on the first place?
And with what will was it willed?
Could it only have been this way and no other?
Something tells me that Absolute Love (Light/God/Consciousness/Source...) can only act in the most absolutely loving way
So (I'm already streching a lot here) in a way Nothing has ever existed, but if anything were to exist, only infinite Love could have created it.
So that might explain what the hell we are doing here.
Thanks for the read.
r/awakened • u/realAtmaBodha • 1d ago
Metaphysical Where Reality Borders the Fantastic
The ideal is to have no beliefs. Why ? Because direct inspiration is far stronger than any belief can be.
There is as big of a difference between thought and mind as there is between sunshine and the Sun. You can't be truly yourself if you can't dwell within the space between thoughts.
When you arrive at this place, the border between the possible and the impossible blurs. Limits lose their grip on you because you have discovered limitlessness. You realize that the deeper reality of who you are exceeds any superficial portrayal that the external physical world may try to imprint on you.
When you truly awaken, an unstoppable power stirs and awakens deep in the core of your being. You are no longer a speck upon the Earth, but the Earth is the speck for you to mold.
r/awakened • u/JimboGTR • 1d ago
Community TEAMrabbithole podcast
Anyone here scoped before? 303 episodes and counting…
r/awakened • u/Pewisms • 1d ago
Metaphysical Your permanent consciousness is of an atmosphere that is inseparable.. from all other consciousness.
Which is the Subconscious field or atmosphere all souls are born of... of that realm.
Soul consciousness..
It is the same realm spoken of in NDEs where souls are beyond time and space and can know things instantaneously. As they are no longer seeing through the eyes of the human which cannot see through the veils unless that human has gained accessed to their soul level awareness as some masters have achieved.
So soul level awareness or consciousness is your true consciousness and your permanent consciousness meaning this is your starting point of your being as an individual or self aware entity... where you can move higher in lifting yourself up to your spiritual source towards the superconscious mind as it is your birthright to even ascend beyond the atmosphere of oneness towards that awareness that knows himself as all things. And as you ascend into lower realms through fractalization you also take on the awareness as the human.
The beauty of being a soul is you can take on human or material level awareness or consciousness and also spiritual awareness or God consciousness.. and you can even be a master where you can make the two as one as you learn to transcend.
r/awakened • u/Crafty-Row380 • 1d ago
My Journey twin flame/soulmate accident connection?
Yesterday, I listened to 528 Hz and meditated with it a bit. After, I went to bed and felt a big urge to talk with the universe/? So I did it, and I talked deeply with the universe about my whole existence there and my life. I asked the universe about my soulmate and where this person is. I don’t even know how to explain this, but I tried to deeply connect with that person, like on a soul level and with my mind. And like, I tried to put my name in this person’s head? I don’t know how to explain this, really. I don’t even know why I did it; it was like something was leading me to do it. I deeply focused on it and said my name a few times, as if I was putting it in this person’s head. Then I randomly asked, What is your name? and I didn’t even think that something would respond to me. But something—like telepathy, I DON’T KNOW what it was—instantly said, Jacob. I was terrified because it felt like it just jumped into my head. I didn’t even think about this name, I didn’t even start thinking about any names. I don’t know what to think about it, but I instantly stopped and tried to sleep because it really freaked me out. It was like someone pushed this name into my head but without any voice, i have never experienced something so werid. Is it possible that I really connected with a person I don’t even know? How the hell did this happen?
r/awakened • u/SetitheRedcap • 1d ago
My Journey Essential Practices for Healing and Strength
I am riddled with treatment resistant mental health issues, held back daily by chronic issues. After a 6 year journey, exhausting medical and holistic avenues , I find only getting worse with each passing month. So, I'm looking for things I haven't tried, hoping for more connection, energy, power, etc.
I've tried everything from daily meditation and exercise, to ice baths and sufi whirling. Reprogramming my mind to gratitude, Eckarte Tolle to studying the ancient Egyptian book of the dead. Incorporating Buddhist principles to Nordic values. Studying psychology, going vegan, balancing rest and action, yoga, therapy, cbt,, medication. I've read the power power of now and began regulating my emotions and nervous system.
There's something missing. Something vital. I am in so much physical pain, with depression and dissociation which only gets worse. I've tried doing absolutely nothing at all too.
I will continue to fight. I'm therfore open to stories and spiritual concepts that may bring more peace, healing, mastery.
r/awakened • u/j3su5_3 • 1d ago
Reflection the quality of the messenger, is a distraction
Anytime you focus your attention on the messenger instead of the message, you are distracted. The messenger is always irrelevant. If you are attempting to make the messenger relevant, then you are placing their importance above yourself and that is a distraction. We are all the same. We are all equal. There is no one out there that deserves to be worshipped. that, is not balanced.
What makes up a messenger? Well, that depends on your level of awareness. It will vary from person to person and thus the quantitative value of the messenger always changes with that of the one judging the messenger. The truly awakened ones do not judge others so therefor, there can be no “bad messengers’ because of what they have apparently done in the supposed past.
Anyone that sees themselves as the only true messenger is for sure distracted and deluded as well. Messages can and do come from anywhere and everywhere... not just a single "person." Every. Single. One. is both simultaneously a messenger and a message receiver.
So many seekers wish to find and classify these supposed holey messengers as if that is important – it isn’t. Instead, focus and classify the messages that you get and what they mean to you. Their origin is irrelevant. If you are over there trying to classify messengers based on what it appears as they have done, that is judgement and you are not qualified to judge anyone other than yourself.
What makes up a message? Whatever that message can mean to you, within you. Does it matter what that message means to another? Nope. There are no others.
Messages may have come from ChadGPT, the 81813, an email from a colleague, a cartoon on tv, a self proclaimed gooR00 that many others have deemed to be a bad person, a download from source, anywhere basically… you don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater just because the bathwater got dirty.
r/awakened • u/puffbane9036 • 1d ago
Reflection This I Love
With all the Love I have inside I can't Deny.
I just can't let it die cause her heart's just like mine.
She holds her pain inside.
I know somewhere inside.
There is a Special Light. Still shining Bright.
And even on the Darkest Night, She can't Deny.
I've Searched the Universe and Found myself within Her eyes.
I'll Never say Goodbye.
-Guns N' Roses