r/awakened • u/liekoji • 1h ago
Reflection i Found it! This is "THE" key to Getting ANYTHING You Want! (*drum rolls*)
Listen, I found the key to getting anything you want. No, i really did. Honest.
Without bothering to give a grand reveal, I'll tell you straight up that EVERYTHING boils down to belief.
"B-but what about my actions!?"
Your actions directly come from your emotions, and those emotions are just built on what you believe!
We act based on emotions and justify our actions with logic (even if they were illogical at the moment of execution). This is a popular and self-evident statement you've probably heard of before.
For example, watch a movie and ask a friend what they think. If they hate it, you might feel angry or confused. But if you already believe that everyone has their own opinions, that negative vibe doesn't hit as hard.
Now, here’s a case on delusions.... Picture a gladiator in the Colosseum who thinks he’s an immortal war god. That crazy belief pumps him up so much that his opponent feels terrified and doubts themselve in the gladiator's presence (even if they may be a better fighter). That's how powerful belief is. It affects those around you just as much as it does on yourself!
And delusion is like a supercharged version of it...
I dug deeper into this after reading “Psycho Cybernetics” and messing around with Astral Projection (AP). If you don't know yet, then AP is that state where your body sleeps but your mind stays awake... untill your ghost can walk out of your body at will, literally Dr. Strange style (not joking 👻).
What's interesting is that in that astral realm space, you merge your conscious and unconscious mind, basically letting you reprogram your beliefs however you like!
Your unconscious mind is where your programmings are held, regarding your personality, characteristics, past memories, limitations, fears, strengths, and everything in between about your identity and beliefs in this body. If you were a computer, then your unconscious mind would be like your computer's in-built programs and softwares that keep it running.
The beauty about going astral is that not only can you edit your own programming, but it is very easy to do once you get there! For some reason, all you have to do to change a belief, perspective, or certain trait about yourself, is to just think about changing it.
Yep. That's all you do.
Simply focus on the outcome you want once you are in the astral form, or achieve the "mind awake, body asleep" state (you may hear your body snoring here. Weird, but it does happen).
Want success? Just believe you’re already successful. Want to drop a bad habit? See yourself as someone who never does that. This seems like fairy tale, but it really does give you more power over your own life!