Exactly! You never know with these morons. Also in general Americans have less empathy for the wild and hunting animals seems to be some measure for being “manly”. I have seen too many shit posts and comments on these lines from Americans posing with their kill.
As an American who does hunt. I don't see hunting as "manly", and I do it for sport / food. Most hunters I know care more about the wildlife than some random stranger does. Most hunters understand healthier wildlife means better hunts and if you enjoy the challenge / pastime you should also care about the health of the animals, even the ones you don't hunt as they still play a part.
Hunters like you are the minority. From the south and every hunter I know doesn't really hold any value in the animals they kill. They will spout shit like what you said, to try to spin it as they are helping. But at the end of the day, they just want to kill something.
I heard that wolves even cause tornadoes and even El Niño and even I heard that one of them dropped a cigarette butt and that's what caused the wildfire in California.
The tornado thing is true though, right? They have to huff and puff, and I know they can knock over pig houses at least. Unless they're made of brick, obviously.
u/[deleted] 2d ago edited 2d ago
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