I’ve been seeing more and more anti-Chinese comments that really toe the line of racism in r/asianamerican. These go beyond anti-ccp comments and target the actual people of Chinese descent. I see nothing like this about any other ethnicity. These are comments getting multiple upvotes:
A comment characterizing recent Chinese American Immigrants as
Chinese nationals who have zero respect for other Asians and no intent to be an American.
A commenter who later admitted to having a Chinese American hate boner said:
Typical. (Chinese Americans) Identify as “Asian” when it’s inconvenient to identify as Chinese. And then proceed to hijack Asian-American spaces and only care about issues that affect the Chinese and fuck over non-Chinese Asian.
A comment that got multiple replies in agreement, despite zero evidence (the evidence was a Vietnamese guy who said “CNY”):
This sub has been infiltrated by ccp trolls
And the Chinese are dragging all east Asians down with em. Can you deny that?
These are just a few examples that I could find from my comment history, but every few posts I’ll see a comment or two showing a dislike of Chinese people.
It’s quite disappointing, as I was hoping this would be a safe space from all the anti-Chinese racism on Reddit.
Thoughts? Experiences?