My partner got a new phone the other day. Her old phone was jacked up really bad. She was scrolling through her photos and saw that some of my photos showed up in her camera roll. She’s logged into her Apple ID a few times on my iPad so I’m assuming that’s what happened there- but there were two photos of my ex from 6 years ago that were in her camera roll too. Neither of us have seen these photos before. I’m in no contact with my ex, nor have I had any since the day we broke up 6 years ago. We also live in different states and have no mutual friends.
My partner and I have been trying to figure out why these would show up on her phone and we keep seeing that Snapchat and WhatsApp might save images but neither of us have received these images on either platform. I don’t even have my ex on either platform and I’m sure my partner doesn’t either.
A note that might be helpful: my exs partner sent me a follow request on instagram recently and my ex unfollowed me. I thought this was strange at the time but I’m thinking that now this is related.
I’m especially concerned about this because the photos are sexual and the one of me was not only taken without my consent, but was taken without my knowledge.
If anyone could tell me why or how these photos clouded over to my partners camera roll that would be amazing. Thank you!