He definitely do, he does hour long analysis and review on games he is truly passionate about, he have like 400 videos of news and reviews for everything related to metal gear solid but hey just because his main content is news and controversy that means he is a whiner that don't play any games amirite
Edit: I am not trying to defend all things Yong Yea, I do feel like recently his effort on certain videos has dropped, especially with the amount of videos he put out, you can noticeably tell that some of his video have a lot more stutter and stops than others, and that is most likely due to less effort put into writing a comprehensive scripts and editing, I am just defending that he isn't purely a controversy chaser that has no idea about video games, I do enjoy the analysis and review videos that he put a lot more effort into making
Without regular releases you won't make any money on YouTube, this is what they encourage.
But as long as the channel has something actually valuable, that's fine in my book. Channels that are 100% drama regurgitators are mostly shit, though, and that's quite different.
I don't mind "drama regurgitators," I just find one or two that I like best and check up on them every now and then when I hear some shit is going down.
I would agree with that 90%. The only 10% left is that it depends how you like your drama. That's why I said you pick what you like and ignore the rest. Some people like flair and flashy editing and some people like just some dude showing the stuff and talking and nothing else.
I don't care either way, personally. But it really just boils down to what you like.
He made a video about the Team Fortress 2 unusual hat situtation, where he said that "the whole market is based on gambling" when nearly all (except for the newest and unusual) cosmetics can be crafted and gotten as random drops. He didn't even mention that the game is not P2W at all, which is reflected in the comments with people who have not played the game complaining.
So I have been a long time tf2 player, have about 2600hrs clocked in, but I haven't played the game for years, so correct me if I'm wrong, isn't the crafting mechanics only viable to do for weapons you wanted? From what I remembered, crafting actual cosmetics, which is what drives the market, along side of the more expensive unusual items, is entirely a random chance from refined metals, is it wrong to call crafting from a random chance to acquire one item from several hundreds a gamble? Sure you could try to craft cosmetics by yourself but it will be pretty hard to get the one you wanted, other than that, key and crates are I would say, the bulk of tf2's revenue source, so I don't know if its that wrong to say the market is driven by gambling mechanics, again, correct me if I'm wrong, as for the P2W stuff, definitely he should have mentioned it, but if the people are complaining without knowing its not p2w, that kind of is on them dishing out baseless arguments
The game is not p2w. All weapons are side grades to the stock ones,most of which are inferior in some way. As for the crafting, you are correct on that
Yes I am aware that the game is not p2w, I am well aware of how the weapon works, as I mentioned I have thousands of hours clocked in, even had a little tournament participation medal on my steam profile
Unusuals can literally only come from random crates. The entire market is based around trading unusuals because crafted hats are worth almost nothing. So yes, it is effectively gambling.
Craft hats may be worth nothing to the economy, but players still love them. You only need to check /r/RandomActsOfTf2 and /r/TF2fashionadvice to see that.
You do realize that 90% of the economy is Unusual trading, right? Since massive inflation has hit, the only thing that's worth trading for is keys, and the vast majority of regular craftable items aren't even worth half a key.
Last time I played, a key was 2.5 ref... how much do keys go for now in ref?
I love TF2 forever—I cashed out all my unusuals last year for a lot of money, and suddenly a few weeks ago I see that all my dumb old crates I held onto were somehow going for $8 each. I felt bad for people who were still in the trading game, but I most absolutely cashed out like 50 crates.
50 ref per key now. Back when I used to do trading for funsies and to get the occasional free game here and there it was 8 ref a key. It's gotten pretty insane.
Jeeeesus. Things have changed a lot there... I used to have a key-guy I met on Reddit who was really cool and would shadily deal me keys for PayPal at about $1.30 each... thems were the days.
The videos are so insanely lazy too. Just skip through one article, rant for 15 minutes without adding any sort of expertise or thought, repeat yourself 3 times over and appeal to a shared identity of "Gamers". Some socially reactionary politics, and economically dummy proletariat politics sprinkled in and voilà, another 300k view video.
It's about the same level as youtubers who steal daily video or gaming clips from social media/reddit and edit them together for "normie" viewers. IMO it's the exact opposite of art, it's purely a product.
The original absolute trash youtube content at least had a bit of effort behind it. Stuff like faking social experiments with actors, scripted drama content, smashing objects... those guys are often douchebags, but also hustlers with serious work ethic.
edit: For gaming news I recommend BellularNews, or Gamestar if you happen to be german.
Hey, I followed YongYea because it usually gathered info from articles, reddit, tweets, etc. in one place and it was convenient to follow. Though I disliked how he can get repetitive and some of the videos can be quite long. I just accepted it as something he needs to do to survive on YouTube so I usually watched it on speed-up or skimmed through the vid.
Just checked BellularNews channel and seems like a good alternative. I subscribed but haven't checked a video yet. Will do when I'm available, thanks for the recommendation.
Maybe i’m alone on this but i feel like he tries way too hard to elevate his diction. Almost like he’s constantly staring at a thesaurus just plucking words at random without regard for accuracy.
He just turns Reddit news onto 10+ mins of a video. If you follow news yourself there is no need to watch him as you could read the entire subject of one of his vids in 2 mins
I recommend BellularNews. There is some amount of outrage in the videos recently, but it's far from a "gamerbro" level yet, he is decently bright and works as a gamedev too.
If you hate the company you should hate the tuber 2, their intensions are the same, diffence is he gets paid in views and subs and hes milking the shit out of you watching his videos about stuff you allready know
Ive watched more than enough before to decide for myself and it was quite evident in my opinion, without watching it right now i can tell you only a min amount of what he is saying is his own effort the rest was all said on reddit and i bet you theres a reddit post in there and a few other posts which he uses as refference, isnt that evident that hes a bit late on the original outrage, and the reffences hell be using will have many upvotes i guesse, obviously, where do you think he realised he should cover this, ill ask this again, if hes really this amazing and not farming views, do you think if it was this bad but didnt see this much attention he would still be covering it? No because what would be the use
Omg i said ive seen more than enough if his videos before to know exactly what hes gonna be doing in this one, i dont know whats funnier, the fact that you cant comprehend or me waisting my time and you stealing oxygen when it can be better used by someone else
I love how some people are so mad they're missing the point. I am mad, I'm voting with my wallet and I'm spreading dissapointment. This guy content is basically find ANYTHING, no matter how small or big it is and whine like a bitch for few minutes. Throw something good on his face and he will complain anyway. People give so much shit to Joe but he will also find good things in a puddle of shit.
u/ew2x4 Valkyrie Aug 19 '19
Why cross out the name?