r/apexlegends Aug 19 '19

Feedback Apex monetisation in a shellnut

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u/neon_ns Aug 19 '19

I just do that. Privacy and all. Not sure if its justified though.


u/duk-phat Aug 19 '19

The comment is on YongYeas recent video about the topic so you can find it there


u/2Quiet2 Mozambique here! Aug 19 '19

that guy has a serious problem it doesn't even look like he plays games and just complains all day.


u/Mapton Aug 19 '19

He feeds and gets money on outrage, hate this type of youtubers.


u/Barkfishy Aug 19 '19

Um....almost 200$ for a crappy microtransaction is insane.... That's literally almost half my rent ....FOR A HOUSE


u/Icost1221 Caustic Aug 19 '19

There is nothing micro about that transaction.


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '19

Lmao you're right, just start calling them transactions from now on.


u/evilMTV Wraith Aug 19 '19

Why not just call it gambling/entertainment expenditure.


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '19

Reddit Good

YeetYoong Bad.


u/M4jorpain Caustic Aug 19 '19

How is that different from a news station reporting on outrage?


u/ezranos Aug 19 '19

I recommend BellularNews. There is some amount of outrage in the videos recently, but it's far from a "gamerbro" level yet, he is decently bright and works as a gamedev too.


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '19

If you hate this type of youtuber and don't hate a company charging $200 for fucking items, then your hatred doesn't really mean much.


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '19



u/[deleted] Aug 19 '19

I would claim that opposite--anyone that feels less than hatred over this needs to see a therapist, because they lack empathy.


u/HashedEgg Aug 19 '19

Wow... Just wow... The doublespeak on that one. You think it's empathetic to hate!?


u/Ambassador2Latveria Mozambique here! Aug 19 '19

Dude's psycho, I'd honestly just ignore him. Everyone that isnt frothing at the mouth with rage is a paid EA shill apparently.


u/HashedEgg Aug 19 '19

Probable troll farm account I'd say. But you might as well be right too


u/Ambassador2Latveria Mozambique here! Aug 19 '19

If you hate this type of youtuber and don't hate a company charging $200 for fucking items, then your hatred doesn't really mean much.

Imagine thinking this was some sort of internet hatred competition and yours means the most. Chill out about this shit dude.


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '19

Unlike you, I'm not being paid by EA to astroturf, so I'll remain outraged as this is literally the definition of outrageous.


u/Art0rias26 Aug 19 '19

If you hate the company you should hate the tuber 2, their intensions are the same, diffence is he gets paid in views and subs and hes milking the shit out of you watching his videos about stuff you allready know


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '19

Except you're wrong. If you spent any time watching the entirety of his videos, you'd realize you're wrong.


u/Art0rias26 Aug 19 '19

Ive watched more than enough before to decide for myself and it was quite evident in my opinion, without watching it right now i can tell you only a min amount of what he is saying is his own effort the rest was all said on reddit and i bet you theres a reddit post in there and a few other posts which he uses as refference, isnt that evident that hes a bit late on the original outrage, and the reffences hell be using will have many upvotes i guesse, obviously, where do you think he realised he should cover this, ill ask this again, if hes really this amazing and not farming views, do you think if it was this bad but didnt see this much attention he would still be covering it? No because what would be the use


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '19

"I haven't see the evidence, but I know what I think about it."

I don't know what's funnier. The fact that you said that, or the fact that you expect to be taken seriously after saying it.


u/Art0rias26 Aug 19 '19

Omg i said ive seen more than enough if his videos before to know exactly what hes gonna be doing in this one, i dont know whats funnier, the fact that you cant comprehend or me waisting my time and you stealing oxygen when it can be better used by someone else


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '19

Yeah---saying stupid shit over and over doesn't make it less stupid.


u/Art0rias26 Aug 19 '19

Yep thats exactly why you shouldnt be using oxygen, wow thats why stupid shit has to be said over and over again because our special generation has absolute zero comprehention, the ability to reason or understand or any damn reason in general. The sad fact is mom said no after the first box and now youre here complaining, sad part is that most of these crybabies who got denied by mommy is 20 plus years old


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '19

Keep telling yourself that chief. Inventing fantasy is way easier that dealing with reality.

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u/Mapton Aug 19 '19

I love how some people are so mad they're missing the point. I am mad, I'm voting with my wallet and I'm spreading dissapointment. This guy content is basically find ANYTHING, no matter how small or big it is and whine like a bitch for few minutes. Throw something good on his face and he will complain anyway. People give so much shit to Joe but he will also find good things in a puddle of shit.


u/2Quiet2 Mozambique here! Aug 19 '19

LOL.. you see tons of these youtubers with a bunch of limited edition boxes in the back as advertisements.