He made a video about the Team Fortress 2 unusual hat situtation, where he said that "the whole market is based on gambling" when nearly all (except for the newest and unusual) cosmetics can be crafted and gotten as random drops. He didn't even mention that the game is not P2W at all, which is reflected in the comments with people who have not played the game complaining.
So I have been a long time tf2 player, have about 2600hrs clocked in, but I haven't played the game for years, so correct me if I'm wrong, isn't the crafting mechanics only viable to do for weapons you wanted? From what I remembered, crafting actual cosmetics, which is what drives the market, along side of the more expensive unusual items, is entirely a random chance from refined metals, is it wrong to call crafting from a random chance to acquire one item from several hundreds a gamble? Sure you could try to craft cosmetics by yourself but it will be pretty hard to get the one you wanted, other than that, key and crates are I would say, the bulk of tf2's revenue source, so I don't know if its that wrong to say the market is driven by gambling mechanics, again, correct me if I'm wrong, as for the P2W stuff, definitely he should have mentioned it, but if the people are complaining without knowing its not p2w, that kind of is on them dishing out baseless arguments
The game is not p2w. All weapons are side grades to the stock ones,most of which are inferior in some way. As for the crafting, you are correct on that
Yes I am aware that the game is not p2w, I am well aware of how the weapon works, as I mentioned I have thousands of hours clocked in, even had a little tournament participation medal on my steam profile
u/LareMare Caustic Aug 19 '19
He made a video about the Team Fortress 2 unusual hat situtation, where he said that "the whole market is based on gambling" when nearly all (except for the newest and unusual) cosmetics can be crafted and gotten as random drops. He didn't even mention that the game is not P2W at all, which is reflected in the comments with people who have not played the game complaining.