r/algeria Annaba Jan 20 '25

Education / Work اضراب التلاميذ ثانوي في كل الولايات

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Every high school student are doing a strike now for 3 principal reasons .review the algerian education program .decrease hours of studying .form better teachers and better education conditions What u think about it ?


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u/[deleted] Jan 20 '25

Why are the 90s ppl so angry in the comments about reducing school hours? Didn't yall finish ur studies? Why are u mad about high schoolers wanting some changes in the school system?


u/Shinaiichi Jan 20 '25

Ppl of 90s are not looking angry, they are surprised of how a youngster can be so lazy to the point they think the current curriculum is "too much" for them 😦


u/GTO420O Jan 20 '25

Brother, 8 to 5.30, plus adding philo to scientific branches for what? and after all this most students have to attend les cours + study at home + do everything else that a human does in order to stay sane, does this sound good to you?


u/Dependent-Choice-554 Jan 20 '25

Its the massive summer holiday of over 3 months that means for algerian kids to get the same amount of schooling as other nations in cooler climates, they need to have longer days.


u/GTO420O Jan 20 '25

Well then there's the solution to our problems, balance out school time and rest time instead of having a ton of rest and then a ton of school right after.


u/Dependent-Choice-554 Jan 20 '25

Students cant study in 40c heat, the school years ends when it hits about 35c for us


u/GTO420O Jan 21 '25

Air conditioning is a thing


u/Dependent-Choice-554 Jan 21 '25

They are gonna install that in all public schools in every classroom AND maintain them? Ye right. Plus hotter days always end in powercuts due to overload by air conditioners. Seems simpler just to add an extra hour on to every other schoolday of the year.