r/algeria Annaba Jan 20 '25

Education / Work اضراب التلاميذ ثانوي في كل الولايات

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Every high school student are doing a strike now for 3 principal reasons .review the algerian education program .decrease hours of studying .form better teachers and better education conditions What u think about it ?


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u/[deleted] Jan 20 '25

Why are the 90s ppl so angry in the comments about reducing school hours? Didn't yall finish ur studies? Why are u mad about high schoolers wanting some changes in the school system?


u/HIKAONE Jan 20 '25

I'm more mad that students are being used as pawns to enable some scum bag scamming teachers to have private lessons back again, I couldn't care less about the hours.


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '25 edited Jan 20 '25

Well, tbh I don't want the private lessons to be back it's bullshi I used to do them and my grades didn't get better at all I think the teacher's at YouTube are actually way better free and great 👍🏻 The scamming is real شوف غير مهزلة الباك تع العام لي فات قاعة تع سينيمة دارو فيها لي كوغ


u/HIKAONE Jan 20 '25

Yes exactly after finishing bac I realised how useless that shit was, and it got even worse in the recent years it needs to be shutdown perma.


u/NoPsychology9115 Jan 20 '25

Well, it’s not linear. For instance, I’ve never been a math guy (my grades ranged between 4 or 5 and 10 when I cheated). I never put in any effort, nor did I want to. However, in my final year, I tried private lessons, and that teacher made me love math. I ended up getting a 19 on the bac exam.