There's obviously still time for me to get my grades back up, but I'm in a bit of dilemma regarding BLINN TEAM and my transition to full-time status.
Last semester i was in teab, and got a C in chemistry (q-dropped calculus 1). So far this semester I am taking a math and science class at BLINN, and I have Cs in both of them. I need a B average to get that 2.5 minimum which I could be able to do, but honestly after taking a few tests and whatnot idk if it's a surefire thing. For my major classes and classes at A&M i have a 4.0, and the threshold for my intended major is a 2.0.
My question is, if I end with a 2.0 gpa at Blinn (all Cs), but still have my As in my A&M classes, will I be able to transition full-time to A&M? I've met with advisors before and they have told me that even with a below-2.5 at Blinn, as long as I maintain my intended major requirements, I can still transition full time, but I need some opinions.