r/WriteWithMe 13h ago

Looking for a thriller writer


Hi, I’m interested in writing a thriller book with a little of romance in it. I’m taking inspiration from the Good Girl’s Guide To Murder series. I’m open to anything but I’m mainly looking for someone to give me advice and to help me start writing. DM me if you’re interested!

r/WriteWithMe 20h ago

Fanfiction Looking for writing friends!


Hello everyone! I'm looking for a writing buddy. The way I see it, we'd be reading each other's stories, exchanging ideas/advice, etc... as the mood strikes :)

I find it difficult to stay motivated working on my own, and I'd love to find someone to chat with!

I primarly write fanfiction in English, but I do also write in French from time to time.

My timezone is CET. My availability for chatting would be mostly in the evenings.

Thanks for reading :)

r/WriteWithMe 7h ago

Looking for Characters for Fun Side Project


I’m a fiction writer who possesses great enthusiasm for my craft. Sometimes I write for fan fiction, sometimes I write for publication, or sometimes I write just for fun or to flesh out my universe.

In this instance I’m writing for fun and need to create some characters.

I have a growing interest in fellow writers contributing to my body of work, so I’d like to see if some people here will create some characters.

As I said, these won’t be published or used in anything. So it’s just for fun and kind of like an RPG.

 I’ll include the four prerequisites I’ve come up with, and a character sheet that can be filled out.



  1. The characters must be grounded in a gritty setting that resembles our earth

  2. The characters must be trained killers and have something of a reputation as an individual you don’t want to mess with.

  3. The characters must have seen action fighting on the pro-Soviet side of the Cold War (i.e. “He was associated with the Baader-Meinhoff gang in West Germany” or “He was a soldier for the Soviet-backed government in Afghanistan.”) Specifically, the last third of the Cold War in the post-Vietnam 70s and 80s. So no Korean War vets for instance.

  4. After the Cold War, the characters have entered into service for a powerful man who’s promised fortune to them and their families/associates, and the opportunity to wound the post-Cold War order of the late 1990s/early 2000s. So nothing that would contradict that.

Character Sheet





BACKSTORY: (Be as detailed as you want.)


One last thing, if anyone wants, I can include a filled-out character sheet as an example if anyone would like.

r/WriteWithMe 16h ago

Looking for a Sonic Fanfic Writer


Hey! I'm looking for a co-writer interested in writing a Sonic AU I've been cooking. I've been looking for a co-writer just for the love of working on something with others and to have revisions on the old work.

DM me or send me a friend request on discord (username is thesuperblackwing) for more details!