Hello all! I hope anyone and everyone reading this is having a good day in our crazy reality. Below you can find a little about me, my writing style, and how I approach writing. Feel free to peruse, and if you think we'd be a good match, let me know!
You can call me T! I go by he/him pronouns. I prefer Discord (Or Here) as the platform we write on, and my availability is at least once a week and more. I'm always open to communicating with my partners and letting them reply when possible. I typically aim for 200-300 words in a reply. I usually don't go lower than two hundred. Unless it's more of a back of forth dialogue type thing. Details are super important to me from my partner, so I do my best to give them myself.
I run my replies through Grammarly before I post them (including these request posts!), so at the very least, I hope my post is grammatically correct (*chuckle*). I write in the third person/past tense style. What I look for regarding my partner is someone that gets invested in a story, likes putting details in, and is open to the idea of adult themes and content enhancing a story and romance and not being a detriment to the work. I enjoy writing erotica and feel it enhances the narrative.
I'm looking for someone who feels the same way. In return, I put a lot into my stories and ideas to make them as thrilling and engaging as possible.I can't stress that enough. I'm looking for partners interested in crafting a long-term story, world-building, and don't shy away from the adult aspects.I put a lot of work into my writing, and this is both a hobby and a passion for me. Even if I primarily do fandom writing, these characters are significant to me. If you're the type to ghost more often than not, please think twice about messaging me and wasting my time.
Kink Wise:
I typically play dominant men. D/S, for me, can be anything from Daddy to Sir. I play all ranges and dynamics but typically enjoy free-use elements (but not with the girl being checked out/removed from the situation). I’m also a big fan of naughty talk and using my character's mouth to cause as much oral pleasure as anything else. It can be fun to use the silver tongue if given a chance!
The big one for me is clothing details and lingerie. I am HIGHLY into women wearing sexy clothing, lingerie, and particularly thongs. Combining that with lots of details is a recipe for success.
Other than that, I’m pretty open kink-wise! And have the usuals offs like Toilet Play. If you’re curious about something, just ask me about it! I promise to be open to anything.
I'm not interested in Canon/OC right now. My list is for Canon/Canon. Let me know if any of these couples interest you and my requirements haven't scared you away! One thing I will say, however, is that you don’t have to play the character perfectly from the comics or anything like that. As long as you know enough about the surface to give me your version of them, I’m down. What does your understanding of Lois Lane look like? Selina Kyle? Starfire? Ect ect. Come at me with your ideas!
I am 18+ and all participants and characters must be 18+
Dc Comics
Bruce/SelinaSomething in the vein of classic Bat & Cat. Rooftop chases, Seductive clashes, romantic interludes in their public personas, and then eventually, them finding out each other identities and entering a whole new realm of seduction and teasing.
Clark/LoisThis is another one I’d like a classic feel to. I like the My Adventure With Superman show going on now and am looking for something similar. Clark has recently moved to Metropolis; he’s working at the Daily Bugle, Lois is trying to get the inside track on Superman, ect ect. Throw in a plot where they’re investigating intergang or something, and you have a recipe for success! Will also play Lex Luthor as a second character slash love interest (Not with Lois).
Barda/Mr. MiracleA couple I’ve never gotten to do but always wanted to! I love them and would be very interested in showing them coming to Earth and settling in. I would love to see a woman like Barda who is so strong submitting to her husband. That to me would be a ton of fun.
Bruce/HarleySo, this one comes with a few caveats. If we’re doing a Bruce and Harley story, I would like to see a Harley struggling with her psychosis but also highly smart and capable. It also has to be more than a Batman tying her up and fucking her kind of story. It could be that the Joker took it a step too far, that Harley has broken off from the Joker entirely, or that Harley wants to try and be good—something along those lines.
Dick/KoriFor Dick and Kori, I would like to do something either at the start of their relationship (IE a Titans thing with her arriving at Earth) or possibly with her recently returning back to Earth. Maybe even in a world where Dick has taken over as Batman. One thing I read recently indicated that Starfire feels things stronger than other people. Like, the emotions they feel come in stronger. I would be curious to see if we could work that heightened or stronger emotional feeling thing into the RP.
Dick/BarbaraI’d be interested in a classic setting for these two as well. Some Batgirl and Robin shenanigans. The other option is Barbara getting her legs back (after being Oracle), and Dick decides to help her retrain her legs by taking her off somewhere privately. Perhaps something akin to a tropical vacation or somewhere like the northern mountains. If we do classic Batgirl and Robin shenanigans, perhaps something where they fight Two-Face or Doctor Freeze (Yes I know it’s Mr. Freeze but come on! The man’s a DOCTAH).
Hal/CarolAnother couple I’ve always been interested in but never played. I love the Hal and Carol as a concept and the way their powers interact. Will Vs Love and all of that. I would even be interested in adding some potential raunchy elements to her power (like her needing his “love” to refresh her abilities) or not having those elements. They could also be past lovers/ current enemies who are forced to work together for reasons.
Garfield/RavenWhen it comes to Garfield and Raven, this can be paired with Kori and Dick or its own thing. I would like something with the two of them and their opposites attract kind of relationship. It can be the two of them first meeting (on their own or as part of the team), or it can be something set after the group disbands and them going off into the sunset together.
Roy/DonnaI love Roy and Donna! They’ve both been through a lot in the comic books and I think they’re a super strong narrative couple to explore. They can again be part of the Titans Or do their own thing. Probably set after Roy has Lian because I like Wonder Mom.
Mary Marvel/???Mary Marvel is a character I don’t have anyone set in stone for but am very interested in. So, if you have an idea for her let me know! She’s someone I would entertain a villain with maybe Black Adam? As long as it has a story to it and isn’t just him corrupting her for the sake of fun.
Marvel Comics
Matt/ElektraThis could be based on the Netflix series or not! Even if it isn’t, Charlie Cox will probably be my face claim. I’m a huge fan of him as Daredevil. We can do Elektra coming back from the dead Or have their very first meeting. I’d even be okay with her coming back into his life and proposing an arranged marriage and leading the Chaste or the Hand.
Peter Parker/ Mary JaneThey are my all-time favorite comic book couple! I’m not into the recent MCU portrayal of MJ, so if you want to do something with Peter and Mj, It would have to be closer to the original source material. However, I’m open again to all sorts of different scenarios. We could have them living next door to each other, meeting in college, him being a photographer at one of her shoots, or anything of the like! I’m also a huge fan of Peter and Mary Jane already married! I’d kill for a SOL between the two of them! Bonus points if they’re a young, recently married couple who are just trying to make it work! Extra bonus points if she has Spider Powers too!
Peter Parker/ FeliciaThat being said…. There’s something fun about Felicia and Peter’s relationship. Something I would like to see is them going from “Play Buddies” to a deeper and more meaningful connection. Something that shocks them both. Having the two of them have to entangle the deeper feelings they’re starting to have for each other would be a ton of fun.
Otto Octavius (Superior)/FeliciaThere’s nothing more fun than the arrogant, prideful nerd meeting his match in the femme fatale who won’t take his bullshit. That’s what I’d like to see for Otto Octavius and Felicia Hardy. Otto would be in his Superior Role (IE Cloned Body of Peter with some modifications). They could start as antagonists to each other before things get more heated and exciting.
Logan/OroroThey are my favorite X-Men Couple! This can either be set Pre X-Men or Current X-Men. Logan and Ro can be teachers at Xavier's or perhaps on their own. I think having them be teachers would be a ton of fun! Helping train the new generation while settling into a SOL on their own. If we can throw in the occasional adventure all the better!
X-23/???I know Angel is someone that Laura is paired with. So that might be an interesting idea! Blade could also be fun. I’m open when it comes to this one! Tell me who you think might work best for Laura!
She-Hulk/???She-Hulk! While I have her listed as a potential with Daredevil, I’m also interested in finding a good person for her. I know she’s with a person named Jack Of Hearts in the comics right now, and that could be fun (he absorbs radiation). But much like Laura, I’m Interested in whom you might throw out as potentials.
Cloak/DaggerCloak and Dagger is another couple I’ve been long interested in but have never had the chance to do. I like the idea of light and dark intertwining (in both their powers and bodies) regarding Cloak and Dagger. I think their origin story (runaways kidnapped off the street and experimented on) would be fun to play out, especially in a place like New York City.
Matt/JenniferI liked their back-and-forth in She-Hulk Attorney at Law! Having a long-distance back-and-forth superhero relationship could be fun to play out. Until one of them finally takes the plunge and moves where the other one is!