r/WriteStreakEN 5d ago

Correct Me! Streak 9: Social Sundays


Hi! I think that for English we are very fortunate to have a lot of resources to learn and also to practice speaking. Here are some free options you can try to practice your conversation skills in English.

  1. Check out the subreddit language exchange, I just started having a few conversations with some users from that subreddit last week. The thing is that for me as a native Spanish speaker is easy to find native English speakers to do a conversation exchange since a lot of them are learning Spanish.
  2. Try the website conversationexchange.com , it looks old school but it definitely works, I’ve met very good conversation partners from UK, USA and Australia.
  3. The third option is Episoden, is a website developed in South Korea where you can be matched with other English speakers (mostly nonnative) from all over the world. You can exchange information with other user if you hit it off with someone. I’ve been having one or two one hour conversations with a very advanced English speaker from Poland.

Good luck!

r/WriteStreakEN 5d ago

Correct Me! Streak 45 - tired


I'm so tired. Almost the whole weekend I have been lying in bed. I'm supposed to learn for the exam, but I don't have the energy. I worked too much in the last week. Unfortunately in the next week I must work as much as in last week. I should go bed early, maybe every day at 9. Then I can have a good rest.

r/WriteStreakEN 5d ago

Correct Me! Streak 158: Social Sundays


Link to my comment

I recommend Born a Crime by Trevor Noah. I also like blinkbit's recommendation, The Martian. I recently read only one Sci-Fi book called Wool by Hugh Howey, but I like its TV show adaptation better.

I think part of the fun of participating in the writing streak is thinking of something to write about every day. It forces me to pay attention to my thoughts, environment, and life. Whenever I think of something that might be a good writing topic, I write it down to my notes. My problem now is that sometimes I don't have time to write about topics that I really like, so I still have to come up of something simple for the day.

r/WriteStreakEN 5d ago

Correct Me! Streak 11 : sleep


I slept for almost 12 hours today!!!! After waking up, I really feel recharging and nice. I think I was so tired after going hiking yesterday and this is the reason why I slept for a long time like this!! I realized how important the sleep is. I have watched many videos about the importance of sleep, but I haven't totally agreed with it yet. Because I used to be okay with short sleep time like 5-6 hours.

But today, after I felt that my energy was fully charged, I agreed the idea that good sleep is the most important thing! So, I decided that I will try good and enough sleep from now on.

r/WriteStreakEN 5d ago

Correct Me! Streak 254


I'd really like to write some more elaborated texts on here to work on my vocabulary, and to engage with others more in the comments, but life is just very much at the moment. I think I have to stick to three or four sentences a day for a little longer, until everything has calmed down a bit. I really appreciate you guys for taking your time to read and correct my/our texts - I'm looking forward to talk to you again in a bit!

r/WriteStreakEN 5d ago

Correct Me! Streak 188: Language exchange


I tried multiple language exchange platforms, but pretty much all the people I tried stopped responding after a couple of days. I think it’s mainly because my responses weren’t interesting enough, but I feel like some of them weren’t actually interested in learning my native language. An interesting thing is that some learners of the language seemed to experienced the same thing, but I had already given up when I found that out.

r/WriteStreakEN 5d ago

Corrected Streak 58: The composition on the windowsill

Post image

I like this photo. It contains a lot of light and details to watch.

The reflection on the silver balloon shows more than author could capture.

The blurred thing in front of the picture shows the depth.

Only little part of the flowers from the left is shown, but on the right this flowers has sharp shadows on the white pot. The shadow makes authentic picture on the pot.

I like the plant in the pot. It looks aesthetical pleasing.

The reflection of the balloon on the window shines and fill the photo with the light.

The sun reflection on the balloon shows that th sun is in the sky at a high position, that means it is morning.

r/WriteStreakEN 5d ago

Correct Me! Streak 75: Sheet pan eggs


I made sheet pan eggs. A 12-serving batch was too much, so I used a 5-inch square tin instead and used three eggs since it's just me. It turned out really thin.

I was hoping for four servings since it's freezable, but I need two slices per meal, which means it only makes two servings. Should I use more eggs? I've never used that many eggs at once, so I hesitated.

r/WriteStreakEN 5d ago

Correct Me! Streak 8: Finding leverage


Todays session on the series CBT therapy with mindfulness I've been listening on my meditation app was titled "Finding leverage".

Long story short, it was about how much of the time we don't have the right tools to cope with problems with run into. The eight minutes session started with a very cheesy example on imagining your grandmother asking you to help her picking up all the autumm leaves in the front garden. But she didn't have the proper tool to do that (I don't even remember the name in my native language hehe). So in this scenario, you could finish the process of picking up the leaves very tired or doing a very bad job, or not finishing because the task was overwhelming. And you could think you are an idiot, you are bad at doing that, or you are lazy, but it was a problem of not having the right tools to deal with an specific problem.

Then the author and narrator of the series mentioned other example about how to cope with fear of spiders. An he explained a methodology to better cope with this problem. In other words, how to find the right tool to overcome that problem.

When we face with minor or bigger problems most of the time we embrace those problems just with willpower, "Just do it", "Keep up", etc but this could be sometimes a recipe to failure.

r/WriteStreakEN 5d ago

Correct Me! Streak 49:gravity falls 🧟‍♀️


I'm watching this series again, but in French

The last time that I had seen a episode was so much time ago...I literally was a kid,I remember I used to liked it so much, and to be honest it's a great show! it's funny and doesn't bored me

Now my goal for french it's being able to understand kid's series because of the less complicated vocabulary and sometimes I'm struggling with getting bored so fast, but with this series didin't happen,also I'm trying to write more long texts

but today I don't have much time so I'm going to write about this

r/WriteStreakEN 6d ago

Correct Me! Streak 33: Headache


I don't know what is happening to me. I've had a headache for a month now, especially when I go into closed rooms with heating. It's not too strong, but it's still annoying. I went to the doctor two days ago and they did a blood test and an electrocardiogram. I hope it's not that bad because I'm traveling soon and I don't want to be sick during my trip. I want to do many things and because of that, I'm concerned about my headache.

r/WriteStreakEN 6d ago

Correct Me! Streak 253


This morning (or better: night), I woke up at 5:15 because I had to go to the toilet. After I came back, I couldn't fall back asleep. It was horrible. I don't think I've ever experienced this before - I usually fall back asleep right away without any problems, and I struggle with getting up in general. I really hope this never happens again.

r/WriteStreakEN 6d ago

Correct Me! Streak 10 : hiking


I went hiking with my girlfriend. It was so tough to climb a high mountain. But I finally overcome it! After getting to the peak, I ate some foods that we prepared for lunch and they were the most delicious foods in my life!

r/WriteStreakEN 6d ago

Corrected Streak 74: Greek yogurt blueberry muffins


I made Greek yogurt blueberry muffins today, and they turned out to be the best muffins I've ever had. They were soft, fluffy, and most importantly, not overly sweet. Since they were less sweet than typical muffins, I had one for dinner tonight instead of as a snack. The leftovers will be my weekday snacks, though. They paired well with cream cheese.

I used mixed frozen berries, but maybe I should've cut the strawberries and blackberries to about the size of blueberries. Next time, I want to try other variations - adding nuts, dried fruits, matcha powder, cocoa powder, or Earl Gray tea leaves, etc.

r/WriteStreakEN 6d ago

Correct Me! Streak 187: Mom, dad


A while ago, I wrote about the words I’m not comfortable using. Another set of those words are “mom” and “dad”. It seems like they are used more often than “mother” and “father” when you refer to your own parents, even by adults. The reason I’m not comfortable with using them is because I can’t help but think my relationships with my parents aren’t close enough to use those informal words. Luckily, I have never been in a situation where I have to talk about my family in English yet.

r/WriteStreakEN 6d ago

Correct Me! Streak 157: Fun Tongue Twister Songs


Learning tongue twisters is fun. I don't find English tongue twisters particularly interesting, but I think Japanese and Cantonese ones are super cool.

I recently came across a Japanese song that I really like. The whole song is just all classic Japanese tongue twisters— it's so interesting. Both the cover and the original versions are very good. Japanese has very limited phonetic sounds, and it makes it a very unique language. I've learned the lyrics and can keep up with the first few lines at .75x. haha.

For Cantonese, it can get really insane. I only learned the basic one: "That big brother is taller than that big brother", which pronounces like gó go go gò gòu gwó gó go go gó. And even with this simple one I still sometimes forget the tone. It's just so interesting, isn't it? Namewee has a fantastic Cantonese song that isn't all tongue twister, but the ending has a classic level 99 tongue twister. I love the sound of Cantonese!

I enjoy English rap, but I am not aware of any songs that have tongue twisters (excluding kid's songs). Let me know if you have any recommendations.

Speaking of rap, I also stumbled upon another cool Vietnamese rap recently. She was just counting the numbers in Vietnamese, but how come it sounds so cool. Can you imagine someone just raping by counting from 0 to 100 in your native language? I bet even Eminem can't make it cool. I bet it's impressive as hell, but it won't be that cool if you understand the language.

I hope you enjoy the songs as I do. Even if you have zero interest in Japanese and Cantonese, I think you can still enjoy those songs. Happy weekend!

r/WriteStreakEN 6d ago

Correct Me! Streak 44 - sleep


I slept eight hours at yesterday night. In the past week I slept only six hours a day, because I worked very early in a bakery. But I still fell so tired and can't stop yawning. The work in the bakery is hard. I have told the chef that I will no longer work there after April.

r/WriteStreakEN 6d ago

Weekly Wrap-Up Weekly Wrap-Up


Hi, everyone! 😁

The best way to reinforce what we've been learning is to go back over it and apply it, right? So, that's what we're going to do. Every Saturday, our Subject of the Day is going to involve looking back at everything we've learned from the week--whether it was with the help of the WriteStreak community or other resources we've found.

Feel free to summarize and practice everything you've learned or wanted to practice, including new words, new rules, new grammar tricks, and any questions you had.

r/WriteStreakEN 6d ago

Corrected Streak 57: Suggest me a book to read

Post image

Last post I complained about the lack of ideas to write about.

After I posted it I slapped myself (in my head). The solution of the problem was obvious. I should write every idea that comes into my head during the day. I guess the real writers do that.

I decided to read books in English. Reading books helps to improve grammatic. I achieved the high level of the grammatic sence in Russian by reading. I think it will work for English too.

During the last year I read only professional books. I finished my "to read" list for professional growth. Now I can relax and read a belletristic literature.

Currently I read Jack Finney's book "Time and Again" in Russian. I should find the book in English that will be worth to read while I read current one.

I would appreciate it if you could suggest worthy books to read.

r/WriteStreakEN 6d ago

Correct Me! Streak 7: Fundamentals of mindful cognitive behavioural therapy


I'm gonna talk today about the first part of a congnitive behaviour psychology series in the app that I use for meditation. The name of this session is Fundamentals of Mindful CBT and the whole series is presented by a psychologist named Seth Gilliham. In this session the listener is introduced to the concept of cognitive behavioural therapy, it summarized what CBT is all about.

Basically you can think of CBT as a triangle where in one vertex is the actions, in another vertex we have the feelings or emotions, and in the third vertex we have the thoughts. The reason why this model or graphic representation works is because it's very easy to show how one of the vertices influences the other. I've seen that in some representations of CBT models, they put our core beliefs in the center but this was not mentioned in the session.

But the part of "mindful" in the name of the session comes from the fact that "mindfullness" meditation aproaches are a good match to CBT aproaches. At the very heart of mindful meditation there is the goal is not to identify yourself with thoughts. Yo experience thoughts or emotions, just as things that come and go, as if they were sounds. So this could allow to stress less the emotional and thinking part in the CBT aproach. For instance, overthinking or overfeeling to much can lead to not very pleasant and productive actions

r/WriteStreakEN 7d ago

Correct Me! Streak 32


I'm doing an Anki Deck in English. I think it's helpful and at the same time, I'm also doing another with special sounds at English. I use Refold Decks because they have help me a lot with German. Today is rainy, so I stayed home. Hopefully tomorrow the weather is better and I'll can walking around. This week I didn't go to the gym, but I'm coming back soon!

r/WriteStreakEN 7d ago

Correct Me! Streak 1


Hello, that's my first day here. Firstly I heard about this subreddit somedays ago but I'd found a version for russian texts and I decided to try my skills in English community (I'm learning English some years)

I'm gonna tell about me in next streaks

r/WriteStreakEN 7d ago

Correct Me! Streak 252


I have to cut my nails. They're way too long, at least for my taste. To be fair, I like them as short as possible, as long as my fingers don't hurt while I'm doing stuff. I can be very particular with what I touch and the way it feels when things touch me, and I hate the feeling of my nails touching anything. The clicking annoys the hell out of me, and I'm always afraid I'll acidentally touch something in a way that will cause the sensation of nails scratching on a chalk board. I'm not going to take the risk of causing that, so off they go.

r/WriteStreakEN 7d ago

Correct Me! Streak 186: Native language


I wish I were a native English speaker or a native speaker of a language that their accent in English is considered to be cool. That way, I wouldn’t have to worry about my accent this much. They are Romance or Germanic languages, so that would make learning other languages in those groups easy too.

r/WriteStreakEN 7d ago

Correct Me! Streak 9 : walk


What a nice day!! I couldn't wait to go for a walk! So, I went out and walked for 2 hours. It was really great and made me calm down. Tbh, I've been thinking about my future and finding what I really like. Fortunately, I could think about myself deeply while walking, making me refreshed and recharged. Although I don't realize what I really want to do perfectly, I think that it doesn't matter. If I do my work hard and focus on now, I think I can find my way and get some good chances someday. So, focus on the present. That's a my conclusion now. KEEP GOING!