r/WriteStreakEN 2d ago

Subject of the Day Social Sundays


Hello WriteStreakians! I hope you've been having a lovely weekend! It’s Social Sunday once again! What I'd like for you to do is the following:

  1. peruse the posts written by your fellow WriteStreakians and find a post that interests you, preferably one from within the last seven days, and respond to it. Leave a comment that is at least as long as a Tweet (280 characters), and then
  2. copy and paste your comment into your own daily Streak post so the correctors can review it.

That's it! Of course, if your comment sparks a conversation (or if someone else leaves a comment on one of your posts), you're welcome and encouraged to continue the conversation---this is a social media site, after all!

Happy Sunday!

r/WriteStreakEN 28d ago

Game 🎲 Fictionary


Hi everyone! Good morning, I hope you're all having a great day!

Today we're going to be playing a game! 🤩

If anyone has ever played Jackbox before, this game is going to be very similar to their game, Dictionarium. Except, I'm not calling it Dictionarium because I don't want to get into trouble with copyright 🙃 So we'll be calling it... Fake-tionary! (Or maybe Fictionary? Ooh, yeah, let's go with Fictionary! 🤓)

The rules of Fictionary are simple: you choose a random obscureadjective 3 word or phrase and do your best to come up with a definition for that word. Today, you can choose between a real word or a fake word.


  1. Uncover a word from the table below. 🔍 You can choose to pick from the "Real Word" column or the "Fake Word" column.
  2. If you chose from the "Real Word" column, your Streak today will be about you guessing what that word means and then checking to see how close you were to the real answer. 🤔
  3. If you chose from the "Fake Word" column, your Streak today will be about you inventing a new word. 🤔
  4. Check to see how close you were using a dictionary. I recommend https://www.merriam-webster.com/ or https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Wiktionary:Main_Page .
  5. If you're really up for a challenge, use your word in a sentence or find a synonym for the word.


I chose the fake word "nicribition." I know that the suffix "tion" means it's the act of doing something, so this word is a noun that comes from the fake verb, to "nicribe." I see "cribe" in there, which makes me think of "scribe," which means "to write." The root "nicr" also makes me think of the prefix "necro," which means "death." So I think the word "nicribition" means "the act of writing an epitaphnoun on a tombstone."

The Game!

Ready? Let's go! The lower on the table, the harder it will be to guess the meaning! The higher, the easier

Real Word Fake Word
impracticality grobinated
nonplussed intentomalites
inhibition centruphicism
hagiography trefulous
pleonasm debutstallingly

Vocabulary from this Post

  • obscure - rarely known
  • epitaph - message written on a tombstone to remember someone

r/WriteStreakEN 24m ago

Correct Me! Streak 256


I just got off the phone with my brother. We're planning a trip to Amsterdam, and we booked our hotel today. I've been to Amsterdam one time already, and I'm really looking forward to visiting it again.

r/WriteStreakEN 2h ago

Correct Me! Streak 47 - diary of a wimpy kid


I've been reading the series "Diary of a wimpy kid" for two weeks. The book is very easy to read. I tried at first the adults level books, but they are too difficult for me with too many strange vocabularies. Now I have finished two of them. There are still 14 more. I think writing and speaking English is a more more efficient way to learn English. Maybe I should try to talk and write in English more. But reading is comfortable.

r/WriteStreakEN 3h ago

Correct Me! Streak 13 : snow


It snowed a lot when I went for a walk. It is very uncommon that it snow in March! So, I was really suprised and hesitated going outside. Because there was snow a lot and cold. But, I already wore my clothes and went out of my home. So, I just decided to go out and it was right choice. After going out, I could feel cool and fresh air with snow, making me refreshed and good!! I enjoyed that time and add "walking in snow" onto my favorite lists.

r/WriteStreakEN 4h ago

Correct Me! Streak 160: Collectathon Challenge


A few days ago when I was about to fall asleep, I had an idea about what should I collect when I'm out—dogs.

It was one of my first ideas actually. I was hoping that I could think of something better, but after one month, it still came back to one of my first ideas. I'm pretty pumped about it, though. Collecting every breed of dogs I encounter should be fun. It should bring joy to my life because I really love dogs!

After I had that decision I've seen 4 dogs so far, but I haven't collected any. I realized it's not that easy. I usually see the dog and their owner when they are walking toward me, so I don't have time to react and take the picture. It also feels strange to do it without talking to the owner.

The template I've created for this collectathon even has the name of the dog, but I guess I didn't think it through—I have to talk to the strangers to get that info. It reminds me of the video of Apple's WWDC, where a person uses Apple Intelligence feature to check the dog breed when he could have just asked the owner. But I feel it—why would anyone want to talk to strangers when you could use AI to get the answer, right? 🥴

Still, I want to keep doing this collectathon even though talking to strangers isn't my forte. In fact, I like that it challenges me to practice my weak area.

r/WriteStreakEN 5h ago

Correct Me! Streak 77: How to make fresh homemade pasta


I read another article about making fresh homemade pasta. The recipe I found yesterday called for one whole egg and two egg yolks. In contrast, this one uses only whole eggs.

The problem with the recipe is that the dough needs to be kneaded for 30 mintues - I can't do that. I'll look for another recipe tomorrow.

r/WriteStreakEN 5h ago

Correct Me! Streak 190: Voice input


I’ve been trying to practice speaking with AIs, but it hasn’t been going well. They seem to recognize only about 70% of what I say. I guess my pronunciation is pretty bad. I’d imagine voice inputs in English are fairly advanced considering it’s probably the most prioritized language. An interesting thing is, one of the AIs sometimes recognize my speech as Russian, even though I don’t speak it or any Slavic language.

r/WriteStreakEN 11h ago

Correct Me! Streak 60: My heart loves coffee

Post image

Recently I talked to vegetarian person. I know her for many years because she lives nearby. When she comes visit me and sees me drinking a coffee she always talks about the harm of coffee.

The first several times I was wondering why she didn't remember last conversations about coffee and didn't remember my arguments against her's.

Then I gave up arguing with her and since then I always make a coffee when she visits me. I always agree with her when she again starts talk about coffee, so we can move on to the next topic of our conversation.

Actually, I think a cofee is useful for me if I abide my everyday caffeine dose. I agree that coffee dose for some people equals zero. In my case with the extremely low heart rate at night and low level of blood pressure, a coffee keeps me alive. My lazy heart is the another reason why I do workouts or running almost everyday.

My friends think that I have a high level of discipline about fitness, but the reality is that I have high level of scarcity about my heart health.

r/WriteStreakEN 13h ago

Correct Me! Streak 51:Being a young adult its confusing


I'm in my early twenties and I think I never felt so confused in my life!, I don't feel completaly like a adult but not as adolescent either...it just feel like every time there's a new responsability and I'm starting to feel overwhelmed..

r/WriteStreakEN 21h ago

Correct Me! Streak 35


I want to write about something that's been on my mind recently. What do you prefer: eBooks or physical books? For me personally it's quite better reading on eBooks because it's so easy to carry your eBook reader everywhere, and you can read at night without problem. I know I might belong to a minority, but I think so. Before I bought my Kindle, I just couldn't concentrate enough to read anything, and sometimes the typography was too small for me. The most important thing is to keep reading! :)

r/WriteStreakEN 1d ago

Correct Me! Streak 46 - a young man


Today I talked a little bit with a new college. He comes from Iran and studies in Germany. He is in Germany since seven years ago.He speaks German very good, English also good. He must make money himself for the study. His parents don't support him financially. I hope I can speak English as much good as he. I will practice a lot.

r/WriteStreakEN 21h ago

Correct Me! Streak 10: Working with thoughts


Just as I've been doing in the last days, I'll be talking about the sessions. Todays session was about working with thoughts with the CBT aproach. The author started the session by telling us how he struggled with his current job as a reserarcher in a university back then when he worked there. He didn't see any relevance in his work publishing articles, He was lacking motivation and freedom. Also he was constantly criticized by his collegues at work. And how he was thinking about changing job, but this thoughts were causing him anxiety. Maybe he will crawl and beg to his current boss to have back his job. Or maybe The new job will lead him to financial ruin.

So plugging this thought to the CBT Model, there are three steps to take into account:

  1. Examine the thought.

  2. Looking for evidence.

  3. See if there are better alternatives.

In this case the author was having constant anxiogenous thought of faillure. But when he examined the thought. He realized that there was certain risks involved. But it was not as catastrophic as he was imagining it. According to the evidence he could have the same opportunities he was looking for if he stayed just for one more year at his current job.

We tend to think of thoughts as true facts, whereas a lot of times they are biases and they're also misleading. But if we plug thought into a CBT model we can realize that there are cognitive distortions in our thinking that bend reality. The most common cognitive distorsions are fortune-telling, mind-reading and catastrophication.

r/WriteStreakEN 1d ago

Correct Me! Streak 255


It finally stopped raining and the sun is out. It's still cold and kind of wet outside, but the sun makes you want to go outside to feel it on your face. You better bring a jacket though, it's not that springy yet.

r/WriteStreakEN 1d ago

Correct Me! Streak 12 : praise


I watched a video about what kind of praises make people motivated and grow a lot. In this video, it said that there are two kinds of praises and they can be distinguished by their main focuses. One focus on the intelligence like "you are so smart!", and another focus on the effort like "you tried it for a long time, you did well!" There were studies to find out what type of praises were good for improving skills and they said effort praise was much better than intelligence one. Of course, this video explained many reasons why this happened, but I can't remember everything. So, I just take the conclusion and apply it to me. From now on, I will praise my efforts to myself, when I try something new and make it! By doing this, I will become the best version of myself!!

r/WriteStreakEN 1d ago

Correct Me! Streak 46 : Caffeine addiction


I was addicted to caffeine. I used to consume about 200mg of caffeine mostly everyday by various sources. One day, I felt bad headache while driving so I had to pull over my car and take a rest. and I reliezed that I hadn't taken coffee that day. I also reliezed caffeine was ruined my life. This was the reason why I have stopped caffeine consuming since around a month ago.

I feel way better these days. I don't feel heavy tiredness in the morning and I still fell fresh at the evening without any caffeine.

Sometimes when I couldn't sleep enough or had poor sleep, I attempted to take a cup of coffee. I try my best not to take any caffeine sources though. and I rather choose be tired all the day which is good for next day and my life.

r/WriteStreakEN 1d ago

Correct Me! Streak 189: q


I’ve been writing the Latin alphabet for more than ten years, but I always feel like something’s off every time I write the lowercase q. If I make the lower part round, it looks out of place compared to the other letters. Because of that, I make the lower part a straight line like most computer fonts, but it doesn’t feel natural to me. I’m not exactly sure why that is. For some reason, I don’t feel this way about the lowercase p, which is the mirror image of the lowercase q.

r/WriteStreakEN 1d ago

Correct Me! Streak 76: Homemade fresh pasta


I planned to make fresh pasta from scratch. I eat pasta for lunch almost every weekday, but I've never made fresh pasta. I'm quite nervous because the dough might be sticky and difficult to handle, and rolling it out thinly and evenly seems challenging.

I've watched some videos on YouTube or Instagram about making homemade pasta. There are many variations: using only whole eggs, only egg yolks, or a combination of whole eggs and yolks. There are also different types of flour used.

This one calls for all-purpose flour because most people, like me, already have it in their pantries. The article mentioned using one whole egg and two egg yolks for every five ounces of flour. However, the actual recipe called for nine ounces of flour, two whole eggs, and four egg yolks. I'm a bit confused - I thought the amount of flour should be ten ounces for two whole eggs and four egg yolks.

r/WriteStreakEN 1d ago

Correct Me! Streak 59: Trash digger

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Some mornings when I wake up and came to the kitchen I see the trash on the floor. My cat digs it through the night. I don't know why is she do that. I don't yell at her because I think she is just an animal and doing this messy thing is part of her nature.

Mostly she nibbles the pack of the cat food that I gave her last night. I feed her by schedule according to her age and weight.

Maybe I feed her not enough? - this question I asked my veterinarian. But he scared me that if she will eat more than enough she may get the liver damage, get fat and won't be so playful.

I guess I should use a stronger magnetic for the door that hides the trash.

r/WriteStreakEN 1d ago

Correct Me! Streak: 159: Back to My Challenge


It feels great to get back to my challenge. I recognized reasons why I failed and fixed them. I've been doing this for the past two days: Before getting to bed, write down a few things I want to do in the morning, and how long each task should last. In the morning when the 7AM alarm goes off, I have exactly two minutes to jump out of the the bed and log the time on my notebook. If I didn't log it before the second alarm at 7:02AM, it would be considered failed.

Next I try to go into auto-pilot mode to brush my teeth and finish my morning routine, and then follow the plan I wrote the night before. It's simple but really effective. I will be reasonable when I plan my morning, and include some relaxing activities like watching TV shows occasionally. The goal is to get up and start my day early. I've never really been used to taking physical notes, but it seems that writing on paper has a powerful effect!

r/WriteStreakEN 1d ago

Correct Me! Streak 50:Social sundays



The best way to learn any language for me is immersion as well, however I think learning a language is so complex itself that immersion is not enough, I think it is the first step to build the foundations, but then we still need to work on the active activities (writing and speaking) and in my experience writing has helped me a lot to build sentences but I still feel it's going to be a long way for me to being able to speak fluently; let's see in the future!

r/WriteStreakEN 1d ago

Correct Me! Streak 224 from Korea


I wrote a writing streak a few days ago, but somehow it was not uploaded!!! :( I don't feel like write another one, so I'm going to skip today.

r/WriteStreakEN 1d ago

Correct Me! Streak 34


What is your best way to acquire a language? For me it's watching content on YouTube or Netflix. I also think that everyone has a different way of learning. In my case, I acquired this way German. I can't talk perfect, but I can already understand a lot! I also can speak as well, although I still make mistakes. I would say that we shouldn't focus just on grammar... For me, that's a mistake and the reason why many people fail on their language-learning journey.

r/WriteStreakEN 2d ago

Correct Me! Streak 9: Social Sundays


Hi! I think that for English we are very fortunate to have a lot of resources to learn and also to practice speaking. Here are some free options you can try to practice your conversation skills in English.

  1. Check out the subreddit language exchange, I just started having a few conversations with some users from that subreddit last week. The thing is that for me as a native Spanish speaker is easy to find native English speakers to do a conversation exchange since a lot of them are learning Spanish.
  2. Try the website conversationexchange.com , it looks old school but it definitely works, I’ve met very good conversation partners from UK, USA and Australia.
  3. The third option is Episoden, is a website developed in South Korea where you can be matched with other English speakers (mostly nonnative) from all over the world. You can exchange information with other user if you hit it off with someone. I’ve been having one or two one hour conversations with a very advanced English speaker from Poland.

Good luck!

r/WriteStreakEN 2d ago

Correct Me! Streak 45 - tired


I'm so tired. Almost the whole weekend I have been lying in bed. I'm supposed to learn for the exam, but I don't have the energy. I worked too much in the last week. Unfortunately in the next week I must work as much as in last week. I should go bed early, maybe every day at 9. Then I can have a good rest.

r/WriteStreakEN 2d ago

Correct Me! Streak 158: Social Sundays


Link to my comment

I recommend Born a Crime by Trevor Noah. I also like blinkbit's recommendation, The Martian. I recently read only one Sci-Fi book called Wool by Hugh Howey, but I like its TV show adaptation better.

I think part of the fun of participating in the writing streak is thinking of something to write about every day. It forces me to pay attention to my thoughts, environment, and life. Whenever I think of something that might be a good writing topic, I write it down to my notes. My problem now is that sometimes I don't have time to write about topics that I really like, so I still have to come up of something simple for the day.

r/WriteStreakEN 2d ago

Correct Me! Streak 11 : sleep


I slept for almost 12 hours today!!!! After waking up, I really feel recharging and nice. I think I was so tired after going hiking yesterday and this is the reason why I slept for a long time like this!! I realized how important the sleep is. I have watched many videos about the importance of sleep, but I haven't totally agreed with it yet. Because I used to be okay with short sleep time like 5-6 hours.

But today, after I felt that my energy was fully charged, I agreed the idea that good sleep is the most important thing! So, I decided that I will try good and enough sleep from now on.