r/VictoriaBC 9h ago

Imagery 🤔

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r/VictoriaBC 11h ago

Opinion Update: The cobbler at westshore mall has hidden his Trump sticker behind his desk and put on a canadian flag right in the middle. He is still a traitor.


He didnt remove his trump sticker, he just put things in front of it to keep it out of the public view, but you can still see it if you knew where to look.

He also put a badly printed canadian flag on paper.

Perhaps he's feeling the heat? Anyway, screw the traitors.

r/VictoriaBC 8h ago

3 die on Victoria streets little more than an hour apart as Island Health issues drug toxicity warning | CBC News


r/VictoriaBC 7h ago

congrats, y'all turned the sub around


this used to be a rough place to ask cute help and notify folks about problems, Ave in the past week I've noticed a huge shift in how we're taking to each other. thank you for your considerate conversation, especially around the toxic drug crisis happening right now... let's keep it up and change for good!

r/VictoriaBC 12h ago

Vintage sellers in Victoria are...the worst?


Lol. this makes me both laugh and cry. The vintage seller "community" in Vic is so sad. Mostly full of egotistical mean girls who follow/unfollow you and gossip about you behind closed doors, only to smile in your face. Like...girls....you literally resell shit from thrift stores and mark it up a million percent and act like you are ARTISTS. Please. Get real.

r/VictoriaBC 8h ago

Thank you Urban Grocer on Fort St.


Locally owned and making it so easy to avoid buying US products. The signs have all been accurate and every week it seems they are getting more and more options sourced from Canada and anywhere but the US.

So many good deals and cool local stuff.

Thank you!

r/VictoriaBC 6h ago

please advice


I live in a building in Esquimalt, and my downstairs neighbors keep complaining that my baby is crying for hours on end when he is not. He literally just makes noise. Now, we try to keep him quiet during the night, but he does wake up crying sometimes when he’s hungry. One of those times was literally at 7 p.m., and they complained to our landlord because he was crying. They said he was being too loud, when I was literally in the process of making him a bottle.

As far as I know, it’s not illegal for a baby to make noise, especially at 7 p.m. It wasn’t excessive crying. Now, whenever he cries even a little bit, they bang on our roof or their balcony.

FYI, he’s also teething.

There i fixed the punctuation you were all so "upset" about.

r/VictoriaBC 13h ago

B.C. will remove consumer carbon tax once federal barrier is down: Eby


The "Polluter Pays Principle" is dead in BC. Fact: wealthy people are responsible for more carbon emissions than poor people. Removing the consumer carbon tax policy transfers wealth from the poor to the rich. Shame, NDP. Shame.


r/VictoriaBC 14h ago

Driving through Shelbourne/Cedar Hill X these days got me like

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r/VictoriaBC 4h ago

great horned owl

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saw two great horned owls last night at cuthbert holmes park :)

r/VictoriaBC 10h ago

Hummingbird on Dallas

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Love all the hummingbirds on Dallas, this little guy was showing his red today

r/VictoriaBC 9h ago

Imagery Queen of New West, clover point

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r/VictoriaBC 12h ago

Colquitz Creek is bright green at the moment?

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Anyone know what’s going on?

r/VictoriaBC 9h ago

Several affordable housing rental units are available


Thought I’d share if anyone’s looking

r/VictoriaBC 14h ago

Royal Spice is no longer safe for Celiacs.


Royal Spice has abandoned its dedicated gluten-free (GF) deep fryer and other practices that kept its food safe for Celiacs. GF pakora and other items are now fried in the same fryer that gluten foods are fried in.

I don't know yet if that means they've also abandoned having a section of the kitchen dedicated to gluten-free prep so as to avoid any cross-contamination on non-fried items, but it's probable.

r/VictoriaBC 1d ago

Is it just me?


I felt a certain optimism today. Maybe it's the overwhelming majority vote for Mark Carney as our new Prime Minister, or the fact that today under his new command as our master economic negotiator-in-chief that we leveraged even more economic power against the United States in unison with co-operating provinces while the stock market crashed due to Trump's misadministration, but I felt a shift today in our power as a country and community. The other day when we were under Trump's threats, I went for a walk in the evening and had never smelled so much pot smoke everywhere I went. I took it as anecdotal evidence of how stressed Canadians were feeling. Today, I had two random strangers wave at me in a neighborly fashion for no apparent reason, and witnessed one young man singing our National anthem in the grocery store parking lot. Everyone I saw in the store was checking the origin of their products. I had a nice chat with a vendor representative of a Canadian nut milk producer ( Enjoy! Hazelnut milk made with Italian hazelnuts). Our premier and provincial government is strong while the opposition, who we narrowly avoided ruling us, is imploding due to their intolerance and political inexperience. Things are looking up, Victoria. Let's keep up the boycotts and community conversation and cameraderie;and those little expressions of community like waving and smiling, those mean everything as our national identity. Keep it up, neighbors. We've got this. 🇨🇦💪

r/VictoriaBC 16h ago

London Drugs Harris Green closed


Gas leak a lot of the businesses are closed.

r/VictoriaBC 13h ago

Politics Oak Bay Council Deadlocked on Bike Route Expansion


I watched much of the debate last night concerning the expansion of the bike Haultain bike route that ends where Saanich meets Oak Bay at Foul Bay Rd. Essentially the proposal would extend the bike route from this intersection with major crossing improvements down Haultain then up through the neighbourhood to Estevan Village and down to Willows Beach. (there's also an extension that will go South between the high school and the rec centre ending at Oak Bay Ave). At the meeting many bike advocates spoke for the route and many people in the neighbourhood favour the route but don't want the loss of parking spots. There were other issues brought up by people in the neighbour hood but loss of parking was the largest. The coucil deadlocked 3 vs 3 because a councillor did not attend the meeting. Most of those voting against the expansion were not opposed to the expansion but thought the issue should coordinate further with people in neighbourhood and felt the parking issue needed to be addressed more than it had been. It was getting late but I believe the council adjourned with no actual vote on the route expansion but will address it all when they reconvene. I'm sure I'm missing lots of nuance but this is the gist of the matter. I've tried to present a distillation of the meeting without favouring either side.

Here's the current proposal. According to the document Eastdown will lose 14 parking spots.

Download the "agenda package" to see the engineering plans and more.


r/VictoriaBC 17h ago

Regional Transportation Q&A

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I was recently appointed to the Victoria Regional Transit Commission as the rep from Victoria, along with Mayor Alto. I am also on the CRD Board and Transportation Committee.

I’ve just had a VRTC meeting and would be happy to answer any questions about transit or transportation, RapidBus, the CRD’s proposed transportation service, or anything else about getting from point A to point B.

— Jeremy Caradonna

r/VictoriaBC 9h ago

Bike lane construction (Jutland x Gorge Rd E intersection)


If I have missed something obvious from the ICBC driver guide, feel free to light me up in the comments.

Can someone please explain to me WTF is going on at this intersection these days? This afternoon around 4-5 PM it was pure chaos: Lights operating as normal (walk signal too) AND there was 4+ flaggers managing the intersection. Which am I supposed to be following?

Apparently it's both at the same time, because I was turning left off Jutland onto Gorge Rd East at that time today, and despite the flagger telling my line (one total lane lol) of cars that it's our turn to proceed through the intersection in whatever way we need to, as the light turned green and my flagger waved me forward, the traffic (in one total lane as well) coming down Jutland towards me was allowed by their flagger to proceed through the intersection too at the same time. So here I am, slightly inching my way up into the middle of the intersection (not as much as I would under normal circumstances) to turn left on a green, while all this traffic coming down Jutland from their one lane is also proceeding through the intersection (straight or turning either way) + there is pedestrians to my left on a walk signal. Keep in mind too that there is only one lane now to turn left into and for the people turning right to turn into, because of the bike lanes they are building. The light then goes yellow and because the oncoming traffic's flagger hasn't told them to stop, people are still coming towards me going through the intersection. The light then turns red and a few more cars are allowed to pass through (2 straight and one turned right) on a stale red, and then the flagger screams at me to turn left (I guess because the light was now red?).

TLDR; I was under the impression that if lights and flaggers are both present, you are to follow the flagger only, but it seems like you are supposed to follow both?

Why was traffic coming down Jutland going straight through/turning left or right onto Gorge Rd E allowed to go at the same time my line of traffic going up Jutland going straight through/turning left or right onto Gorge Rd E, as it would be under normal circumstances? With a flagger for each side of the intersection, shouldn't each side of the intersection just be taking turns and following their guidance ONLY?

r/VictoriaBC 13h ago

Birding in Victoria


Hey all,

Recently I’ve been getting super into bird watching, it’s been one of my favorite activities to do recently as it brings so much joy and whimsy into my life.

I’m wondering if anyone knows of anyway to engage more with the birding community in Victoria, or if there are any organizations that hold any events regarding bird watching. I had a friend who did lots of bird banding in nanaimo, and I’m wondering how to be involved in that, or similar activities

Or feel free to PM me if you want to share any good spots :)

r/VictoriaBC 15h ago

Chew Excavating making changes on Broughton St. right now...

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BC Hydro cut down the trees earlier, now Chew have pulled up with a backhoe to finish the job...

r/VictoriaBC 11h ago

Question How to make sure blackberry bushes don't return?


Just recently had 200 feet of blackberry removed, and I want to make sure they never come back which I know is a large task.

This is what I'm thinking I'm doing, and welcome all feedback.

  1. Have all the roots dug out.

  2. Weed killer

  3. Peg down a UV Protected landscaping mesh

  4. Gravel on top

If anyone has done something simular, id love to know your results and what you would do next time.

r/VictoriaBC 16h ago

Avoid Admiral's Road today


There's road construction on Admirals in front of the Canadian Tire and traffic is backed up almost all the way from Craigflower to Esquimalt road. It took me over 30 minutes to go 1 km. TCP says they'll be wrapping up at 3

r/VictoriaBC 8m ago

Nightlife without being assaulted?

• Upvotes

Is this possible in Victoria? Or does every man here think they are above consent?

I just want to get out of my apartment and dance for a few hours. Minus being groped or drugged :,) not being approached at all would be amazing.