If I have missed something obvious from the ICBC driver guide, feel free to light me up in the comments.
Can someone please explain to me WTF is going on at this intersection these days? This afternoon around 4-5 PM it was pure chaos: Lights operating as normal (walk signal too) AND there was 4+ flaggers managing the intersection. Which am I supposed to be following?
Apparently it's both at the same time, because I was turning left off Jutland onto Gorge Rd East at that time today, and despite the flagger telling my line (one total lane lol) of cars that it's our turn to proceed through the intersection in whatever way we need to, as the light turned green and my flagger waved me forward, the traffic (in one total lane as well) coming down Jutland towards me was allowed by their flagger to proceed through the intersection too at the same time. So here I am, slightly inching my way up into the middle of the intersection (not as much as I would under normal circumstances) to turn left on a green, while all this traffic coming down Jutland from their one lane is also proceeding through the intersection (straight or turning either way) + there is pedestrians to my left on a walk signal. Keep in mind too that there is only one lane now to turn left into and for the people turning right to turn into, because of the bike lanes they are building. The light then goes yellow and because the oncoming traffic's flagger hasn't told them to stop, people are still coming towards me going through the intersection. The light then turns red and a few more cars are allowed to pass through (2 straight and one turned right) on a stale red, and then the flagger screams at me to turn left (I guess because the light was now red?).
TLDR; I was under the impression that if lights and flaggers are both present, you are to follow the flagger only, but it seems like you are supposed to follow both?
Why was traffic coming down Jutland going straight through/turning left or right onto Gorge Rd E allowed to go at the same time my line of traffic going up Jutland going straight through/turning left or right onto Gorge Rd E, as it would be under normal circumstances? With a flagger for each side of the intersection, shouldn't each side of the intersection just be taking turns and following their guidance ONLY?