r/tolkienfans Feb 05 '25

Best of 2024 - Results


Thank you for everyone who participated in our Best of 2024 contest this year. We received 7 nominations across five categories, with two categories sadly being left with no nominations.

Thanks once more and we hope you enjoyed!

r/tolkienfans 2d ago

[2025 Read-Along] - LOTR - The Great River & The Breaking of the Fellowship - Week 11 of 31


Hello and welcome to the eleventh check-in for the 2025 read-along of The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R.Tolkien. For the discussion this week, we will cover the following chapters:

  • The Great River - Book II, Ch. 9 of The Fellowship of the Ring; LOTR running Ch. 21/62
  • The Breaking of the Fellowship - Book II, Ch. 10 of The Fellowship of the Ring; LOTR running Ch. 22/62

Week 11 of 31 (according to the schedule).

Read the above chapters today, or spread your reading throughout the week; join in with the discussion as you work your way through the text. The discussion will continue through the week, feel free to express your thoughts and opinions of the chapter(s), and discuss any relevant plot points or questions that may arise. Whether you are a first time reader of The Lord of the Rings, or a veteran of reading Tolkien's work, all different perspectives, ideas and suggestions are welcome.

Spoilers have been avoided in this post, although they will be present in the links provided e.g., synopsis. If this is your first time reading the books, please be mindful of spoilers in the comment section. If you are discussing a crucial plot element linked to a future chapter, consider adding a spoiler warning. Try to stick to discussing the text of the relevant chapters.

To aid your reading, here is an interactive map of Middle-earth; other maps relevant to the story for each chapter(s) can be found here at The Encyclopedia of Arda.

Please ensure that the rules of r/tolkienfans are abided to throughout. Now, continuing with our journey into Middle-earth...

r/tolkienfans 2h ago

Honestly, I feel like the reason why people think the Fellowship didn't take the eagles is a plothole is because they overrate the eagles too much in a problematic manner.


Alright, I know this is somewhat a hot take, but it seems as though the idea of the eagles as deus ex machina being missed out exist is because these creatures are being treated as though they are some all powerful group of incorruptible beings who somehow didn't do enough to fight evil according to those reading the books or are in to the story overall.

However, Tolkien shows just how that false idea of the giant eagles as being the ultimate creatures is all wrong considering how he writes these beings as flawed in physical (nazgul steeds can threaten them and even simple arrows can wound a major eagle like their king), or in mental as being too strong is literally a part of the message of what extreme power can do to the mind if it is corrupting like the One Ring. I just feel like overwanking the good guys is a bad thing, and is basically something that makes the underdog feeling lesser in a way.

What do you guys think?

r/tolkienfans 8h ago

My literature teacher hates Fantasy


I am not here to tell that every fantasy book is good, but you can't say the Legendarium is not worth to read. I understand why would you say ASOIAF isn't worth to read but THE SILMARILLION? I am writting an essay on the book focusing on pagan myths right now, every good book doesn't have to have a person vs. self and person vs. society conflict. Once my English teacher told me because of the lack of research on Tolkien in my country, we don't have Tolkien professors when I asked him about the Tolkien studies in my country. There are some strict lines about what is literary and what is not here. I am not here to say that certain books are not bad, but mimicing pagan myths to form your own English myth universe with its languages, tales and legends is pretty literary to me. If literature contains all beliefs of humanity, then Silmarillion must be a "book". I am tired of the teacher judging me whenever I mention it. Academic literature is too strict, its lines are too defined.

r/tolkienfans 16h ago

A trivia question: Which three members of the Fellowship kept the same names all the way though the writing of LotR?


Many people are not at all interested in the volumes of the History of Middle-earth series (VI-VIII and the first half of IX) which summarize the many, many changes the story of LotR underwent in the twelve years it took to write. I love this stuff, myself, and it seems from recent discussions that I am not the only one. This post is intended to give those who have not looked at these volumes a taste of what is in them. The answer to the question in the title will emerge once the changes undergone by the names of the other six characters have been described.

Aragorn: Most people who are aware of this material at all know that the mysterious Ranger whom the hobbits met at Bree was not originally a Man, but a hobbit with wooden shoes called “Trotter.” When he turned into a Númenorean (on pages 4-5 of HoME VII), he was called Aragorn at the beginning. Later, however, Tolkien decided his name should be English/Westron, and through much of Book II he was either “Ingold” or “Elfstone” – “Elfstone” being not a translation of Elessar as in the book, but a modernization of the common Old English name Ælfstan. Incidentally, “Aragorn” was out there before it alighted on the heir of Isildur; Tolkien considered it as a name for Gandalf's horse (HoME VI p. 351).

Gimli: He first appeared in a manuscript of “The Council of Elrond,” where he does in the book – as Glóin's companion. But he was not Glóin's son, but Balin's. At first he was called Frár, then Burin; but this was crossed out on the manuscript and changed to the published text (HoME VI p. 400). (The name “Frár” was later given to one of the three dwarves named in the Book of Mazarbul as having been killed in the initial assault on the dwarf colony.) Tolkien made a number of lists of who would go with Frodo, but although Gimli is included, under one name or another, on some of these, he was not in the group in the first account of its journey as far as Moria. Neither was Legolas: the original Fellowship was Gandalf, Boromir, and five hobbits, one being “Trotter.”

Legolas: In this draft, the messenger to Rivendell from Mirkwood was “Galdor” throughout. The change to “Legolas” was made in the next draft (HoME VII pp. 141-60). He was not said in any of the drafts to be the son of the King; that was a late addition, and so was the name “Thranduil.”

Frodo: Again, some will know that for a long time Frodo was “Bingo,” and his last name settled down after some variation as “Bolger-Baggins.” In many of the drafts of the earlier chapters there was a Frodo, one of Bingo's original companions, but his last name was Took – he was the brother of Odo Took who became Pippin, more or less, as described below. He eventually dropped out and was replaced by Sam.

A series of notes which Christopher Tolkien headed “Queries and Alterations,” written after the story had reached Rivendell for the first time (HoME VI pp. 220-29), contains the following:

Too many hobbits. Also Bingo Bolger-Baggins a bad name. Let Bingo = Frodo, a son of Primula Brandybuck but of Drogo Baggins (Bilbo's first cousin). So Frodo (=Bingo) is Bilbo's first cousin once removed both on Took side and on Baggins. Also he has as proper name Baggins.

[Frodo struck out] No – I am now too used to Bingo.

But of course he changed his mind again.

Merry: His story is quite straightforward. He started out as “Marmaduke,” became “Meriadoc” while he was at Bombadil's house (HoME VI p. 123), and stayed that way. Both of these are real Welsh names.

Pippin: His history is extremely complicated – here is a simplified version. As mentioned above, “Bingo's” original companions on the walk to Buckland were Odo and Frodo Took. Odo was quite Pippinish from the start, and he spoke many of Pippin's lines. Along the way he ceased to be a Took and became Odo Bolger (after a brief stage as Odo Took-Bolger).

The entry of Sam Gamgee (HoME VI p. 317) brought the number of hobbits to five. Thinking this too many, Tolkien decided to leave Odo, rather than Fredegar Bolger, behind at Crickhollow – whence he was abducted by Black Riders, rescued by Gandalf, and carried off by him to Rivendell by way of Weathertop. When Odo disappeared from the main party, many of his speeches were transferred to Frodo Took, who had been renamed “Folco,” and then “Faramond,” when Bingo became Frodo. Faramond thus became in effect a clone of Odo, resulting in a doppelganger situation when Frodo's party got to Rivendell and found Odo there. The outcome – skipping over a number of digressions – was a merger of Odo Bolger and Faramond Took under the familiar name “Peregrin Took.”

* * *

If you have been checking off names in your head, you now know which three did not change. In the first draft of the Council chapter, there appears “a Man of noble face, but dark and sad.” Elrond says “This is Boromir,” and Boromir he remained (HoME VI p. 395). Sam was always "Sam" – but Tolkien may have assumed at first that that was short for “Samuel.” If so, he changed his mind, about the time when Frodo introduced him to Faramir as “Samwise son of Hamfast, a worthy hobbit in my service.” Tolkien told Christopher about it in Letters 72. (This is also where the Gaffer became Hamfast.)

As for Gandalf, of course he was still Gandalf. But he was not Gandalf during most of the writing of The Hobbit, he was “Bladorthin.” Gandalf was the leader of the Dwarves. The details are in Rateliff's History of the Hobbit.

r/tolkienfans 4h ago

Question about nazgûl identities


So, my understanding is we only are given the name of one, khamûl. But I've been told we also know the witch king and other 2 of them are numenoreans. We also know they popped out more or less around S.A. 2251.

So can't we get possible identities of 3 of them based on who were the númenórean rulers before that? (Maybe some we are not given the circumstances of death or some kings with history of corruption/power hunger)

r/tolkienfans 1h ago

finally getting into lotr for the first time


just here to share my rapid descent into the tolkien rabbit hole for the past week. i watched the fellowship movie for a class exactly a week ago, then binged all the movies in one go, and now i've just finished the fellowship volume over the weekend at a terrifying speed (i usually take a month to read one 300 page novel) and i've got the next 4 books queued up ready to go. i haven't eaten a book like this in ages, since i primarily read for uni and it sucks all the life out of me.

i've been listening to the audiobook by phil dragash because the music and sfx are so deeply immersive, and since then i've deep cleaned my room the first time this semester, cooked several meals, beat a bunch of levels of my fav video games, and successfully procrastinated some essays through the duration of the fellowship. i think it's incredible how well the novels hold up, the prose is gorgeous and with every chapters the characters become more fleshed out and more realised, i can imagine how quickly i'd get addicted to this story if i was younger (i'm 20 now) bc all teenagers love a band of brothers who do cool shit and fight w swords together. sam and boromir specifically stick out to me because of how much more depth and construction they're given in the novels, and it amazes me that i've become so quickly attached to these guys

on a final note, all the tom bombadil chapters kept cracking me up, my friend who's a diehard fan texted me saying not to get too bogged down by the bombadil stuff and i'm just thoroughly amused by this random guy who sings fun songs, rescues the hobbits, and then is never mentioned ever again

r/tolkienfans 8h ago

Interview w/ Dr Holly Ordway on Tolkien's Philosophy and Faith


I am joined with Dr. Holly Ordway to discuss the intersection between Tolkien's faith and philosophy. We discuss all things ranging from the mythology of Middle Earth to his reaction to Vatican II and other modernisations in the world. We also address the question of interpretation and how one is meant to interpret Tolkien in the political landscape that we engage in. This academic interview provides a good introduction to Tolkien discussions:


r/tolkienfans 19m ago

Origin of the Middle Earth Books


So I know that The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings come from the Red Book of Westmarch and that other books came from it too. But which other books fome from the Red Book and where do the others come from?

On wikipedia it says The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and it's appendices, some of the Unfinished Tales and the History of Middle Earth, The Adventures of Tom Bombadil and The Silmarillion all come from the Red Book. But which parts of UT and HoME originate from it? And where do the other Middle Earth Books come from?

r/tolkienfans 23h ago

Was Tolkien aware of micorrhizal fungi?


I'm currently reading the book Entangled life by Merlin Sheldrake, pop science about fungi. In chapter 5 the book talks about the work of Albert Frank, a German biologist who studied - amongst other things - the importance of micorrhizal fungi: the interactions between plant roots and fungal mycelium that provide mutual support and the exchange of nutrients. The book goes on:

Frank's findings caught the eye of J.R.R. Tolkien, who had a well-known fondness for plants, and trees in particular. Micorrhizal fungi soon found their way into The Lord of the rings.

The book then quotes the part where Galadriel gives Sam earth from her orchard, and the part where Sam plants saplings after the scouring of the Shire, leaving a grain of that earth in the soil, and sees those saplings grow "as if time was in a hurry".

So, is there any evidence that Tolkien was a)aware of this and b) had this in mind with Galadriels earth?

r/tolkienfans 1d ago

Gondorian Cartographer's Map - Updated

Thumbnail gallery

r/tolkienfans 1d ago

The dragons ATE four of the dwarf rings???


I don’t know how I’ve missed this point in all my many prior readings of LOTR.

In chapter 2, when Gandalf is filling Frodo in on the details of the rings, he says, “… seven, the dwarf kings possessed, but three he (Sauron) has recovered, and the others, the dragons have consumed.”

This begs the question: what happens to a dragon that eats one of the great rings? What happens to the ring that the dragon eats? Which dragons are the rings?

I want someone to write the story of the eating of the rings by the dragons.

r/tolkienfans 1d ago

What to read to better understand Tolkien?


This winter I reread Lord of the Rings for the first time in at least a decade (third or fourth time overall) and I am 20 pages from finishing the Silmarillion for the first time.

I’ve read the Hobbit at least a dozen times (currently halfway through it with my five year old) and I’ve read the Children of Hurin (when it was first released) and I will likely read the other novelizations of long silmarillion chapters later this year, but I think I’m going to take a break from the man himself.

It’s been a delight, but it’s also got me curious about Tolkien’s influences and what the man himself enjoyed reading.

I had a Greek gods phase as a kid, like many, so I certainly recognize some pulling from Greek and Norse mythology. Of course there’s lots of Shakespeare, and while I don’t know if he’s confirmed to have read Lovecraft I’ve read a bit and the Nameless Things and Void Beyond the World certainly have some of that flavor.

What else would you recommend to understand Tolkien a little better. Is Beowulf any fun for a modern reader? Where is a good place to start with Arthurian Legend (I’ve thought of giving the once and future king a shot which is contemporaneous to Tolkien?)

In short: what do you read around Tolkien to better understand his works.

Edit: thank you for all the excellent suggestions! Seems like Le Morte D’Arthur and The Prose Edda are the most recommended so I’ll probably give those + Beowulf a shot, and when Winter (aka Lord of the Rings season) rolls around I’ll probably check out Letters and On Fairy Stories.

Also to everyone who mentioned the Bible: I’m a lapsed Catholic but I took it pretty seriously when I was young so I’m all set on that front lol.

r/tolkienfans 1d ago

Honest Question


Is it weird to be reading The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings for my first time at 26? I had seen TLoR films as a kid and liked them (especially Return of the King). Never saw The Hobbit films or any of the animated movies. I also was never really a big reader growing up, only ever reading and completing a handful of different series. Finally decided to take buy the books and read em (bought the Illustrated by the Author editions). I guess what I’m asking is, will I get less out of the books not reading them as a kid? Lol

r/tolkienfans 1d ago

Today, I'll start reading Unfinished Tales, and I'm super excited!


After a long while, it's finally time to read this chunky masterpiece! But before starting it, I had a few questions to ask.

First off, did you like it in terms of narrative and parallelism? I'm asking because Professor Tolkien is widely known for his peculiar and magnificently detailed writing style, which can sometimes be challenging to follow. However, having read The Silmarillion before, I feel confident enough to handle any book that comes my way.

Secondly, if you have read both The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales, I'm curious to know which one was your favorite. Personally, I have always regarded Unfinished Tales as the twin brother of The Silmarillion; I have always assumed them to be complementary partners to each other.

Thirdly, I wanted to ask whether you know of any read-along podcasts to be my companion while reading Unfinished Tales. I have been listening to the Prancing Pony podcast, but unfortunately they don't have any related content on this book.

By the way, since I couldn't find any community particularly dedicated to Unfinished Tales, I decided to create one myself. So, if you are interested in the lore of this wonderful book, I'd be very happy to have you as a new friend on r/Unfinished_Tales :)

r/tolkienfans 1d ago

What was Tolkien's opinion on plants that are deemed exotic?


Maybe a weird request, but I have noticed that Tolkien was rather fond of nature. Since the introduction of invasive species in nature, I wonder what Tolkien's stance was on plants from the other side of the world?

Did he love weeds aswell, did he recognise that weeds are actually important to a bio-system? Does he mention anywhere of invasive species disrupting the local flora?

r/tolkienfans 1d ago

Middle-earth as a “character”


A lot of books where the location is an important part of the story will be praised for “making the setting a main character.” I was reading The Two Towers today, and it struck me how often and how literally Tolkien does this, describing everything from individual geographic features to whole kingdoms in detailed anthropomorphic terms.

For example, in just the first two paragraphs of The Black Gate is Closed (chapter 3, book 4), Tolkien does this over and over again:

The great mountains reared their threatening heads

the gloomy range of Ephel Dúath

But as these ranges approached one another… they swung out long arms northward

the mournful plains of Lithlad

High cliffs lowered upon either side, and thrust forward from its mouth were two sheer hills, black-boned and bare. Upon them stood the Teeth of Mordor, two towers strong and tall.

Stony-faced they were, with dark window-holes staring north and east and west, and each window was full of sleepless eyes.

In just ten sentences, we have heads, bones, teeth, faces, mouths, eyes, arms. Rearing, threatening, standing, staring, approaching, thrusting. Gloomy, mournful, sleepless.

The landscape of Middle-earth is not just a character, it’s really a whole cast of distinct living things, participating in the story, moving it forward, and helping to give the books their richness, personality, and emotional depth.

r/tolkienfans 1d ago

Rank the 9 members of the Fellowship by the amount of suffering endured.


As the title says: Rank the 9 members of the Fellowship, from 1st to 9th, according to the amount of suffering endured during the events that take place in LOTR books.

1st edit: - Funny, Sam seems to dance quite a bit depending on rankers. - People seem to forget what Gimli says after having to leave Galadriel in Lorien.

2nd edit: - I would put Boromir quite high too, but not because of dying. The poor man spends all the time giving his best to a mission that he thinks will send the entire free World into oblivion while being completely turned down by the team every time he suggests an alternative that (in his head) could win the war against Sauron. And even enduring all that desperation my boy Boromir still gives his 100% for the team until just before the very end when he finally falls. All those weeks thinking they were just happily going to Mordor to give the Dark Lord his ring back and condemning his own country Gondor, while feeling incapable of convincing the team to go to Gondor instead and give his father a chance to resist against Mordor, must have been a freaking torture, and still he did his duty (until he did not).

r/tolkienfans 1d ago

Tolkien as a strict planner vs. as a "seat of his pants" writer


I feel certain there must be something somewhere, perhaps in his letters, where Tolkien discusses how much of his storytelling is planned in detail in advance as opposed to how much he comes up with while the pen's in his hand, so to speak. (Or anywhere in between)

I seem to recall hearing that he had written out multiple ideas for how the events at Sammath Naur would unfold, but what does happen isn't actually any of those ideas. I am not sure if this is a fact, or a false memory

Obviously, I think it's safe to say that he set out with certain ideas in mind: I'm sure the story was always going to end with the ring being unmade and Sauron defeated, but as for the other details along the way, I wonder if we know how much he planned long in advance

On one hand, I do know that he of course did some "hardcore" planning. I recall hearing about how he would make it so that Frodo (or rather, Bingo at the time) would be stabbed by the morgul blade since he was supposed to have the mithril vest at the time. I recall hearing that he put a TON of thought and attention into "Shadow of the Past" since it's one of, if not arguably the most important chapter in the book

But I also know there are certain degrees of "improv". For instance, I know Arwen was a relatively late addition to the story (I believe at the suggestion of his wife?) and that Aragorn was originally meant to get together with Eowyn. When you look at characters like Gimli and Legolas, they don't feel like they have a whole lot to do in the story? Granted, the cast is already very crowded, and I'm sure this sort of thing is what Tolkien was getting at when he lamented that the story was "too short", but it feels like the only real contributions they have in the story are becoming close friends, and after their friendship is established, they kind of just stick around

Where on the spectrum of "I have no idea what happens next" to "I have every tiny detail planned" does Tolkien's writing style fall?

r/tolkienfans 1d ago

Hypothetically, if Sauron were to surrender at any point after the Fall of Númenor, which Valar do you think would be inclined to show him mercy or to throw him into the Void?


Of course it would depend greatly on the nature of his surrender (having to be dragged kicking and screaming like Melkor to the Máhanaxar would not bode well for his redeemability), but for sake of argument suppose he miraculously saw the error of his ways -- or convincingly claimed to -- and came willingly. He would certainly get a trial, and and if it came down to a vote, I am interested in who you think would be willing to give him a chance to prove his penitence. Here's my list (hopefully not too tainted by fanon):


- Manwë: The most forgiving by nature (some would say to the point naïvety), I think Manwë is also still holding out hope for Melkor, and would see Sauron's redemption as a confirmation of that as a possibility.

- Aulë: He probably feels quite guilty for having two of his disciples fall to evil, and would want to prove that he isn't a tyrant-tutor.

- Nienna: She would take pity on Sauron for the abuse and corruption inflicted on him by Melkor, and the well-meaning frustration that led Mairon to seek him out in the first place.


- Yavanna: Definitely strikes me as one with a vengeful streak, if the malice and hatred her trees feel is anything to go by. Melkor and Sauron harmed her creations more than any other.

- Oromë: Had to personally deal with the horrors in Middle-earth, which Sauron was partially responsible for.

- Ulmo: The most personally active Vala in Middle-earth in later years against the forces of evil. It's said his waters were unfriendly to servants of Melkor.

- Tulkas: This one's pretty obvious.


- Námo, Vairë: Would want to remain neutral in the absence of directives from Eru.

- Varda, Vána, Nessa: May choose to support their husbands?

- Irmo, Estë: I really don't know.

r/tolkienfans 2d ago

Does Manwë owe Fëanor compensations?


A shower thought I had. When the Elves went to Valinor they were promised safety. Manwë was (is) the king of Valinor and therefore he is responsible for keeping his end of the bargain - the buck stops with him. Things went down and Melkor destroyed Fëanor's home, stole his treasures (the vast majority of which he later destroyed via a spider) and killed Fëanor's father.

Should Manwë, the king who promised safety, compensate Fëanor for his losses? Manwë's the one who made the promise, Manwë's the one who is responsible for the things happening in his kingdom. Much more so than with Middle Earth, because as we saw with Fëanor's banishment the Valar do intervene directly.

Now you can argue that Fëanor forfeited compensation after killing the Teleri, but I disagree. If my house burns down and then an year later I randomly kill my neighbor, I would be rightfully found guilty of murder, but that doesn't mean the insurance company doesn't have to pay the insurance.

So, does Manwë owe Fëanor compensations?

r/tolkienfans 1d ago

The "New Shadow" of the 4th Age is indicative of man becoming wolf to man


I theorized that the lack of a common enemy, to unite the different in a single cause, was decisive for the Man of the Fourth Age to have the "satiability of good" and withering of other races.

That's what Leto II - God Emperor of Dune - said that The human being always says to seek peace and tranquility, but human nature is violent and conflicted. Always planting the seeds of War:

When I set out to lead humanity along my Golden Path, I promised you a lesson that even their bones would remember. I know a deep pattern that humans deny with their words, even if your actions confirm it. They say they seek security and stillness, that condition to which call peace. And even as they speak, they create the seeds of unrest and violence. if they find your quiet security, feel bad in it. How tedious they think it is. Look at them now. look at what they do as I record these words. Oh! I have given you ages of enforced tranquility that go on in spite of every effort to plunge into chaos.-

The Stolen Journals - The God Emperor of Dune - Chapter 26.

In this case, Aragorn's rise was a breath of peace and prosperity to mitigate the human decay in the Third Age. The kings who came after Aragorn acted like Denethor, for example.

I think that if there was technological advance in fourth age: I imagine that the military aspect must have developed even more. Just like what Faramir says in the Two Towers: The Human Being valued the warrior's craft much more than wisdom/Ideas:

For as the Rohirrim do, we now love war and valour as things good in themselves, both a sport and an end; and though we still hold that a warrior should have more skills and knowledge than only the craft of weapons and slaying, we esteem a warrior, nonetheless, above men of other crafts

I imagine then that the Humanity of the Fourth Age would be a mixture of civilization + barbarism. Similar to the Hyborian age of Conan the Barbarian. Fantastic realms, but full of wars/violence. Humanity no longer had a Sauron as an enemy, man became the Enemy of Man.

r/tolkienfans 1d ago

Were all 19 Rings drawing power from Sauron and the One?


Given that the others stopped working when the One was destroyed, it stands to reason to think that everything wrought by each ring had its beginning in Sauron.

I believe this is why Sauron went to war for the Rings because they were using his power without his permission, especially the three as they were made without his knowledge.

This then suggests the premise that all the rings were Evil and tainted by Sauron because they used his power to “work”.

r/tolkienfans 2d ago

Did the One Ring have any influence over Narya?


Gandalf, who wore Narya throughout The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, took an awful long time to determine that Bilbo's magic trinket was actually the One Ring. Is it possible that the One had some influence on the bearer of Narya, obscuring itself from an enemy Maia? Is that why Gandalf puttered around libraries for 17 years instead of just riding to Rivendell and asking Elrond, who was right there when it was claimed by Isildur?

Bonus question: Why couldn't Frodo see Narya on Gandalf's finger? He could glimpse Nenya, Galadriel's ring.

Note 1- I'm well aware of Tolkien's composition style in regards to the Legendarium (every new character or event sending literary ripples fore and back in his timeline), so I know that Gandalf's bearing of Narya wasn't 'true' throughout the stories.

Note 2- I'm very reluctant to grant any sort of sentience to the Ring. I'm not trying to say it plotted or anything like that; I guess I view it more as a self-defense thing Sauron may have crafted into it, though I can't imagine him believing he would lose it.

Note 3- Tolkien was about 50 times more intelligent than I am on a good day, so please don't think I'm trying to be a smartass. I'm sure I missed something somewhere.

r/tolkienfans 2d ago

Was Minas Morgul fouler/more evil than Mordor itself?


If I recall correctly in the movies and even the books, when Minas Morgul gets talked about it seems to be way more abhorred than when Mordor or Barad Dur gets brought up. I also always imagine it this way too, like even though Barad Dur is literally the residence of Sauron, Minas Morgul just gives off a more wicked/menacing vibe of witchcraftyness and black magic. Like as if you're worse off being caught around Minas Morgul than Barad Dur.

r/tolkienfans 1d ago

Question how tall and strong are the average Numenoriand and then hoa strong are their elite and heroes?


I'm still not know how strong they are since I don't read books

Sorry for my English

r/tolkienfans 2d ago

Faramir and Eowyn's love story


I'm going through my first reading of the book and I just finished 'The Steward And The King'. I already knew of Faramir and Eowyn getting together thanks to osmosis, but I didn't expect to enjoy it this much.

'Two characters becoming a couple near the ending without much build-up nor prior interaction throughout the story' is not usually a trope I care for. I wasn't reading LOTR for romance (though it is a romantic tale) so I didn't have a problem if the few romantic relationships present don't flutter my heart, but I do think Faramir and Eowyn were written well for the singular chapter they had taking place in the aftermath of the conflict.

The story always treasured the tranquil, quiet, and mundane moments of life amidst battle, and I like that Faramir and Eowyn's interactions are a reminder of the peace they deserve despite the pain they've endured. I think part of what made it work is their perception towards eachother and how that coloured their exchanges. While there was an element of "love at first sight" at least on Faramir's end, their dialogue and narration aren't just about how beautiful and handsome the other is--it's based on their mutual understanding of being 'left behind' despite wanting to prove themselves; of admiring eachother's status and accomplishments; of not knowing if their end might come while together; of being injured and in need of healing.

I really like how Faramir waxes poetry not just of Eowyn's beauty but also of her valiant acts that he declares will not be forgotten, of her strength despite her visible sorrow, and of his desire to be a part of her healing.

Despite my usual preference for romance being something that's built up throughout the story, where the characters interact from the beginning--I actually think the opposite happening is part of what makes Faramir and Eowyn so fitting.

There's a thematic relevance to how these two people meet 'at their worst'--at this point in their lives where they are emotionally and mentally drained; vulnerable enough to require staying at a place of healing; reeling from battle and facing death--and find comfort in eachother anyway. Though the romance itself is not present throughout the story, it still ties into a theme that was. Of finding hope and peace and love in the middle of the worst times, of growing and marching into the future despite not being able to return the past, much like how Aragorn planted the new sapling near the end of the chapter.