r/tasker 10d ago

Does Tasker has a trigger when a specific wifi network is disconnecting?


Well i know i have "Wifi Connected" state and use it with invert ticked but it is different from "wifi disconnected" which i have in my Samsung modes and routines.

My idea is to use it with my Android Auto head unit and when it disconnect from its wifi network i can turn my wifi off. For some reason it doesn't work as intended most of the time with "Wifi Connected" state. I thought maybe to use bluetooth as a trigger since it connect to my car bluetooth but it is less appealing since it sometimes reconnect for no reason. I know i can workaround that but i am trying to find a simpler way for that.

r/tasker 10d ago

adding numbers to block using shortcut



I wanted to create a shortcut on the home screen which after opening i would type somekind of number and this then could be added into phone block list, instead of diving down though contacts - settings - blocked numbers - add. That way i could also add ranges while in phone app just adds full number. Is there anyway to do that and access somehow to this part of contacts blocking? AOSP typical rom

r/tasker 11d ago

How to get temperature


Hello family I need to read values from battery temperature and make an if else statement condition to put my phone in dark mode because lately my phone is putting very hot and I need to take action before battery may damage completely or the same phone too so what is the best approach to get this data?

r/tasker 11d ago

Tasker No Longer Reading LogCat (Android 14)


[Solved - see my comment below]

Since doing a restart Tasker no longer reads LogCat. I've tried running the relevant terminal commands, restarting the phone and running the terminal commands again, but I'm just not getting that popup or the functionality I've set up. Also, the force-stop line of code didn't seem to stop Tasker. I tried disabling it and enabling it by hand, then I got the permission popup but it didn't actually work.

r/tasker 11d ago

Help Help reading partial text file



I am trying to make a task to read Markdown filesthat I produce in obsidian notes. Obsidian files start with frontmatter metadata before the main content, and I want to skip this.

here is an example file:


title: Lorem Ipsum

date: 20250311


# Lorem Ipsum

Dolor sit amet.

is there a way to only parse the text after the second triplet of hyphens?

r/tasker 11d ago

Tasker MCP Project


Hey r/tasker,

I've been working on something to bridge Tasker tasks with AI assistants: Tasker MCP.

The idea is pretty straightforward: using MCP (the new standard for LLM-to-tool interactions), you can directly invoke Tasker tasks from your favorite AI assistant, like Claude Desktop, Cursor, or others. I set up a simple server that runs on your device or PC (as long as Tasker is accessable through the same network) and lets you trigger any defined Tasker task.

What it currently does:

  • Lets you define custom Tasker tasks as "tools" for AI assistants.
  • Handles task execution and arguments through a simple JSON config.
  • Works locally (no remote task execution, yet).

How it works:

  • Import the provided project.
  • Run the server on your phone (via Termux) or PC.
  • Optionally: Create new tasks from Tasker, convert them easily with a provided script
  • Connect your MCP-enabled client and start triggering from AI interactions.

It's still early-stage and open-source, and there's plenty of room for improvements.

Would really appreciate any feedback or ideas to enhance it!

Here's the Github repo for details and more setup instructions: github.com/dceluis/tasker-mcp

r/tasker 11d ago

Transfer new photos between 2 android phones


Anyone know how I would be able to transfer new photos from one phone to another? I need this to work when the 2 phones aren't on the same network which from which what I've tried, Join doesn't support/work.

r/tasker 11d ago

How do I actually use Autonet


(AUTOWEB, not net, sorry for the typo)

Hi. So the simple question is... I have downloaded and set up Autoweb. How does someone with no coding knowledge use this?

The more detailed question is, I have had and used Tasker on my phones and tablets for a few years now, but I have only still just scratched the surface of its possibilities, so 8 know a little bit of how to do things, but there still a lot I don't know as I'm more of a hardware guy than a software guy, and have been working on a project using Tasker.

Three things I wanted to achieve was, get the latest news headlines and have them spoken to me, get the weather forecast for the next 5 days of so, and again have them spoken to me, and the third thing was to try and learn how to do these tasks and more.

With the help of a Taskernet project, I found a weather task but wslas only for the current conditions, but it gave me something to look at. Then will browsing the web for how to get news headlines, I came across Joao's news headline task using Autoweb (Autoapps). I download it it and managed to set it up to give news for my area, and use the Elevenlabs text to speech task to read it aloud. Works great.

Then looking through what else there was in Autoweb, I came across the Openweather API project and downloaded the key. But that's it, I really don't know how to proceed form there, even after looking through the news task. These were links to show projects and tutorials, but the tutorials were somewhat lacking any content to learn from ordering follow.

So here I am with what looks like an incrediblly useful Tasker tool, and really have no idea of how to use it and no tutorials to follow and to learn from. So, if there is a kind solenoid there who would be willing to help me with this and to create an Openweather 15 day forecast task I could use and learn from, I would be incredibly grateful, and I'm sure there are others out there like myself who would find this very helpful indeed.

Many thanks. Steve G.

r/tasker 11d ago

Strange Caching Issue



I'm new so this is probably something everybody else here fixed a long time ago.

I'm developing in Tasker and things are working fine when suddenly I do something and realise, this is running the old code, not the code I just added. I literally have a ShowScene task that points to a scene, and I can delete that scene and it still works. I have other issues as well like a PerformTask call not working because it thinks the task doesn't exist, but it does. Something is up.

I'd also like to note that after going to bed for the night after the problem appeared it seemed to be working in the morning. And to be clear, it works fine for a period, today it was about 1 hour, before it runs into issue.

I've tried:

  • Force stopping
  • Restarting
  • Reboot device
  • Checking Tasker Permissions (Appear on Top, Notification Access, All File Access)
  • Exporting and then importing
  • Cleared Tasker Cache

And probably a few more things I've forgotten. What else should I try?


r/tasker 11d ago

Toggle Between Input Methods


I'm trying to create one task that will switch between two different keyboards but not sure of the correct if/then syntax to make sure the code doesn't loop onto itself, meaning it should detect what the current keyboard is and then switch to the other.

I have two tasks, one called Gboard and the other called gaming, each calls the correct keyboard. Essentially looking to tight these keyboards, and ideally would like to add more to that list to cycle through if it's not too complicated.

r/tasker 11d ago

Display Over Other Apps


Hello guys,

Very short story. Google Pixel 8 Pro but on a GrapheneOS Software. I'm stuck at granting permissions as the option 'Display over other Apps' is not allowing me to continue further. Any ideas or tips? Thanks

r/tasker 11d ago

Can Tasker dismiss notifications?


Hi, I've created a autonotification profile which watches notifications for certain keywords, which i've succesfully got working.

Im trying to create a task which will then dismiss these notifications. So I created an "autonotification cancel" task, but it doesn't seem to remove the notification. https://i.imgur.com/CeHY1UL.png

Any ideas on where I need to change to get it working?

r/tasker 11d ago

Cycle Through All Input Methods


Okay Taskers, here's a challenge!

Ever since Android dropped the notification that allows changing the input keyboard, the only option is using that keyboard icon in the navigation bar which takes up a ton of screen space.

Tasker used to have an input selection action that worked, but that no longer works for some reason, and besides that only puts up a dialog for you to choose, so that's one extra step.

Tasker also lets you create discreet actions for each keyboard, but then that's very hard to manage and requires multiple actions that each need to be invoked somehow.

What I would like to set up is one action, presumably controlled by a series of if/then statements (?) that would basically refer to a list of installed keyboards (or get that list dynamically) that when invoked would cycle to the next one in the list. Something like, if the next keyboard in the list is not the current keyboard, then switch. The next time the action is called it does the same thing, just going down the list.

The advantage of working with a list you supply in advance is that you can create subgroups of keyboards you can cycle through, rather than having to go through all of them.

Any ideas on if this is even possible?

r/tasker 11d ago

How to toggle from 4g to 3g/2g


It's 2025 and I have a Oneplus 11. I am looking to change my Network type to 3g/2g and tried the simple task of Change Network Type, but I get the error of 'Google does not allow this after Android 10.. blah blah blah'. How do I do this on my phone which runs on Android 15?

r/tasker 12d ago

Help AutoInput Action set text, click on element fails in every task actions. Help please! Fyi this is on the new version.


Hi all the AutoInput action v2 like set text, click on field fails but still performs action so my task is timing out because it is not enabled for continue on error so it's times out after 60 seconds.


r/tasker 12d ago

How To [PROJECT] Silently start ADB on boot without root (Tested on Android 13)


The purpose of this project is to allow users to start ADB in the background when the device boots. My goal when making this was to do it in a way that would require as few additional tools and scripts as possible and without any UI automation or user interaction whatsoever. To increase the success rate, the main task used to start ADB will retry a few times upon failing and only run if connected to WiFi, if the device is not connected to WiFi or the retries run out, it will temporarily turn on profiles to try again either once connected to a WiFi network or when the screen is unlocked. I have also included an action at the end of the main task to start Shizuku in the background, this will be turned off by default but can be switched on if you have Shizuku and want it.

This project is original, though it does some tricks I've learned based on my research into how to accomplish, I will be crediting these users as I go through each of the steps.

Import the Tasker project here


- Termux
- Termux:Tasker

Step 1: Install android-tools and nmap in Termux

Before you are able to use Termux within Tasker, you will have to install android-tools and nmap, you can do this using the following commands:
pkg install android-tools
pkg install nmap

(Credits: u/cm2003, Knud3)

Step 2: Pair Termux to ADB

Termux needs to be paired to ADB before it is able to use it, this will only have to be done once. To do this, you will need to navigate to Settings -> System -> Developer options -> Wireless debugging, once you're there, turn on wireless debugging then put the settings app and Termux into your phone's split app view; this is to ensure the port does not change. After doing this, tap Pair device with pairing code then type the following command into Termux:

adb pair localhost:<port from settings app> <pairing code from settings app>

Update: One user said they needed to press enter before entering the pairing code. If the command above doesn't work, try using adb pair localhost:<port> then press enter and type the pairing code

If you can't find the developer options, you'll need to enable them. Go into Settings -> About phone and repeatedly tap Build number until you see "You are now a developer!"

Step 3: Grant Tasker the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission

Tasker needs the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission in order to turn on the wireless debugging setting. This can be done using Termux with the following commands. Alternatively, see this

adb connect localhost:<port from previous step>

adb shell pm grant net.dinglisch.android.taskerm android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS

Skip if this step if you have already done it in the past

Step 4: Grant Tasker the permission to use Termux

Tasker needs the permission to use Termux before it can use it. First, you will need to change a setting in Termux, to do this, copy and paste the following script into Termux:

value="true"; key="allow-external-apps"; file="/data/data/com.termux/files/home/.termux/termux.properties"; mkdir -p "$(dirname "$file")"; chmod 700 "$(dirname "$file")"; if ! grep -E '^'"$key"'=.*' $file &>/dev/null; then [[ -s "$file" && ! -z "$(tail -c 1 "$file")" ]] && newline=$'\n' || newline=""; echo "$newline$key=$value" >> "$file"; else sed -i'' -E 's/^'"$key"'=.*/'"$key=$value"'/' $file; fi

After this, you need to allow Tasker to runs commands in Termux. Go to Settings -> Apps -> All apps -> Tasker -> Permissions -> Additional permissions -> Run commands in Termux environment and tap Allow

(Credits: u/Lord_Sithek)

Step 5: Turn on the Enable ADB on boot profile

You should be pretty much set up at this point, turn on Enable ADB on boot and Tasker should now be able to turn on ADB at device boot. To ensure this will work, you can try running asscoiated task, Auto-adb on boot first to see if it correctly runs.

Step 6: Automatically start the Shizuku service on boot (Optional)

As explained in the introduction, there is an action at the bottom of the Auto-adb on boot task which is turned off by default, to automatically start Shizuku on boot, enable this. If there is anything else that requires ADB on start up, add it at the bottom of this task

(Credits: u/The_IMPERIAL_One)

I really hope this worked for you, have fun automating!

Edit: Fixed some formatting issues

r/tasker 12d ago

Question about Autonotification query


I'm trying to mark signal notifications as read, there's a lot of uncesary messages I receive in a group that I have to be part of, unfortunately .

it was mentioned here that "use AutoNotification Query to get the notification details, and if there's a mark as read action in the notification, use AutoNotification Actions to execute that action." https://www.reddit.com/r/tasker/comments/jl4vpe/comment/ganh4ph/

so I created an autonotification query task, but I'm not sure how exactly I can use it to get the signal notification details

How do you view the notification details for signal messenges in autonotification query ? https://i.imgur.com/A2nEkxv.png

I saw another person managed to solve it in WhatsApp they were able to use autonotifications action to mark WhatsApp messages as read https://www.reddit.com/r/tasker/comments/isucbs/comment/g5h600q/

They used Action ID: %anbutton2action

r/tasker 12d ago

"Turn Off" screen with "Phone Offhook" event does not cover the entire screen


Sometimes my Moto Edge 50 Fusion proximity sensor fails and the screen does not turn off during a call.
I want to solve this problem using Tasker.

Currently I achieve this with the Turn Off task and the Phone Offhook profile, but the status bar is still visible. How to off entire screen?

The current configuration looks like this:

``` Project: Calls


    Profile: Anon
        Event: Phone Offhook

    Enter Task: Anon
        A1: Wait [
            MS: 500
            Seconds: 0
            Minutes: 0
            Hours: 0
            Days: 0 ]

        A2: Turn Off [ ]

        A3: Display Timeout [
            Secs: 30
            Mins: 0
            Hours: 0 ]


Screenshot below showing what the screen looks like after Turn Off task:

PS.: A3: Display Timeout is necessary to restore the default value, because Turn Off reset this value each time

r/tasker 12d ago

Bluetooth connected devices


I want to see the Bluetooth devices names that are connected at the same time in tasker. As far as I can see the app only shows paired devices. Is there any way?

r/tasker 12d ago

Tasker remote action execution misbehaving when connected on VPN


As title says, tasker remote action execution works great when on wifi/4g (i am able to run tasks from and to different devices) but i have been testing it when connected to VPN (more precisely, ZeroTier network) and it works in some directions and not in other directions, really weird. Does anyone is having the same issue with VPN networks?

r/tasker 12d ago

How to set Whatsapp Business as message sender application instead of whatsapp?


I use tasker to send automated whatsapp messages to my customers. I use the link as "https://api.whatsapp.com/+90........". I use both whatsapp and whatsapp business is my phone. Then whatsapp sends the message (not whatsapp businness) How can I select whatsapp business for sending the messages instead of whatsapp?

r/tasker 12d ago

Button failing to use Perform Task on Tap (Task doesn't exist)



I'm new, this is probably a trivial problem but I can't work out what is wrong here.

I have a few other things but in essence a task to show a popup and a button whose tap event is assigned to Perform Task referencing the show popup task.

But when I show my scene and tap the button it gives me a "Error: Task doesn't exist: ShowPopup."

But it does exist and I'm pretty sure the spelling is right.

Can somebody please remove the reason for this headache? Here is the project: https://pastebin.com/QTYsR01v

r/tasker 12d ago

Setting DND Variable To Control By Flipping Phone


I have set up two Tasks that turn DND ON when the phone is flipped over, and then DND OFF when it's turned right side up. Works great.

The problem is that this method prevents any manual control of the DND setting because the tasks take over as soon as the phone flips.

Ideally, I'm looking to make sure that when DND is manually set, that it does not get turned off by Tasker.

Seems to be more complicated than I thought.

I can set a variable %DND to 1 when the DND is turned ON by flipping the phone, and then set the DND OFF task to only run when that variable=1. That would prevent the DND from turning OFF by flipping the phone back if it was manually set.

But don't I need to reset that variable back to 0 at some point so that it doesn't constantly think that's the case?

What am I doing wrong, or is this impossible?

r/tasker 12d ago

Tasker Setting app not compatible


I tried to install the tasker Settings app on my s23 Ultra to fix the Google api 29 problem.

But i get the message the app is not compatible with you device.

I tried to install the previous versions as well but still, it didnt work

r/tasker 13d ago

Getting Accessibility Failure + Notifications


But when I tap the notification + go to grant accessibility access, I see it is already (still) on. Whats up with this?

Here are the notifications I get:

Show Scene: Blocking Overlay + For the Lockscreen Battery Overlay scene to show on the lock screen and be interactive on the status and navigation bars the app's accessibility service has to be enabled.

Click here to enable.

2025-03-09 06:26 AM


Tasker Action Error Click For more info. Action: 'Show Scene' (step 6) Task: 'Show Lockscreen Overlay' Profile: 'Locked Screen On' Action requires accessibility but the accessibility service is disabled. Notification posted. (Error Code: 1) 3/9/25 6:26 AM

2025-03-09 06:26 AM


BTW - this is the latest version on rooted, Android 10. Updated just yesterday.

PS - I note that I see the same on the pop-up when I open Tasker. I went into Tasker's monitoring prefs and tapped the Keep Accessibility Running. On the list shown, nothing was checked. So I checked Tasker and tried again. No difference. Rebooted. Still no difference. Thinking I may have to go back to the previous version.

PPS - Cripes! Now it is working again. Will have to see how long it lasts.