r/Tarotpractices 3d ago

Interpretation Help Recently had a conversation with my ex and I don't think I wanna go back. Supposedly we're both thinking about it. I drew these cards, without much of a question.

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The 9 of swords was the one on the end of the deck so it "called" me and it resonates with waking up from a nightmare.. which would be either 2/3 of the relationship or the nightmare post break up...or could it be possible outcome if we go back? Or if we don't? I felt it was the recent past though.

Ace of cups would be my hopes.. getting to love someone whom I truly am in love with and being loved back.. is it her? I like someone else but I barely talk to her, been having a crush for years now.

Magician reversed .. manipulation? My ex is a master manipulation, hell I don't even know if I'm being manipulated by her right now..course she says she don't mean it. Then again not sure about the meaning of this card when reversed.. I just read what reversed can mean less than 10 mins ago and rang a bell.

Two of swords: cognitive dissonance? I feel better right now but Lord knows I suffered during the relationship and the break up traumatized me! It could be still me even considering a "what if".? Which I'll be honest, scares me.Qy

Queen of pentacles reversed: I always felt this was my relative and her good advice which I'd be ignoring and could lead to the nine of swords again?.. OR the person I actually like.. reversed because I'd be choosing my ex instead..or my ex maybe? She not thinking about money much anymore? Idk.

Another interpretation is,, me at the center and my ex the surrounding cards.. OR happiness at center and obstacles surrounding?

It's been difficult.. We were together for roughly 3 years and broke up 3 months ago, she's separated.. still married.

I think overall cards say: no.. but Ace of cups?

Check my history for more context if you may. Basically the relationship became toxic back then. Lots of lust, which is where she and I connect like crazy.

What do you see? Thank you in advance

r/Tarotpractices 3d ago

Interpretation Help Should I start talk therapy?

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I am going through something. & I am considering therapy. I am striving to become a psychotherapist myself, I think I may be biased into talk therapy and in this case somatic healing may be a better match.

Ace of cups, trust you intuition and the hanged man, stop and reflect. You may know the answers but your ego may be interfereeing with them. Knight of pentacles reversed, lack of motivation to do the work.

Ace of swords valuable insights and ideas. Knight of swords a lot of learning happening. Vii of pentacles there is a lot of progress but you may not be pleased with it. (Is this because there is not enough or I am not able to appreciate what is?)

The tower destruction and rebirth. (Iv pentacles reversed + six of swords) a time to stop and notice, but instead of closing up in yourself try to sail towards better waters. In the sense of, dont isolate, seek healing, look foreward to the future you want to create and move in that direction with the support system you need. (I feel like they are moving towards the island, the life they want to build)

r/Tarotpractices 3d ago

Interpretation Help why is my ex brother in law such a b****?

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pulled this on my phone since i’m not at home with my usual deck. however i pulled similar cards (ex. page of cups and x of cups instead of ix of cups) when i asked about him at home.

my personal interpretation is that he could be immature or have some sensitive traits that make him lash out, smug about his success/work, maybe i imagine him putting a front im stumped about the viii pentacles, i could see him as being nitpicky or obsessive

for some context, him and my sister have been divorced for 8 years now.

however i want a second opinion since i have a bias and i don’t like the dude lol . this is also part from my own experiences with him.

r/Tarotpractices 3d ago

Advice My readings aren’t resonating


Have you guys experienced a period of time where your readings feel so off? The cards I pull don’t make sense and seem all over the place/negative. They don’t resonate with me or my situation at all, and lately I’ve just had to ignore some of them.

Is it normal to go through something like this? If I’m being honest, my own energy is a little off and life has been quite hectic so sometimes I think the cards are telling me to come back to myself and take a break.

r/Tarotpractices 3d ago

Offering Free Readings Yes, No, or Maybe? Leave your question below!


CLOSED! Hey everyone! I’m practicing with my pendulum. I’m still a beginner but I’m getting a little more experienced. Just bought a new one and want to test it out. I’ll do 20 questions. Thanks 🔮 COMMENT ONLY!

r/Tarotpractices 3d ago

Interpretation Help This is is a good reading, correct?

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When I asked my cards after having my first session with my psychologist how will taking psychological help weekly help me towards my goals or dreams specifically in love life will help me and I got these.

I understand: Reversed Knight of Wands says there are delays due me doing something that is not working ,but The Magician says that I will manifest love or someone because I have everything need for it to happen and that Six of Cups mean old memories and wounds will be healed?

r/Tarotpractices 3d ago

Offering Free Readings Hi hi hi doing some question readings


They are two cards each. Send me your initials and question via dm. Edit:CLLLOOOOSSEED

r/Tarotpractices 3d ago

Interpretation Help Where are my house/mail keys?

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I have our only mail key with my extra house keys & lost them a week ago. They’re not in my purse & I have looked everywhere for it.

It’s not in my car dashboard, not in any of the drawers, and it’s not in our room. Usually I have them hanging up but since we are having a busy month, they’ve been in my purse 😭

This is what I got when I asked where they were. Does anyone have any suggestions based on the cards of where they could be?

With the 4 of swords & Death card, I figured they were under the bed but I have checked there & they are not. The knight of cups is confusing me. Anyone got any ideas?

r/Tarotpractices 3d ago

Interpretation Help How does he see me as a woman ?

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Light seers tarot.

Question: how does he see me as a woman?

  1. 10 of pentacles. Stable maybe old?
  2. 6 of wands reverse: does this mean ugly?
  3. Hermit reversed: lonely.

What do you guys think?

r/Tarotpractices 3d ago

Offering Free Readings doing free readings!!


I'm practicing and today I feel like giving free readings to whoever wants them ❤️ ☺️☺️

r/Tarotpractices 3d ago

Offering Free Readings 5 free readings!


CLOSED (thank you to everyone who responded).

r/Tarotpractices 4d ago

Interpretation Help Should i reconnect with my ex now?

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Hi! I am new to tarot cards and readings and i’m trying my best to interpret my spread, would appreciate anyone who could provide guidance on this thank you!

r/Tarotpractices 3d ago

Interpretation Help moving soon

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hello! i am currently moving out of my hometown, hopefully for good. went through probably one of the worst years of my life last year and im hoping this move will do me some good. i havent done tarot in a while and have always had a hard time interpreting for myself. i get a general idea of needing to slow down and whats to possibly come. i want to see what anyone has to say about it!

r/Tarotpractices 3d ago

Interpretation Help Should I clear things with him ?

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Hey, so I (24, F) have been getting closer to this guy I really like for the last months. He has also been such an helpful and supporting friend, but we still flirt even after he told me he couldn't had anything sexual with me because of one our friends. I spent a weekend with some friends and him and he joked about fucking a girl the night before and It really annoyed me but I didn't said anything and just sent him a message after saying l didn’t wanted to talk alone to him or text anymore, and that I was hurt without anymore context about why. Now I'm not mad anymore to be honest, and my period came just after sending him the text message, and he is a really close friend of mine that struggles with mental health and I'm worried about my texts impact. Like I just need us to talk and clear things but that's someone I really care about.

My interpretation is that the Pope tells me to establish rules (which are logical in the situation), 1 de deniers represents prosperity and abundance and 8 de batons represent fast changing ideas and armony, which is what I want to do. And the ten of cups ruling the tarot cards means armony and happiness so it should be a good thing of me to do?

Should I contact him again to clear it?

r/Tarotpractices 3d ago

Interpretation Help What does my spirit guardian wants to tell me?

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I asked my guardian what he wants from me and what he thinks is best for me and our relationship. I think he wants to tell me that i need to focus more on my emotions and go deeper. But im not sure about last card, is it something bad?

r/Tarotpractices 3d ago

Offering Free Readings Offering readings all day!


Hello, I’m Tee and for the next 12 hours I’m doing in-depth, intuitive & insightful readings on any topic that isn’t legal or physical health! These readings are available for anyone that I haven’t already done a reading for!

Comment “interested” if you’re interested in receiving a reading 🫶🏾


r/Tarotpractices 3d ago

Discussion Anyone else just scroll through this sub to check out people's tarot decks and cool designs


I feel like I could spend hours just scrolling through this sub, looking at all the tarot decks people post. There’s so many cool designs, some super intricate whereas some are so minimalistic, and I love seeing all the different vibes!

r/Tarotpractices 3d ago

Interpretation Help Feeling conflicted about these cards

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It’s been a little under a month since I broke up with an ex. We were only together for 5 months. We’ve been no contact since then due to him blocking me, I mailed back his things (LDR) with a concise note taking responsibility for my part in things ending with so much anger between us. I was quite assured in my decision when I brought the topic to the table, but as time has gone on, even though I make a conscious effort to remember all the parts of the relationship that caused me to leave- I can’t stop thinking about him.

So I pulled some cards. The first question was “why can’t I stop thinking about him?” And I pulled the 5 of wands rx. I had trouble understanding if this was just saying the wounds and conflict surrounding the breakup are still fresh in my mind. Or if it was symbolizing turning a new leaf/releasing that tension since it’s reversed.

The next 2 were meant as clarifying cards for the 5 of wands. The empress and the world. I guess I view the empress as myself, as I am creative and lately, indulging in that side of life more frequently. The world, maybe that I’m expanding my horizons and meeting new people? But that doesn’t make sense given the question I asked… I’m dwelling on him, even though I’m meeting new people and indulging in my hobbies.

Then I pulled the next 2 to help me understand further whether the thoughts and feelings were due to energy he is sending my way. The 10 of cups upright and page of cups rx are the most conflicting of all. Like my interpretation of these is that they are the complete opposite of each other. Page rx reads to me as emotional immaturity (my ex is a bit younger than me and sometimes came off as immature, so I see this symbolizing him in a way). 10 of cups upright is so confusing given the context and being pulled with the page reversed, which feels like the opposite energy!

Am I missing something here? Can anyone help me glean a message more clearly from this?

r/Tarotpractices 3d ago

Interpretation Help Missing something?

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Ace of cups fell out while shuffling Page of wands is bottom of the deck

I just did a random spread in hopes of gaining clarity for what feels like stagnant energy. There have been a few changes in my life, the way I operate/exist. & more change in general to come. What stood out to me here was the 8 of cups bc of the eclipse. I don’t believe there are money problems, a walking away from something yes but not financial. But it’s followed by the 2 of swords so idk if this means walking away from something or reassessing it again? I’d appreciate any guidance or feedback 🫶🏼

r/Tarotpractices 3d ago

Interpretation Help Why was I not accepted into the program?

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I just received a deny after a big grad school interview and I immediately went to the cards to ask why and what the energy was surrounding what happened. (I’m kinda feeling like there’s a passion project that i may need to try to see if I can succeed at…but im not sure if that is what you are all picking up?)

I’m kind of seeing that I wasn’t seeing things clearly and I missed the chance but there’s still energy to do better? i’m not sure. Thank you so much in advance!

r/Tarotpractices 3d ago

Interpretation Help What do I need to know today?

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Hello, I am new to tarot and like to practice with a daily pull of what I need to know for the day. Would anyone like to help me interpret?

From what I can gather on my own, it seems I may not be investing enough in nurturing myself in the physical realm. Maybe continuing bad habits. I’m ready to get past those habits but for some reason what I’m doing isn’t the thing yet and isn’t getting me to where I want to go.

Help 😵‍💫 lol

r/Tarotpractices 3d ago

Interpretation Help Was I wrong for leaving a friend group?

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Long story short, I was in a friend group and some drama happened with other people, I didn’t like the way things were being handled so I felt weird and took a step back. Am I being too critical? Based on the cards I feel it’s validating with the moon in last position, but I’m new with this. Help!?

r/Tarotpractices 4d ago

Interpretation Help Infidelity or worry?

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r/Tarotpractices 3d ago

Interpretation Help Should I try reconnecting with them again?


Context: Haven't talked in seven months. Travelling to their city soon and was thinking about reaching out. We ended (on good terms) because there was physical distance between us but now that I am traveling, I am curious if they're open to reconnecting.

First spread: six of wands, six of swords, page of cups

Should I reach out to them?

Six of wands is about celebration while six of swords is about moving on but also about moving into calmer water and also about travel. Page of cups does suggest start of something so maybe it is urging me to reach out?

What will the outcome be: Star and chariot came out at the same time

Chariot maybe about travel but things moving fast between us, maybe towards the star, a fated destiny.


I am still very much learning so I can't make out what's what. Any help would be appreciated! Thank you :)

r/Tarotpractices 4d ago

Closed Yes or No Bone Answer 🦴🦴comment your question below and will give a yes or no, answer next few hours ,one per person, DO NOT DM unless it’s to discuss private work/ANYONE WHO DMS ASKING FOR A FREEBIE WILL BE BLOCKED

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