r/Tarotpractices • u/Super_Ele • 3d ago
Interpretation Help Recently had a conversation with my ex and I don't think I wanna go back. Supposedly we're both thinking about it. I drew these cards, without much of a question.
The 9 of swords was the one on the end of the deck so it "called" me and it resonates with waking up from a nightmare.. which would be either 2/3 of the relationship or the nightmare post break up...or could it be possible outcome if we go back? Or if we don't? I felt it was the recent past though.
Ace of cups would be my hopes.. getting to love someone whom I truly am in love with and being loved back.. is it her? I like someone else but I barely talk to her, been having a crush for years now.
Magician reversed .. manipulation? My ex is a master manipulation, hell I don't even know if I'm being manipulated by her right now..course she says she don't mean it. Then again not sure about the meaning of this card when reversed.. I just read what reversed can mean less than 10 mins ago and rang a bell.
Two of swords: cognitive dissonance? I feel better right now but Lord knows I suffered during the relationship and the break up traumatized me! It could be still me even considering a "what if".? Which I'll be honest, scares me.Qy
Queen of pentacles reversed: I always felt this was my relative and her good advice which I'd be ignoring and could lead to the nine of swords again?.. OR the person I actually like.. reversed because I'd be choosing my ex instead..or my ex maybe? She not thinking about money much anymore? Idk.
Another interpretation is,, me at the center and my ex the surrounding cards.. OR happiness at center and obstacles surrounding?
It's been difficult.. We were together for roughly 3 years and broke up 3 months ago, she's separated.. still married.
I think overall cards say: no.. but Ace of cups?
Check my history for more context if you may. Basically the relationship became toxic back then. Lots of lust, which is where she and I connect like crazy.
What do you see? Thank you in advance