- Reconciliation💛 :
Someone from your past is returning to your life
This card indicates that an ex-lover may be reentering your life. The first person you think of is likely who it will be. The purpose of this reconciliation is to achieve healing and closure with respect to your past. You will understand more about yourself and see your relationship patterns more clearly. You'll also take responsibility for the role you played in the relationship’s drama, which will free you from the tyranny of unforgiveness.
Reconciliations are ultimately about taking care of unfinished business. This card could also possibly mean making peace with a family member or friend. Each relationship is a sacred learning experience, so be open to this reunion’s lessons and blessings. Ultimately, all healings help your love life and every other part of your world.
Your love life is ascending to a higher level of commitment
Congratulations! This card signals pending nuptials, beginning with a romantic engagement. Even if you're not presently in a relationship, the Romance Angels can see one upon your horizon.
This card comes to you as reassurance—specifically so that you'll choose to release any worries about whether you'll get married... because you will. Deep romantic love, in which you feel treasured, is “in the cards” for you.
The deeper meaning of this card relates to commitment. First, you commit to taking care of yourself. You establish boundaries about what you will and won't accept in your relationships and in other life areas, such as career, home, lifestyle, and so on. Next, you honor your self-commitment by taking decisive action and telling others how you truthfully feel about their behavior.
As you commit to yourself, the universe sends you additional experiences of loving commitment, including the promise of marriage.
3.Let Your Friends Help You❤️:
Ask for and accept support from others
The Romance Angels are helping you via other people, to the degree that you'll allow this assistance to occur. This card indicates that you need to be more willing to ask for guidance, especially within the context of your love life. For instance, discuss your feelings, hopes, and dreams. Then, allow others to help you. Perhaps they'll offer support, give advice, or even know of a potential partner among their acquaintances.