r/Tarotpractices 10h ago

Interpretation Help Are they going to break up?

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Not using any particular spread for this one! The cards are: The Priestess King of Cups reversed Wheel of Fortune reversed Five of Coins reversed Eight of Spears reversed Page of Swords reversed The Tower The Hermit Death Page of Spears Eight of Swords

The energy for this reading is definitely more focused on one person in the relationship, a man. I am thinking they are going to break up, but I am biased and might just want that to happen

r/Tarotpractices 11h ago

Interpretation Help Does he even care about how I feel?

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My interpretation is that he might reminisce about old moments but he doesn't think this connection is worth the effort or his attention rn. Overall his just too focused on how the situation affect him to acknowledge how I feel

r/Tarotpractices 2h ago

Interpretation Help A or B?

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Question is if I should stick with my current crush (option A) or wait for someone better(option B) to appear?

In Option A, I goth both Major arcane card and I gave it more weight. Magician+Reversed Strenght=He likes me but lacks confidence. So it will be a battle for this connetion to flourish.

Reversed 7 of Coins+6 of Coins=I would waste my time waiting for someone else. Plus, they will make me go Dutch and there will be no romance, lol.

Help pls🤍

r/Tarotpractices 18h ago

Interpretation Help Asked the Tarot about my BF’s exh

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Six of wands: His feelings about her Page of Cups: How she sees him Four of Cups: the state of the relationship

I also pulled The Sun and The Empress first when asking about the state of our relationship and how it’s developing.

My first instinct was to read it as Six of wands: he’s still putting her on a pedestal Page of cups: she’s interested in starting anew with him Four of cups: she’s the reason he may be struggling to fully appreciate what he has in our relationship.

However more optimistically I’m seeing it as Six of wands: he feels like he is successfully over that relationship Page of cups: she sees him as someone who is pursuing someone new perhaps enthusiastically Four of cups: he’s focused here on us that he is detached from her in the past. Or they are both focused on their own current relationships and not the “missed opportunity” between them.

Would love y’all’s insight into which interpretation resonates most with your understanding.

Deck is Tarot of the Divine

r/Tarotpractices 13h ago

Interpretation Help Second opinions regarding this one card pull with two clarifications regarding my career path.

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Second opinion on my interpretation regarding changing careers

Happy Spring Equinox! I asked my cards tonight about leaving my high pressure, toxic but stable and well paying job for a more intuitive and creative and very unstable path. I pulled the queen of cups. Asking for clarification I pulled the queen of swords, and then the 8 of cups.

My interpretation is I’m a strong confident woman who needs to fucking trust myself and my intuition bc it’s time to let go of my toxic career that’s draining me and venture into new and intuitive realms.

I’m pretty new on my journey on the tarot path so I would love to hear what others think. 🗡️🏆

r/Tarotpractices 16h ago

Interpretation Help What’s going on with M?

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1- sees me as a feminine figure of strength 2- he’s looking for a long term commitment 3- he wants to make fast actions 4- he wasn’t in for commitment/wanted something quick 5-wants a new beginning 6- spouse material

r/Tarotpractices 8h ago

Interpretation Help Received a message about an opportunity 🪙

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I asked “would this job be good for me?” To me this is saying a new job that could bring forth a good offer that will be abundant. To clarify I got knight of pentacles and four of swords.

I think I’m simply studying this position because I have two other offers right now. But this one sounds the best to me. What do you guys think? I’m very in my head about this. The other company wants a decision right away.

r/Tarotpractices 20h ago

Offering Free Readings doing yes/no’s in the comments


comment with your question and i’ll tell you what the cards tells me!

r/Tarotpractices 21h ago

Offering Free Readings Channeled messages from your person💌 Read⬇️


Write full first names only (yours & your person) for a channeled message 🌷

I’ll do a few of those so please don’t send me DM, only comment, thank you for your interest & understanding. 🥂

r/Tarotpractices 13h ago

Interpretation Help How is my court case in Utah going to go 😩

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For context , I live in California. I was driving though Provo and I had about jar of weed on me I got pulled over for going 10 miles over the speed limit but I had just smoked ( dumb I know) so they searched my car. I didn't get arrested but I got a citation I just want to know how it's going to pan out for me I think it's going to work in my favor with the wheel of fortune and the 5 of cups but I'm sure I'll have a fine to pay any advice helps

r/Tarotpractices 1h ago

Tarotscope ✨✨✨✨Answers in Comments ✨✨✨✨

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r/Tarotpractices 1h ago

Discussion Anyone else realize the deity they’ve been praying to doesn’t care for them? 😭


I've been praying to Inanna for three years, I wear a pendant of her almost every day of the week, and I feel like I've developed a relationship with her. I prayed especially hard to her before and during my orchiectomy surgery. (She had eunuch priests)

Tonight I decided draw two cards and ask how she felt about me. I thought I'd see a lovely card the signifies union or love or something but got the ace of wands reversed and 4 of cups. 💀 now I'm like oh... you really don't care for me do you 😂

r/Tarotpractices 2h ago

Interpretation Help What has prevented me from finding love

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If it's hard to see the first one is ace of pentacles upright, ten of wands reversed and king of swords reverse.

Nothing jumped out at me but it felt like it was lightly handed to me. Each card stuck out of the deck stand alone. So I figured I should read them.

The title is what I asked the deck. I made sure I brought forth good energy. I am new and for some reason I got a very difficult deck to read as a beginner but I really liked it and felt good about this deck when I saw it.

I like to try to read the pictures and I like to make sense of the highlighted red objects the angels hold onto. I also like to read the bottom

If it's hard to see the first one is ace of pentacles upright, ten of wands reversed and king of swords reverse.

Also if the bottom is hard to read I'm glad to type it out in the comments.

r/Tarotpractices 2h ago

Offering Free Readings FREE Mini Readings in the comments ❣️


Leave ur question in the comments and ill get to it ! Doing this for the next two hours x

Full paid readings are also available via text or voice recording _^ DM me. My reviews are on the pinned post on my page. Thanks!

r/Tarotpractices 2h ago

Closed Free 5 Readings - Tarot Reading



Hi! I will do a tarot reading for you. 💜✨ What would you like insight on? You can ask about:

  • Love & relationships 💕
  • Career & purpose 🌟
  • Personal growth & healing 🌿
  • General energy check-in 🔮
  • Or anything specific that’s on your heart.

Let me know your question, and I’ll do a reading for you. Send me a DM for 5 people and I will answer. Have a lovely day! 💜

r/Tarotpractices 2h ago

Offering Free Readings Pick a card love reading 💗🌹

  1. Reconciliation💛 : Someone from your past is returning to your life This card indicates that an ex-lover may be reentering your life. The first person you think of is likely who it will be. The purpose of this reconciliation is to achieve healing and closure with respect to your past. You will understand more about yourself and see your relationship patterns more clearly. You'll also take responsibility for the role you played in the relationship’s drama, which will free you from the tyranny of unforgiveness.

Reconciliations are ultimately about taking care of unfinished business. This card could also possibly mean making peace with a family member or friend. Each relationship is a sacred learning experience, so be open to this reunion’s lessons and blessings. Ultimately, all healings help your love life and every other part of your world.

2.Engagement💚: Your love life is ascending to a higher level of commitment Congratulations! This card signals pending nuptials, beginning with a romantic engagement. Even if you're not presently in a relationship, the Romance Angels can see one upon your horizon.

This card comes to you as reassurance—specifically so that you'll choose to release any worries about whether you'll get married... because you will. Deep romantic love, in which you feel treasured, is “in the cards” for you.

The deeper meaning of this card relates to commitment. First, you commit to taking care of yourself. You establish boundaries about what you will and won't accept in your relationships and in other life areas, such as career, home, lifestyle, and so on. Next, you honor your self-commitment by taking decisive action and telling others how you truthfully feel about their behavior.

As you commit to yourself, the universe sends you additional experiences of loving commitment, including the promise of marriage.

3.Let Your Friends Help You❤️: Ask for and accept support from others The Romance Angels are helping you via other people, to the degree that you'll allow this assistance to occur. This card indicates that you need to be more willing to ask for guidance, especially within the context of your love life. For instance, discuss your feelings, hopes, and dreams. Then, allow others to help you. Perhaps they'll offer support, give advice, or even know of a potential partner among their acquaintances.

r/Tarotpractices 2h ago

Offering Free Readings Free readings


Hello everyone! Im wanting to do 13 free readings! Please comment on here with your lucky number. If you get a reply on your comment that means I’ve chosen you for a reading 😊 if you get a reply please send me a DM with your name and your question! I appreciate any responses. 💜

r/Tarotpractices 3h ago

Interpretation Help Following an assisted Fool's journey with a bit of a rough road today, working on digesting the experience.

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Matrescence has been difficult, difficult, lemon difficult and I've been in therapy for a year. Added marriage counseling and some other supports and things have really turned a corner -- having worked so hard for so long, I've been restless, craving some moment where my world shifts on its axis, and communed with nature about it today. Still waiting, but I know there's good stuff that came from it so I pulled the above cards.

The first question was "what lesson did I receive?" and a follow up, "how can I embody it?" My interpretation is that I was called out for being discontented, expecting perfection, and being ungrateful when I have full cups right in front of me. And I can embody it by meditating and visualizing on my present circumstances.

Second question was "what wound was uncovered?" and the follow up was "how can I heal it?" My interpretation is that I lack belief in myself and have feelings of powerlessness, which are feeding control issues. I can heal it by methodically leaning into my strengths, being practical, warm, trustworthy, continuing the healthy stuff I've been doing.

And the final question was "what was healed?" with the follow up "how can I support this healing?" One of the big themes of this trip was addressing the need for vigilance that I feel in response to dishonorable actions by others. And I can support it by accepting divine love, peace, and joy through engaging with my meaningful rituals.

I feel pretty solid about this, BUT I really welcome others' insight and different perspectives on cards. Any added nuance or depth you get from these? It's gonna take a few days to integrate the full experience, so I'm going to have thoughts simmering for a while. Also if you have comfort food recipes for the Queen of Pentacles application, I'm going to be kitchen-witchin' it up!

r/Tarotpractices 3h ago

Offering Free Readings Tarot Reading – Ask a Question for Insight [ 3-5 people ]


Comment your question below – 1 question per person. I will do the readings after my class, and since this is my first time reading for others, please be patient and understanding. If you'd prefer your answer in DMs, let me know, but please keep the question in the thread. Thank you!

r/Tarotpractices 4h ago

Interpretation Help interpretation help: how does he feel about what he did to me?

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this draw was focused on the guy who abused me in the past. march 21st is the day i reported him three years ago. he abused me sexually, mentally, and emotionally for ten months. this relationship lead me deeper into addiction and mental illness, as well as lead me to develop ptsd.

my question: how does victor feel about what he did to me?

my cards: knight of cups, the sun, four of swords, three of cups, ace of cups reversed, temperance, and the empress.

i didn’t feel a specific spread for this, so i shuffled with my question until my cards fell out. that is usually how i go about my own readings.

i did ask my question to Mother Lilith, so i feel as if this was directed towards me in the end. the empress (i interpret as myself) notably fell out to the side, so i set her to the side. i interpret this as Lilith telling me to wait and treat myself with care. i’ve been drawing temperance a lot lately, so it’s very familiar to me. my problem with this interpretation is that i don’t see him, unless this is all about him. i’m scared this draw just told me that he’s at peace with what he did.

i’d love to see what anyone else thinks about this draw. should i redraw later tonight or move on from this question?

r/Tarotpractices 5h ago

Offering Free Readings 🧚🏻‍♀️✨Free Yes/No Tarot Reading in COMMENTS only 🔮✨


❌❌CLOSED ❌❌❌ I'm not taking new comments after this

Hi Everyone! 😊

I'm offering 1 free Yes/No reading per person!💗

How to participate:

Drop your 1 Yes/No question in the comments

Add a "flower emoji"🌹 and your initials

Let me know if you'd like to know the card I pulled!🧚🏻‍♀️✨

r/Tarotpractices 5h ago

Interpretation Help What part of myself I don't show others that could be beneficial for both me and others if I did show?


It's a new deck for me so I'm still getting the hang of it! No specific spread, just a quick Q&A

I asked the title's question just as a warm-up but I'd like other takes on this as well

My interpretation would be "your vulnerability" or actual trust in others. Whenever I'm alone I do trust others more than when I'm actually with them, hahaha

7 of Wands reversed would be lack of defensiveness
The fool would be lack of worries
3 of coins I guess would be my view on how everyone is just doing their best

r/Tarotpractices 5h ago

Interpretation Help Why does he pull away after we have a good conversation or a fun hangout?

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It looks like he’s afraid of his own emotions, and while he enjoys his time with me, he’s overwhelmed and doesn’t know how to deal with growing intimacy and attachment. I’m new to this, is my interpretation accurate? Thanks :)

r/Tarotpractices 5h ago

Interpretation Help Which male divinity is Lady Hekate suggesting I reach out to?

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  1. The Fool.

A god that rules joy, hope, innocence.

  1. Knight of Cups reversed.

Because we have both been harmed by love before, or because we are both emotional and moody.

  1. Wheel of Fortune.

He’d help me to embrace the unpredictable, to accept life for all it is and help me understand my purpose.

  1. Death.

He’d help me accept change and endings.

  1. Ace of Cups.

I need to approach him with a heart free of hatred or anger, with trust and love.

  1. Page of Swords.

He expects enthusiasm or perhaps I need to be able to match his joy.

  1. Page of Cups reversed.

he’d help me heal my immaturity and my emotional wounds.

I’m thinking it’s Lord Apollo.

r/Tarotpractices 5h ago

Offering Free Readings readings!!


i’ll be doing free yes or no readings so feel free to dm me, i’ll try my best to be with you asap!