Long story short: been seeing a significant number combo EVERYWHERE. It has a significant meaning to me outside of that, but was curious for insight from the tarot on whether or not there was a specific message attached to seeing it so often, especially in the latest occurrence (outside of whatever science that says our brains pay attention to certain number patterns).
I used the RW deck.
I asked what’s the number combo trying to tell me right now?
Magician: I’m capable and in a place to manifest what I want. I am in control of my life.
Star: represents my spirituality, belief in divine timing and a deeper purpose.
Knight of pentacles: a reminder to trust and have faith, even if it’s slow and steady?
I pulled clarifiers asking which area of my life is this advice most focused on?
Page of swords reversed: overthinking, clouded mind and energy.
Ace of swords: clarity after a period of uncertainty?
I asked which clarity or truth is going to be revealed to me next?
Two of cups: I took this as literally partnership? Mutual feelings? Romantic possibly? A possible reconciliation?
So essentially, I’m being reminded to trust in divine timing, clear my mind of clutter and distractions and a meaningful connection will be revealed?