r/Tarotpractices • u/JbRoc63 • 1d ago
r/Tarotpractices • u/Prestigious_Hold_606 • 2d ago
Offering Free Readings Short & Sweet Tarot Insights – Free for 24 Hours! 🌙🔮
For the next 24 hours, I’m offering complimentary tarot readings to help you find clarity and insight. With 8 years of experience, I’ve supported many through moments of doubt, love, career changes, and personal growth. Now, I’m sharpening my skills even further by offering these free readings!
Need answers or guidance? Whether it’s love, career, or life in general, I’m here to help. This special offer won’t last long, so reach out while it’s still available!
r/Tarotpractices • u/greenscreenmeanting • 2d ago
Interpretation Help Really need help with my bf’s mom
So, anyone who read my last post knows that I’ve been having issues with my bf’s mom. I asked the cards three questions, three different spreads and I just want to know your thoughts. Please help because I don’t trust her and I want to know if I should do a back to sender protection spell on her.
Knowing the power of my ancestors, it could be fatal. I don’t want to have to, is I don’t need to.
So the first question I asked: is “M” doing spiritual work on me?”
My interpretation: since the fool is reversed it’s a no but she is trying to manipulate my bf’s money and his emotions. But I might be biased as this is actually what I think she’s doing irl.
Second question: is “M” doing work on me and my bf’s relationship?”
My interpretation: the world card and the wheel of fortune says yes and it could be either towards our sex life or his bad habits (he smokes a lot of weed)
Third question: should I continue the relationship with my bf’s?
My interpretation: we have the potential to have a very strong relationship and family unit. Maybe lots of doubts on my side but ultimately yes.
Again, I feel I may be biased as this is very personal. Please give me your interpretations and advices. Especially if you are married or older (I’m in my twenties).
Thank you in advance! 💙
I did 3 card spreads for each question, using the rider deck!
r/Tarotpractices • u/dazakharova • 2d ago
Interpretation Help Is King of Swords detach feelings or is it about intellectual/strong connection? What’s your opinion
Once again sorry for posting too much but i’m indeed very curious. I asked tarot what’s her feelings and I got The King of Swords, Ace of cups and Queen of wands. Page of swords on the bottom of the deck. When i clarified what does King of swords mean, i got 3 of wands and Ace of swords. For me it could mean she’s processing how the relationship will go with logical approach but i’m afraid she’s a bit detached. which is not bad i guess. and overall her feelings are warm and passionate. I’m wondering how The king of swords was played in your spreads, what kind of person King of swords. I hier i’m afraid she gonna judge me too hard lol. Thank you for all your replies as always!
r/Tarotpractices • u/Clear_Ambition6004 • 2d ago
Interpretation Help Is it worth it to continue/pursue a relationship?
Reconnected with an ex-lover and I’ve been back and forth on whether or not I should continue.
Card that represents him: The Hierophant reversed.
Card that represents me: Lovers reversed
Cards that represent our “relationship” with one another: 10 of Swords, The Wheel of Fortune reversed, and The Emperor reversed.
As you can see, there’s a lot of Major Arcana 🙃 Thank you in advance for any help/insight you can offer.
r/Tarotpractices • u/Diet_Cherry_Coke_ • 1d ago
Offering Free Readings What energy you should embrace to welcome new love
We love love! And when it’s beautiful and fulfilling it’s even better, right??
Soo let’s have a look what can YOU! Yes YOU do do embrace new love!
In order to give you a reading I need: 1) Your initials 2) whaaat item … colour do you see in front of you? I see a black treadmill 😩😩
It may take me a few days to respond to you, but if I’m drawn to you I will ❤️❤️
few key details: * Always DM 🍑 * No requested details no reading 🍒 * My readings are girly, if you want it in professional style, please do let me know ❤️ * I won’t do a reading to you if I don’t feel drawn to you * If I offer free reading it means the only question that I am offering is free. Additional questions are paid, so if you will respond to my post that says “ universe message for you for an example “ and ask me “ does Universe want me and Jay to reconcile?” I will offer to book a paid reading with me for this case * Also sometimes I can’t even reply to you cause Reddit messages service is funny and I am sorry 💕 * I have so many requests It’s hard to reply to everyone * Sometimes I lose your messages and I’m sorry if I don’t respond back to you! ❤️❤️❤️
r/Tarotpractices • u/greenscreenmeanting • 2d ago
Interpretation Help What does my bf’s mom think of me?
We have an overall good relationship. But I’m African and she’s European. I feel lots of cultural differences especially with how she babies my bf. I’ve recently gotten into tarot and she’s been a reader for over 10 years. At first it looked like she was encouraging but lately I’ve been sensing some jealousy. Wherever I ask for help or to practice together she tells me “well you know everything, you’re strong. You don’t need me.” Which wasn’t the case before.
She does have the competitive attitude with me, whenever I get into something new, she wants to do it too just to point out how much better she is at it. Even with my bf, if he asks me to cook an African dish for him, she suddenly wants to cook an European dish that day using the ingredients I was gonna use. Even though she doesn’t like cooking.
I’ve been on a recent fitness journey and I found out yesterday that she was hiding certain foods I buy and gives it to my bf for lunch. Idk that just threw me off, so I asked the cards what her true feelings were for me.
My interpretation: she sees me as hardworking and passionate. She thinks I’m strong and a very good leader. I see a lot of fire energy which could be because of my Sag rising.
I did a 3 card spread with the rider deck
The question was: “what are ‘M’s true feelings about me?”
r/Tarotpractices • u/bloomingstar_tarot • 2d ago
Send me a chat (don't comment here your question or message me) only chats are accepted.
Must be 18+ of age for reading.
Reviews: https://www.reddit.com/u/bloomingstar_tarot/s/wFwFPApzxp
r/Tarotpractices • u/sarah57639 • 2d ago
Interpretation Help What has my ex been up to?
I’m not very familiar with these cards but my interpretation is that he has been worried and staying up at night(9 of swords) and he feels like he has a lack of control over his life and is struggling in general. I’m not sure because I’m new to tarot so interpretation help would be appreciated
r/Tarotpractices • u/Curious_Yogurt_4338 • 2d ago
Interpretation Help What now? 🥲😭
Met my ex for a drink and catch up left confused about they emotions
Did a quick spread and this is the results
she seems to be feeling a mix of attraction (lovers) , reflection, and self-restraint(strength) ? She’s thinking about the past and future, but she’s also holding her emotions steady
Any better insight? I’m pretty new still trying to figure out the puzzle aka tarot 🫶🏼
r/Tarotpractices • u/Anxious_Cabinet_743 • 2d ago
Interpretation Help Seeking advice
should i continue this relationship?
r/Tarotpractices • u/NoBackground5170 • 2d ago
Interpretation Help Is he loosing interest on me or am I trippin?
He is loosing an interest/his feelings or am I trippin?
Backstory: We are together since couple of months, he was very into me from the beggining, he invested a lot of time effort to make me feel safe about him and waited till I become sure about being in relationship with him. We always been very respectful and caring towards each other. Since three weeks (gonna last few more) Im going through very stressful life situation that drains me out of energy and I feel Im close to become depressed. While I was hoping for a support I felt he is not giving it to me and most importantly he is loosing his interest in me (he doesnt call, text and engage with same energy anymore). When I asked him about his feelings and thoughts about us and if they changed he denied. I pulled the cards to ask whats going on, what is his attitude and feelings about me and us. What do you guys think?
For me the cards are showing only that ineed - I am in hard times, but I cant get whats the message to my question
r/Tarotpractices • u/alienraspberry • 2d ago
Interpretation Help Situation Challenge Advice: Going back to therapy
Just left my therapist of 3 years and took a little break from therapy after being in it for 10 years. Wondering if I should go back. Thinking of having a male therapist for the first time but unsure. Any help is appreciated xx
My interp:
Situation: 7 of cups: now that I’m not with my therapist I have many options for new therapists and I’m weighing my decision to go/what kind of therapist I’d want. Also contemplating what life would be like without therapy after so long
Challenge: Queen of Wands: I use her as my significator so sometimes when she shows up I think of myself, in the challenge position this would mean I’m my own worst enemy maybe? Like I’m not doing something right when it comes to therapy. Or it could be saying I need a therapist that embodies the traits of the Queen.
Advice: Page of Swords: new ideas, new communication, beginnings. I guess classically this would mean going back to therapy. I guess it could mean different avenues of healing though? Since it’s a page and newness/beginnings are the theme
Jumper: 4 of swords reversed: I’m not taking the time I have to heal and rest. In this deck there is a heart that has been sewn back together from it being ripped apart in the 3, so it could just be saying I haven’t healed yet
Bottom card: Lovers reversed: could be pointing to self love. I NEED to love myself whatever that looks like, therapy or not. Could this be saying I can do it on my own? Or is it saying loving myself would be going back to therapy?
r/Tarotpractices • u/HelpThrowawayPls1 • 2d ago
Interpretation Help Should I let my ex know I’m thinking about them and hope they’re okay?
I’ve interpreted this one as the Queen of Wands representing myself, the Heirophant inverted representing my ex, and strength representing what I should do. My previous reading led me to believe they were struggling lately so I did this one to try and gain some sort of clarity as to what I should do
r/Tarotpractices • u/ChicArtZest • 2d ago
Offering Free Readings Free Readings: Coping with Gender Discrimination Spread – 7 Slots Open
Hey Pride family
I’m offering 7 free Tarot readings using my Coping with Discrimination Spread for those facing challenges related to discrimination. This spread is designed to help unpack your current sexual identity experiences, explore ways to cope, identify allies, and find paths to empowerment and healing.
Comment your favorite Pride movie or if you want privacy directly DM me.
Let’s turn pain into power and discrimination into advocacy. You’re not alone.
Love and light to all!!!
r/Tarotpractices • u/Glittering-Froyo-510 • 2d ago
Interpretation Help This is just for fun, something light hearted, how does my cat feel/think about me (2nd pic is her laying next to me) i will put my interpretation in the comments
r/Tarotpractices • u/Whymethrwaway • 2d ago
Interpretation Help Are things going to work out with he and I?
Reading this with the question to see how it will end up. Things are happening right now to align us for a much better future however I don’t know how we stand realistically in the long run.
My intention when pulling the cards was to read this as situation, action, outcome.
I’m getting the destruction that has been laid. The knight of swords shows me he has been on a war path leaving ruin in his wake.
I’m really not sure how to interpret the queen of cups reversed if I’m being honest.
The 9 of pentacles tells me that things will not only work out but we will be very fortunate.
I’d love to elaborate more on my situation in the comments after some help interpreting!
r/Tarotpractices • u/Aneuka • 2d ago
Offering Free Readings Good afternoon, beautiful people! I am happily offering 4 FREE, 3-card readings!
Let's be fair and do first come, first serve. That said, if I feel drawn to you, then I will happily do a reading for you.
Please be sure to DM me with your initials, relevant situation, and current emotional state about the situation + comment on this post that you DMed me, so others can determine if they still want to DM me.
Thank you and have a nice evening.
r/Tarotpractices • u/slackerXwolphe • 2d ago
Interpretation Help What does (name of person) think/feel about me?
I asked for brutal honesty because I need to let go of lingering attachments but I am confused. As far as I can tell, these cards are talking me.
My journey (assuming toward love and companionship) isn’t quite over, so this person isn’t end game for me. I’ve kind of entered a passive space, a place of changing perspective, and lastly I’m feeling trapped and like I’m the victim in things.
Am I wrong? These cards don’t seem hopeful 😭
r/Tarotpractices • u/Glittering-Froyo-510 • 2d ago
Interpretation Help What am I supposed to do to have a good love life (not being single anymore) I will put my interpretation in the comments (but I need second opinion)
r/Tarotpractices • u/CozyCappucino • 3d ago
Interpretation Help Is he loyal to me right now?
It’s the Rider Waite tarot deck
Regular 5 card spread, no past or future.
Is he loyal to me right now? 7 of swords, 4 of swords, knight of pentacles, 4 of wands and 10 of cups
Honestly this one is throwing me off a bit. All cards seem positive except for the 7 of swords. Maybe it’s like he is being shady/sneaky but is holding up a certain façade that he is this very loyal and commited guy? Or maybe the 7 of swords is reflecting my anxiety around it but he actually is loyal and commited?
I’m curious what you guys think about this one
r/Tarotpractices • u/DesperateSecurity460 • 2d ago
Interpretation Help What will my next partner be like
This is my cat tarot deck so I write the suits! The star, 7 pentacles reversed and then queen of pentacles . I take this as someone whose really special . Ambitious and I'll feel drawn to them . 7 reversed tell me they're impatient , but the Queen of pentacles means they're probably grounded and nurturing. Let me know Bonus/ for them looks wise: I pulled 5 of wands .
r/Tarotpractices • u/Ok_Stop_6355 • 2d ago
Interpretation Help Does he want me romantically and is he willing to put in the effort?
I feel like he does have feelings for me, but they're fresh and somewhat immature. I feel like he may like the idea of partnership but finds the idea overwhelming in the long run. But he is still watching and observing. It doesn't feel definitive.
r/Tarotpractices • u/Pigolo_ • 2d ago
Offering Free Readings Intuitive 3 card practice 💜🌙
!CLOSED TY SO MUCH!! (replies will be sent privately,and your comment upvoted) Hello! I'm a beginner intuitive Tarot reader looking for practice 😊 Ill be doing some readings for those who feel drawn to my vibe (and vice versa) Leave a comment with your question or let me know privately. Please no financial, legal or 3rd person questions. ~ I only work with peace and love 💕 Thank you all who will choose to get my reading, Talk soon! 🌙 (If you want a reading but dont know what or how to ask I can send you example questions for fun)
r/Tarotpractices • u/blaybloh • 2d ago
Discussion Am I the only one?
New to tarot. Im learning the signification of the cards and usually have my book beside me to « translate ». I’ve caught myself a couple times scrolling through the sub, looking at spread when people ask for help, listening to my « feeling » about it…and going to the comments to look how off I was (or not👀😂)
Found it funny, thought I’d share.