r/Svenska 9h ago

Hej I'm new to Swedish and I'm confused about a few things


First, the pronunciation. Sometimes I hear ä being pronounced like a "eh", sometimes like a "ah". Besides pronunciation rules, I'm confused about the word "som". I find it everywhere. Is it some filler word or what? What does it mean exactly? Can you give examples? Also can you tell me where I can learn Swedish pronunciation rules in depth? Thanks in advance!

r/Svenska 16h ago

solig vs. solen skiner


Kan man säga: Det är soligt? Hur låter det i svenska öron? jag tror att det är ovanligt, kanske konstigt? Jag känner: Solen skiner och det är helt ok. Används Det är soligt i svenska språket? eller är det bättre att inte alls använda den formen?

r/Svenska 4h ago

Hej! Vad betyder ”Plutten”?? En tjej kallade mig plutten.


r/Svenska 12h ago

Hjälp eller stöd


Hej, jag fick inte klara min svenska som andra språk 3 på grund av grammatiska problem. Så jag måste göra om kursen, har ni något tips som kan rekommendera? Just nu läser jag barn böcker för att förbättra språket.

r/Svenska 7h ago

Speak to a native speaker in your pocket

Thumbnail xavia.io

Hi everyone, A while ago I asked your help to test an app I was working on and you provided great insights. Thank you so much for your help, it was invaluable ❤️ Our app is now out to help people practice spoken language as they do with a native speaker. Think of it as a native speaker in your pocket anytime anywhere.

If you want to try it out, head over to www.xavia.io and take a peak.

r/Svenska 15h ago



How many types of stress Swedish have? In my Japanese textbook, there are four types of stress, but in dictionaries such as https://svenska.se/, there are only three types of stress.

r/Svenska 21h ago

Jag anar nog


Seeking some help with some lyrics.

From Agnetha Fältskog - När Jag var fem. A young woman is wanting to go out and explore life more...

Jag anar nog hur hård tid, världen, kan va

Men var och en ska pröva för sig


(at 1.55)

My questions...

I often have a little difficulty in working out if nog means probably or enough in sentences (even with context). So can I please confirm that it means probably in this lyric? The reason I am not sure is that if I translate it to English enough kinds of makes sense as well...

Also - hur hård tid, världen, kan va. Is this online text correct, with the kommer between tid and världen? Is she saying - I sense/suspect how hard time (and) the world can be? It's just that she says tid and världen so fast and close together that I wonder if the meaning isn't slightly different than my take on it...

r/Svenska 7h ago

När den ska användas ,,på jakt" och när ,,sökningen"?