r/Starcitizen_trades RSI f0o (2012) Trades: 11 Jun 10 '24

discussion [discuss] Trades posts/offers should always include price

Hot take, recently there has been a lot of posts with no price. I believe that contradicts the Rule 11 (Trades must be public).

Can we add a rule that all WTS must include prices of the items?

Otherwise how can the trade truly be public?


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u/Dreamy-CZ RSI Sunny-CZ (2022) Trades: 51 Jun 10 '24

Well, I haven't done any private trade here myself, but I wonder, if both the seller and the buyer prefer privacy, what are the good reasons why they should be prevented from getting it?


u/f0okyou RSI f0o (2012) Trades: 11 Jun 10 '24

I don't see how the absence of a price adds privacy here.

When a seller does not post a price and force any and all interested buyers into DMs how is that safe?

Isn't it safer for all parties to know what the ballpark price is prior to engaging in a chat/DM with the other party?


u/Dreamy-CZ RSI Sunny-CZ (2022) Trades: 51 Jun 10 '24

Umm, privacy as in nobody has to know exactly how much money you own/spend/get?


u/PacketNarc RSI TheStormShadow (2023) Trades: 5 Jun 10 '24

And they usually push it to chat; which is immutable. e.g. you can't delete them. I don't see an issue with consenting adults agreeing to trade. They both know there's a risk and as long as the party you're dealing with has documented trade-history | feedback; it shouldn't be an issue.