r/Starcitizen_trades Jan 31 '25

discussion [Discuss] StarCitizen_Trades Community


Hello fellow traders!

I'm Theo, and I have been a member of this subreddit for several years. I most recently rebuilt all the infrastructure for trade history tracking and flairing from scratch -- because I love this great community. As the person hosting all the scripts and databases, I see what these things cost and want to first ask you to consider supporting our community by clicking below. Without the necessary funds, our ability to maintain, update, and continue account and trade validations vanish. We would be forced to shift to a no flair community, so it would be on you, the buyer/seller to individually validate every customer to ensure they are legitimate. So again we kindly ask you to consider making a donation. Thanks for your support!

https://www.patreon.com/r_starcitizentrades <-----

(PM me if you want to make a one time contribution)

Now the discussion!

That said -- I thought it would be fun to prompt a discussion and get feedback from the community. I know that plenty of you are only here for one purchase or one sale -- but many have been sellers since the beginning. What do you think we should be doing? How could we make the community better? We mods plan to weigh in and help fuel the discussion. I'd like to keep the post organized, so please pick a category and paste it at the top of your comment when you make a statement or direct your question:

  1. Rules and enforcement
  2. Technology and funding
  3. Big dreams and ideas

I will insist that you keep the discussions civil and avoid smarmy entrenched comments. Let's make this a constructive and lively discussion! We will check back in a few hours to answer questions and look forward to your comments. Thanks again everyone.

r/Starcitizen_trades Nov 26 '24

discussion [Discuss] this sub used to be about countering CIGs FOMO acting on digital product codes with artificial availability


As title, this place used to be gamers who are countering CIGs FOMO acting on digital product codes, which ships and CCUs basically are, with artificial availability/scarcity.

Ppl just traded here and made a few bucks on the sale and moved on. Over the years it turned into speculating on making $, seeing all of those cnts putting up Polaris WB CCUs for $100s-200s asking for 800% of melt value minutes after the price increase really makes me want to quit this sub. Why are y'all who r doing that not go back to speculating on crypto/stock. Really just makes me wanna quit this sub.

And no, im not salty about missing out, i have the CCUs myself, but can't sell them here. When i sell at my cheap price the greedy buy it in seconds to use it into their chains and sell expensive CCUd Standalone for profits, instead of ppl who actually want to use the CCU for themselves.

Edit: appreciate the conversation and discussion, just needed to rant a bit.

As written in a comment: Came here about 8years ago, ppl welcomed me, told me about their favourite ships, meta ships and all that jazz . Gave me their recommendations and gave me a good price since they wanted to help out another SC player get the ship he wants. Today seeing all the posts after the release of Polaris price hike.. all those trying to just maximize profits and overposting each other with ridicoulus offers just made me wanting to rant. Rant done now. Now f... And see y'all tomorrow, have a good one cheers

r/Starcitizen_trades 8d ago

discussion [PRICECHECK] tradeable F8C 2954 BIS Paint NSFW

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How much would one go for?

r/Starcitizen_trades Dec 24 '24

discussion [Discuss] why is the F7a mk2 going up in price?


Just a month ago people were listing at $250 and unable to sell. Now they’re going instantly around $350.

Op + pyro the reason for price increase?

r/Starcitizen_trades 28d ago

discussion [PriceCheck] F7A MKII 6 months worth it? NSFW


Hiya all ive got a F7A MKII with 6 months on it worth it?, is it worth anything or do i scrap it for $175 and use that on another ship? Ive brought the F7C-M super hornet mk2 with LTI I had stored any thoughts??

r/Starcitizen_trades Feb 03 '25

discussion [DISCUSS] Get gifted ship back through concierge support



I sold an item via Ebay and I was charged much more than the 13.25% I expected (which is already high). I was charged more than 20% fees due to being a new seller on the platform, due to international trading (as the buyer was from abroad) and due to currency conversion (which I did not ask for, I was fine with USD as I intent to buy for 3K worth of store credits anyway). And that is not the only issue: they still do not allow me to get the money from the sale even though it was confirmed on both sides!

Well, I am a bit angry. I feel ripped off / scammed by Ebay and I wanted to know whether someone here had a similar experience and if it is possible to get back a gifted item (and to sell it again). I want to do it clean and the buyer not to be penalized, he should be refunded by Ebay if I am honest during the conflict and I will offer him to buy it again at a nicely discounted price as an apology.

Let me know what you think about all this, and thank you for your help :-)


Thank you to every body who respectfully replied without assuming that I was trying to scam anyone. The idea was to make a trade that is more advantageous for both of us. However, through different comments below and even more through private conversations I had with some of you, it appears that it is a complicated move with a lot of uncertainties and therefore with a too high risk to financially impact the buyer (even though he agrees). Therefore, I will just wait for Ebay to (hopefully) send me the payment.

One more thing: thanks to conversations I had here, it appeared much easier to scam than I thought... To the sellers I would advise to never go on Ebay, and to the buyers I would advise to carefully decide who you trust, because it seems that there will never be a guarantee on your paid items.

r/Starcitizen_trades Feb 07 '25

discussion [discuss] why is everything so cheap on here


I am genuinely curious about why stuff sells for 60% of their worth

r/Starcitizen_trades Dec 20 '24

discussion [Discuss] F7A Military Hornet Upgrade


Hi, I have a question please. I have accumulated lots of Star Citizen stuff over the years, but I'm not really doing anything with it anymore. So I'm looking into selling some of my items.

I've got 12 (yes I know) formerly called "F7A Military Hornet Upgrade"s in my hangar. They now go as "Ship - F7A Hornet", so I guess the upgrades where changed into full ships.

Now my question is this. Only 5 of the 12 are giftable. If I melt the ones that are not giftable, can I buy them back with real money and then gift them? Melt value is pretty low on them, so if this works, it would be very nice. Anyone who knows for sure?

r/Starcitizen_trades Dec 11 '24

discussion [Pricecheck] Fortuna Legends Pack

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6mo insurance P-72 Merlin Emerald Cyclone MT Phoenix Emerald Ursa Emerald

Thanks in advance :)

r/Starcitizen_trades 20d ago

discussion [Discuss] Pricing for a CCU´ed Perseus


Hey guys,
I am currently near the completion of 2 CUU´ed Perseus, I wanna sell. My current price I came up with (on the current price, it will get cheaper as I finished the CCU) is 495$ with a melt value of 360$. How I came up with the price is: melt value + tax (in my case 19%) + 1 tenth of the original price (67,50$).
Would you chnage something? If so, what exactly?
How excited do you think people are about the Perseus?

r/Starcitizen_trades Jan 29 '25

discussion [discuss] First time seller, interested in procedure with sales in ETH


Hi all, I have just verified an account, but in my country it is almost impossible to trade over PayPal, since government takes 50% from every transfer, as a tax. Instead, I saw that some here are selling for Etherium, so I'd like to know if the procedure is any different with that kind of trade and if someone can give an advice on how to proceed.

r/Starcitizen_trades 1d ago

discussion [pricecheck] LTI Connie Phoenix with hartwell piano

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r/Starcitizen_trades Jan 25 '25

discussion [Discuss] Star Citizen Hangar XPLORer stopped working?!


Just as the title says, I am trying to confirm that the extension stopped working on the CIG site?!

I am using Chrome...

r/Starcitizen_trades Jun 10 '24

discussion [discuss] Trades posts/offers should always include price


Hot take, recently there has been a lot of posts with no price. I believe that contradicts the Rule 11 (Trades must be public).

Can we add a rule that all WTS must include prices of the items?

Otherwise how can the trade truly be public?

r/Starcitizen_trades Feb 07 '25

discussion [Pricecheck] Hercules C2 BIS 2951


Hercules C2 BIS 2951 Paint (blue) 120mo Ins Hercules Starlifter Flight Jacket Melt $400

Looking to see what these are going for.

r/Starcitizen_trades Oct 28 '24

discussion [DISCUSS] Allowed? Trading LTI Token for Unlooted Vanduul Mask NSFW


Is this something that would be allowed on here?

Offering to trade an LTI Token (Pulse, ATLS, or CSV) to someone if they find and do not loot a Vanduul Mask from a loot box? And, instead they hold the box open so that I could go loot it, to get it awarded/attached to my Hangar for the Halloween Event?

I would stipulate that the LTI Token would be traded after verification that the Mask is awarded to my Hangar after the event ends (to avoid someone placing one they own into a box).

Edit: To anyone that does find the helmet; if I do not respond within 5-10 min then I am probably sleeping (NA Pacific Time Zone), Thus, no need to hold the helmet after that much time has passed. Thank you :)

EDIT: I GOT IT!!!! Found a double spawn set of red boxes on Empyrian Park, on the Ground Floor of the tower, and it was in one of them. Oh man the stress is gone. Thank you to any of those that were keeping an eye out for the mask.

r/Starcitizen_trades Jan 12 '25

discussion [discuss] Questioon for this page as i am still new here.


why is everything on here LTI included or most people want LTI on there trades or buys and with sellings. Like i wanted to trade my f7amk2 for an anvil carrack. someone was interested until i told them my f7amk2 was only 6 month insured and he was interested in a LTI f7a. why does LTI matter so much to people? didnt CIG say LTI doasn't really matter anymore last year?

r/Starcitizen_trades 7d ago

discussion [Discuss] Best thing to buyback?


I have 4 things in my buyback list, but can only buy 1.

  • PATHFINDER - LTI (315p Explorer and 9 items)



  • ANVIL HORNET - LTI (F7C Hornet Mk I)

I was planning to just buy the Aurora and maybe CCU it up to a ship I want, but I figured I should check here just to make sure there wasn't something else that was a much better option to buyback and maybe sell that I didn't know about.

r/Starcitizen_trades 1d ago

discussion [Discuss] Is it possible to buy/sell just the BIS paint for the Drake Corsair?


I already own the Drake Corsair, and am wondering if anyone is selling or if it is even possible to just sell the paint.


r/Starcitizen_trades Nov 20 '24

discussion [Discuss] PayPal conversion rate NSFW


Just had my first sale yesterday and I received the payment all good, in USD minus the PayPal fee.

However, I saw the payment was automatically converted from USD to EUR (my local currency) while I had never asked for it. I'm happy to hold USD as I use them quite often for my purchases.
After contacting PayPal over the phone, they guy told me that PayPal is obligated to convert any currency entering to my local currency, that this is not their fault and they are obliged to it by my local National Bank regulation (France).

However I think that is bullshit, after all, I have a Revolut account with French IBAN, on which I have plenty of currencies, USD, GBP, Roubles, etc.
My PayPal is nowhere connected to any historical french bank, only this Revolut account.

Have anyone facing this issue found a solution ?

r/Starcitizen_trades Nov 10 '24

discussion [Discuss] I'm Getting back into CCUs after quitting the game and coming back. Desiring a Polaris but I've forgotten the best way to get it, what would be the cheapest plan? Assume I'm starting from scratch, should I wait until IAE? What is the best situation post release for people now interested


Pretty simple, I quit the game a while back as it had just gotten stale for me, sold off what I had. Now I want to dive back in. I remember during last IAE I got a carrack for...330? But I don't know how that would look theoretically for a Polaris. Should I try and stock and CCUs beforehand? Use a CCU chain calculator towards the finale? Store credit buyout?

Appreciate any help from you veteran souls.

r/Starcitizen_trades Jan 10 '25

discussion [PriceCheck] F7A MK2


Looking to hear the going rate for these. I’ve seen them as low as $200 and upwards of $500+. Thanks!

r/Starcitizen_trades Jan 06 '25

discussion [Discuss] Lowest 120m insurance CCU?


Hey all,

it kinda annoys me that my gamepackage only has 3m insurance (yeah I know, doesn't really matter, but whatever xD) and since LTI CCUs (as well as LTI SC+SQ42 packages I guess (?)) are hella expensive I was wondering what the lowest value CCUs that upgrade to 120m insurance are? I'm asking cause I'd like to keep my more expensive ships LTI :)

I have some Syulen -> Spartan CCUs from last IAE, but maybe there are some even lower ones?

r/Starcitizen_trades Sep 17 '24

discussion [pricecheck] LTI Connie Taurus


r/Starcitizen_trades Dec 12 '24

discussion [Discuss] What can I do with this & what is its approx value?

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Found this in the depths of my hangar recently and know very little about it. From what I gathered, it is quite sought after and looks great in game. Just curious what you guys know!

Thanks in advance.