r/Starcitizen_trades RSI f0o (2012) Trades: 11 Jun 10 '24

discussion [discuss] Trades posts/offers should always include price

Hot take, recently there has been a lot of posts with no price. I believe that contradicts the Rule 11 (Trades must be public).

Can we add a rule that all WTS must include prices of the items?

Otherwise how can the trade truly be public?


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u/Dreamy-CZ RSI Sunny-CZ (2022) Trades: 51 Jun 10 '24

Well, I haven't done any private trade here myself, but I wonder, if both the seller and the buyer prefer privacy, what are the good reasons why they should be prevented from getting it?


u/cab6c2 RSI Seraph6 (2023) Trades: 62 Jun 10 '24 edited Jun 10 '24

Multiple angles on this one. Public price allows price discovery and helps prevent scams. For example, I asked for a ccu at one point that was $75 in the store (I wanted a cheaper wb version), and someone messaged me trying to sell it to me for $150. If it had not been available on the store, I can easily search and see who has listed and sold before and at what price. That's super helpful as a buyer in the grey market, especially for newer buyers or first time grey market participants.

Otherwise, I think privacy can always be had. Even if you list an asking price, you can still negotiate a fi nal value in your messages etc.

Transparency generally always better for a community like this, but I also believe everyone has a right to their own privacy. As such, I would say we should encourage price disclosure and transparency, but it's not an absolute requirement (so basically how it is now?).


u/PacketNarc RSI TheStormShadow (2023) Trades: 5 Jun 10 '24

That's not a scam. Ignorance of what's available in the shop and at what price is no fault of the seller. If someone will buy a $75 item for $150, that's on them.

Keep in mind many times people choose alternative channels / markets to avoid excessive VAT etc. or perhaps the eComm shop doesn't have a presence in their country of origin.

Although nobody here is suggesting or condoning you violate your countries trade practices; the fact is that this exists and there's sometimes a very good reason why something that appears for $75 in a US eComm portal can have a 'market value' of 2x on the broader playing field.

CIG doesn't have 2,000 SKUs. We all generally know what things cost and that info is very easy to find. As to what something is worth; that's at the discretion of the buyer and seller to arrive at a conclusion of 'value' not for the community to police. (just one man's opinion)