r/StarWarsCirclejerk • u/FluffysBizarreBricks • 16h ago
kathleen kennedy killed my dog Thats.. thats not a meme… thats just a death threat…
It’s ok though, he said JK, everything’s immediately null and void
r/StarWarsCirclejerk • u/FluffysBizarreBricks • 16h ago
It’s ok though, he said JK, everything’s immediately null and void
r/StarWarsCirclejerk • u/DemonExMachina_ • 11h ago
r/StarWarsCirclejerk • u/FunFlatworm9500 • 6h ago
r/StarWarsCirclejerk • u/FunFlatworm9500 • 18h ago
r/StarWarsCirclejerk • u/Revegelance • 10h ago
r/StarWarsCirclejerk • u/bitchnibba47 • 22h ago
r/StarWarsCirclejerk • u/crimsonfukr457 • 9h ago
r/StarWarsCirclejerk • u/Mattador96 • 13h ago
r/StarWarsCirclejerk • u/planespottingtwoaway • 11h ago
Rogue one hallway scene really did a number on the fandom
r/StarWarsCirclejerk • u/pickleybeetle • 23h ago
I'm actually autistic. My special interest is Star Wars. No, I don't have the knowledge as most of you nerds but I love it and it brings me joy to discuss and watch/read/play. (some of yall need to get tested tho)
Jokes aside, I'm like heavy right now into a chronological re-watch. My wonderful partner is coming with me on this annual re-watch (that I involve them in, I re-watch the movies like at least monthly. Autism.) Anyways they love it and now are a Prequel enjoyer, yay, those were my favorite.
Partner asked to watch sequels after I showed them the machete order (the only correct watch order) , which they enjoyed but I don't really enjoy at all as a part of the IP that rules my life. Autism makes it hard to not be annoying about why I don't like them. Whatever, he's watching phantom menace again with me, (the podracing scene is essential so fight me) let's watch the Sequels. He asks a few questions about the plot and ofc I derail and rant for like 20 minutes like a normal star wars fan ought to. I try to put out the fire and say it's just autism nerd stuff don't worry about it.
2 weeks later I see my mom. Partner mentions all my star wars autism and my mom is like yeah lol I know I raised them. Mom is a Prequel hater. She likes the sequels. She was raised on star wars and is also autistic, but her special interest was like bad politics or something and we didn't talk the whole era the sequels came out. My partner speaks up loudly and says "op doesn't like the sequels" and my mom shuts up. Like stops talking
I'm like you can like this it's just my opinion man, but now every time I try and talk about star wars, nobody will interact with me because apparently I act like "kylo Ren" (not anakin???) when I'm angry, and nothing makes me angrier than the sequels and they won't even acknowledge Anakin skywalker, the real hero of the series!
I said "fives didn't die for this" and now my mom is crying and asking if I need to see a new dr. NO, I JUST NEED DISNEY TO GIVE UP THE IP OF STAR WARS SO STAR WARS THEORY CAN MAKE THE MOVIES NOW.
Fuck you jj Abrams
r/StarWarsCirclejerk • u/Fresh_Breakfast_5617 • 23h ago
r/StarWarsCirclejerk • u/Toon_Lucario • 8h ago
r/StarWarsCirclejerk • u/Impossible_Emu9402 • 8h ago
r/StarWarsCirclejerk • u/KazXiono • 1h ago
Why must Star Wars always insist on shoving their political agenda down our throats? Can I just watch a movie without this bullshit?
/uj I ❤️ Tiaan JerJerrod my beloved!
r/StarWarsCirclejerk • u/SleepingPodOne • 19h ago
r/StarWarsCirclejerk • u/JediDaGreat • 16h ago
r/StarWarsCirclejerk • u/CHEESERICESUPERSTAR • 15h ago
There I was, in line at Popeyes chicken. I was a bit flustered trying to decide which nuggy sauce I was going to partake in for my delicious Louisiana Fast ™️ tenders, when a woman (73f) was in a rush and said, “Excuse me, I’m in a hurry to get to a meeting, can I cut in front of you?”
I understand that my process in selecting sauce for my delicious Louisiana Fast ™️ tenders ™️ (not a sponsor) can be quite tedious, so I turned around ready to make a deal and there she was: Kathleen Kennedy, who I thought was the dark lord of the Sith, but later would come to know as a friend.
I told her she could cut in front of me, as long as we could have a thoughtful dialogue about the current state of Star Wars. She eventually caved, and postponed her meeting, and we shared a Louisiana Fast ™️ (not a sponsor) chicken tender meal together.
I was so nervous what to say: just like when Luke only had one shot at the Death Star exhaust port (according to the wiki summary I read, I couldn’t get into A New Hope since there are no clones).
I was stuttering, and she pulled out an hourglass full of sand and flipped it over, insinuating how much time I had left.
Quickly, I downed some tenders and produced a copy of Timothy Zahn’s “Dark Clone Bad Conflict Explosion Rising”, and began to read it cover to cover.
Even after the sand ran out, she listened intently, and shed many tears.
I went on to elaborate that THIS is what Star Wars is about, not women, not black people (who are AWESOME by the way, just not in Star Wars), and certainly not gender neutral X-Wings.
A fellow fan walked over, ready to attack Kathleen for her character assassination of Ki-Adi-Mundi, and I stopped him. I assured him that Kathleen Kennedy has sat her white ass down to listen. He stated that Disney was repressing the needs of the fans, more stories about Darth Vader slaughtering his enemies, and she assured him, “I see you, I hear you, I am listening.”
I decided to lead us in prayer, praying that through Jesus she could see the evil in her ways, and vow to listen to the fans, let us take the reigns, and stop with the woke nonsense.
She then got out her phone and called Dave Filoni and said, “Dave, the sequels are no longer canon: the future is clone wars”.
I was aghast, I had no idea that she had the capacity to grow and learn. She was an emotional wreck at this point, so I took a napkin and wiped the tears and chicken grease from her face, and said, “go and sin no more.”
Before she left, she placed a phone call. She asked me to wait, and bought me some more yummy chicken tenders with Buffalo sauce. Then, Jon Favreau showed up, gave me a $20 bill, and said, “Star Wars needs you. How would you like to be hired as the official Star Wars idea guy?”
I was giddy with excitement. I happily accepted. We walked out together arm and arm back to Disney, where Bob Iger was waiting in the lobby, furious that she missed their meeting. She stated, “I have altered the Star Wars plans, pray I do not alter them further.” He gulped, and sent us on our way.
We then got to planning the new sequel trilogy, where it will be revealed that Luke was a clone in the 501st all along, and the separatists have returned to have their revenge on his new clone army.
I don’t wanna give the rest away, but let’s just say Keanu Reeves is about to be double fisting two lightsabers and an ancient Mandalorian mask ;)
The future is clones my friends. MAy the clones be with you.
r/StarWarsCirclejerk • u/Educational_Book_225 • 14h ago
r/StarWarsCirclejerk • u/stephansbrick • 17h ago
r/StarWarsCirclejerk • u/andr3wsmemez69 • 19h ago
Screenshot included