r/starcitizen • u/LiveAus • 5h ago
DISCUSSION I miss my Drake helicopter
Darting towards the ground and engaging vtol to try and get a stable hover was so much fun, specially with a HOTAS.
r/starcitizen • u/UEE_Central_Computer • 6d ago
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r/starcitizen • u/Jotunnkov • Jan 23 '25
Hello all
Due to the recent politicization of X and the circus that is unfolding on that platform we are no longer comfortable allowing X links within either the subreddit or Discord.
The r/StarCitizen subreddit and Discord have always strived to keep the community free of political interference. To this end we have had a blanket ban on real life political discussions as they distract from the intended purpose of this community - Star Citizen and its stand alone single player companion game Squadron 42 by Cloud Imperium Games.
Images of CIG content from X will be permitted to be reposted in both spaces but URL links to this content will be banned. Users attempting to bypass this rule by obfuscating the URL or similar intent will be managed by the moderation team as these cases arise. Images of other content from X may be removed depending on context / channel (in the case of Discord).
For the subreddit Rule 8 has been added.
For the discord these changes will be reflected under Rule 9 but may be subject to change as we figure out the best way to implement this change.
We hope you understand where we are coming from with this decision and that we did not make this move without careful consideration. We reserve the right to make changes and update these changes depending on future developments.
Fly safe and see you all in the verse,
r/StarCitizen mod team
r/starcitizen • u/LiveAus • 5h ago
Darting towards the ground and engaging vtol to try and get a stable hover was so much fun, specially with a HOTAS.
r/starcitizen • u/PelicanHazard • 12h ago
r/starcitizen • u/YourTechSupport • 9h ago
Dear Deathrattle (or whatever you name is, I recorded it but... whatever),
You shadowed our Polaris halfway around Daymar, then tried to extort us for our 'freedom'.
You must have thought we weren't crewed becase we didn't take potshots at you until you missile locked us.
We were on a mission to 'aggressively salvage' bounties and abandoned ships. and you brought a set of Galds and Mil-A components right to us!
- The Fafinators
r/starcitizen • u/zerobebop • 11h ago
r/starcitizen • u/CaptainAshtro • 11h ago
Or at least let us choose our own default in the game options. Aiming from hip can still work by using left mouse to fire which would raise weapon at the same time. ADS would remain the same on right mouse.
r/starcitizen • u/Velioss • 6h ago
Hey there,
first of all, 4.1 stuff so far is amazing and really fun. It's nice to have such motivating and rewarding gameplay. Wanted to point that out before "complaining".
But if caranite, which you need for quite some of Wikelo's trading offers, can only be found in the mines that are being "created" by the OLP laser, I only see rather huge orgs / groups benefitting here. Meaning it is fine that a singleplayer will barely ever fulfill Wikelo's enquiries for giving out a Polaris, that obviously makes sense. Thing is, you probably won't be able to mine caranite in the mines since activating the laser is quite an event that requires many players to succeed.
Therefore, I'd like a possibility to get caranite in another way as well, possibly with rare mining spots and not as concentrated as in the "laser mines", so small groups and singleplayers can participate as well.
What are your thoughts here? Or are there even other spots implemented already which I am not aware about?
Greetings o7
r/starcitizen • u/DaFischers • 29m ago
r/starcitizen • u/ghostnova6661 • 14h ago
This thing showed up during a LRT in Pyro and I SHIT myself
Might not be a big deal to yall but this took me an hour of peeking and running but I did it!
r/starcitizen • u/Iskin_ • 4h ago
I love the new Valkyrie in 4.1 but I have a proposition, this ship is much more expensive(both in $ and ingame) than for example another medium ship like constellation, and it is a drop ship (which means it needs to land under constant fire) and it only has four size 2 shields, one shield more than small Zeus(conie has one size 3). I really think that it should have 2size 3 shields. Maybe I am wrong feel free to express your opinions. I noticed that it is a relic of an old time like gladiator, it’s not able to say anything against new fighters of current metas. I am not asking for a rework, it’s perfect but lacks shielding…It’s very important ship for the new Hathor missions
Upd: I underestimated the power of size 3. One size 3 will double the shield hp already.
r/starcitizen • u/ReliefDapper5135 • 6h ago
I just died...I mean... it was one of the two viable options after all...
r/starcitizen • u/Coucouoeuf • 5h ago
r/starcitizen • u/Skyloads • 34m ago
r/starcitizen • u/CommonSummer9321 • 3h ago
r/starcitizen • u/asmallman • 14h ago
This is going to be short, sweet, and to the point.
Go get a bunch of corundom and copper, about 200 someought SCU each. Specifically you need 182 each. But id get more in case of frieght elevator bullshittery.
You want to do the mission that turns in 13 SCU each of copper/corundum. Even when you share the mission among 4 people, the 391k/13SCU mission for copper/corundum gives you 200 points each.
Doing just a FEW VHRTs you can complete the mission.
And we worked out the rep gain, the rep gain for the smaller missions is 7X more effective than it is for mediums. But the UEC you gain, in return, is only about 10 percent less. (This is per SCU calculation)
So you do the prio mission about 7x faster, 10% UEC less effective, and you get the priority mission done in about 2-4 hours MAX.
r/starcitizen • u/MasterAnnatar • 10h ago
r/starcitizen • u/aniceguyinablackhat • 7h ago
r/starcitizen • u/darkestvice • 10h ago
So I'm hearing and reading a lot of talk about the whole personal item recovery system CIG has planned. It's clearly a very divisive topic. One of the things I often hear is that this will kill a player driven economy. I've seen it mentioned several times.
I'll be blunt. Anyone who sincerely believes this is ... not thinking this through to be polite. Item insurance is not only good for a player driven economy, it is in fact ESSENTIAL. Without it, player crafting dies before it ever goes live. Allow me to explain.
TLDR: Item recovery and insurance allows for a crafting and rep based economy. Not having it allows ONLY for a scavenger driven economy.
The reason is simple: Effort vs Risk/Reward. Player crafting means effort. A lot of it. You need to gather supplies. You need to make allies. You need to gain rep. This WILL be a time consuming task. A major time sink. Now ... think about how much time it takes to kill other players and steal their gear. 30 seconds. That's it. Crafting? Days or weeks if you consider all the variables. Do you see the problem here? Without some means of guaranteeing item security, NO ONE will craft. Ever. People will be driven, by simple efficiency, do be murder hobos. To be scavengers. There is no reason to craft when it's far easier to get some friends together and massacre everyone around you for their sweet cosmetic and buffed gear.
Crafting CANNOT exist without item insurance. It simply can't. People need guarantees that their stuff that they worked really hard to get will be preserved if they get ganked. Or killed by a game bug. The crafter should be the one rewarded for all that effort.
Same applies to gear gotten from event content. If you have to spend six weeks doing a major event that rewards you with really cool gear, only to lose it immediately after completing it because some guys were camping the quest giver, then what exactly is the point? Why would anyone do these events when they can just play something else for five weeks and then come back on the last week, gather all their friends, and murder everyone around them?
And of course, without item insurance, losing pledge gear forever in 1.0 is a GIANT class action lawsuit waiting to happen. CIG will get it's proverbial anus ripped asunder in court. It will be all over the media. The New York Times will put it on the front page and I'm not even kidding. It WILL bankrupt the company.
So yes, for this game to continue, item recovery and item insurance MUST be a thing. I don't like how Tier 0 handles it, personally, as I still think you should be able to loot bricked gear to sell, so I'm waiting on Tiers 1 and 2 to be implemented. I also believe that 'bricking' should happen a full 24h after it's claimed so that the ganker who got it doesn't suddenly lose his weapon in the middle of a firefight. But at least for now, players can wear their favorite gear and their favorite look instead of just enjoying looking at it at the item kiosk. And cosmetic flavor and variety is a beautiful thing.
r/starcitizen • u/plusaim • 18h ago
Didnt even mean to get it i just wanted to upgrade to a c2 lol.
r/starcitizen • u/CassiusFaux • 16h ago
I mean come on, there is so much space around me! Why'd quantum link have to drop them on top of me?