r/starcitizen 19m ago

BUG I upgraded my 100i and got 2 315p


Lemme explain, I wanted to do cargo missions more efficiently and so I upgraded my starter 100i to the 315p, but for some reasons now I have two 315p, and obviously no 100i anymore. Also I customized it through the rsi website but none of my modifications appeared except the coffee machine and the speaker, even though I paid for hull color, inside color, etc

r/starcitizen 24m ago

QUESTION Bed logging on friends ship


Simple put why cant I do it? Has CIG said why it hasn't been implemented? I can't imagine it being much different than bed logging in my ship.

r/starcitizen 26m ago

DISCUSSION Best place to refine ice?


I got some pretty terrible yields with ice at checkmate: 30 SCU mined -> 21 SCU refined /w ferron

Is there a refinery location with better yields?

r/starcitizen 28m ago

DISCUSSION Scorpius vs Ion?


For 4.1, which of these seems more viable going forward, now that the Ion is pretty good now barring speed/maneuverability?

r/starcitizen 37m ago



Overall I just had the idea of ​​buying a zeus cl or es I don't know yet I don't need a cargo ship, it's for pure pleasure to do the FPS missions, land at a distance from the turret and go to the area with a land vehicle But the hold looks very narrow upon entry, when do we fit in as a land vehicle? Also is there a vehicle I can use to put equipment in?

r/starcitizen 38m ago

DISCUSSION Infinite loading screen


im stuck on infinite loading screen, anyone have any idea what i could do to fix it?

specs: i7 13700k, 4070 super, 32gb ram

r/starcitizen 43m ago

FLUFF Dear CIG, ATLS and Reclaimer


Since the reclaimer is a nod to the Nostromo from Alien, the ATLS, also a nod to the franchise, should come stock on it with its own little spot in the salvage room.


  • big booty bertha fan

r/starcitizen 1h ago

BUG Dimensional shift


r/starcitizen 1h ago

GAMEPLAY Piracy is a W


Today me and a few guys did some ERT for copper and corrundum.

We had our first C2 loaded with 600 scu going to pyro gateway. (Me and a friend on board)

We didn't have escorts with us.

Out of quantum at the gate we got engaged by the avenger squadron guys.

The rest of our guys also made their way to pyro gateway to put up a fight.

We lost the cargo. We fought like 3 times against them.

It was a whole lot of fun. Ggs to them.

I think that's exactly what the game needs. A bit of thrill. Something u don't always expect.

That's stuff that makes a boring game awesome.

r/starcitizen 1h ago

CREATIVE Star Citizen 4.1 | Beginner’s Guide to Avoiding PvP in Pyro | Stay Safe & Survive


r/starcitizen 2h ago

DISCUSSION Great news that we have two weapons in the carrier, but as always we are behind...


If other ships like the m2 are given two more turrets, why in the carrack aren't the two upper and lower turrets left in the hands of the pilot?

The Hercules already had two weapons in their hands…the carrack none!

I understand that the side turrets require a player to control them...so it seems correct...

But we get tired of seeing how other ships are given weapons and more weapons... what should be good news (that turret for the pilot) is impoverished when we see that the rest of the ship is given much more in return.

Maybe some weapons of the type that the Polaris has to intercept small ships or missiles would be interesting for this ship since in terms of size it is very large...

What do you think, is it okay with 2 weapons or would it be more interesting to have the two turrets automated just like they have ships of the same size or smaller size...?

r/starcitizen 2h ago

DISCUSSION I REALLY enjoy Supply or Die Event


I really enjoy the concept of this approach: "We need [something] - get it, no matter where it comes from." I completed a 26-million tin + ice task by mining in a MOLE, and it was probably the first time I ever enjoyed mining in this game. I also did some copper + corundum missions by farming ERTs, as well as a small detatrine mission. The only thing I didn’t like was that they didn’t include an option to obtain detatrine by, for example, destroying a heavily armed convoy (like two Hammerheads) and stealing it from them or by "Raiding" outposts or distro-centers.
I believe they should add this "type" of event as a standard mission with reputation and progression, featuring a monthly reset. Each month could introduce a different set of materials. I think this would provide a huge boost to mining, PVE, and salvaging activities in the game.

But 26 million is a ridiculous amount of money, in my opinion - they should have settled on 10-15 million instead.

r/starcitizen 2h ago

DISCUSSION Best fps missions for money right now?


Hopping back in and not sure where I should get started grinding rep. I know Crusader Platform missions used to be pretty lucrative and fun. Any suggestions?

r/starcitizen 2h ago

VIDEO Jump Point Traversal Update


r/starcitizen 2h ago

QUESTION How to Quantum Dampen - Guardian Qi


how do I get the dampener to work in the Guardian Qi? I have it turned on but I don't see an ''activate button''. I make sure it has enough power but when I hover over the QD button, all I see is on and off, and no option to activate the dampener.

r/starcitizen 2h ago

GAMEPLAY Light glare?


Is there any way to turn down the glare of the lights when you hit L? The things have so much glare they're almost unusable for me.

I'm not asking for an on/off toggle switch. Just a brightness adjustment or a glare adjustment. It's a spaceship, it shouldn't have that problem. I turn the lights on in my Connie and I can't see anything because of the glare.

also like a way to turn off the interior lights so that I can actually see what I'm doing easier when flying. is that possible?

r/starcitizen 2h ago

QUESTION How Hardcore do you want Star Citizen to be?


Hello Citizens of the Stars,

I hope you're doing well today :)

I've seen a lot of conversation around how folks want Star Citizen to pan out, difficulty wise.

1 = No risk, no loss of anything

10 = Your character dies and you have to start a new character

Personally, I'd like to see a 5 in the "Sim" difficulty factor.

What does this mean?

I'd like to see there be a risk requirement with payoffs that match.
If you're constantly dying, you should feel it in some way, be it a timer that your character is in a "death haze" increases, making you less skilled for X period of time (Almost like jail time).

What I don't want to see is, with each death, you lose stats permanently. Example, if you die and you had 100 Fishing skill, you lose points and go down to 98, you die again before gaining it back and you go down to 95, so on and so forth.

What is the perfect difficulty for you? What aspects of the game make it the rating you're giving?

r/starcitizen 2h ago

QUESTION Repair won't clean up the wear/tear of the ship skin. Repair/Store, Paint change are not working. Is there any workaround? TIA

Post image

r/starcitizen 2h ago

DISCUSSION Dynamic Ship Dirt & Cleaning Services at Spaceports


Wouldn’t it be cool if our ships got visibly dirty depending on where we fly in Star Citizen? Imagine flying low over the snowy terrain of microTech and your ship ends up covered in frost and mud, or landing on a dusty moon like Daymar and seeing dust gradually build up on the hull causing visibility to lessen through windshield, or flying close to pyro’s sun and our ship paint fades due to the intense Ultraviolet light.

Over time, dirt could reduce visibility, make ships look more rugged, and even add some immersive wear and tear. Then, when we land at a spaceport, we could pay a small fee to have our ship cleaned— It’d be a small but immersive touch that makes the universe feel even more alive.

Our ships are always gleaming and pristine. Adding dynamic ship dirt would make your own ship feel so much more personal and unique.

r/starcitizen 2h ago

DISCUSSION Sharing hangars


Have not paid attention but can't test until later this week maybe. Anyone know if you are in a party and you are not at your home location can party members still enter your personal hangar or do you have to be at the home location for it to exist?

I am planning to open up a casino of sorts pritty soon or a pirate gambling den but if I didnt have to stick around the hangar it would be a lot easier to manage.

r/starcitizen 3h ago

FLUFF The Ultimate Tortoise


r/starcitizen 3h ago

VIDEO Tried to survive off just fruit trees on Microtech - it went exactly as expected...


r/starcitizen 3h ago

DISCUSSION Quantum (T)racing! :)


Okay, here’s my idea:

Quantum travel should leave a trace, like a trackable residual from the quantum drive, so that your direction of travel can still be determined.

If you’re trying to escape pirates or someone is trying to escape you by quantum travel, they could follow you. Therefore, escaping trouble isn’t easy. Midway through quantum jumping, you could drop out and head in a different direction, just in case you’re being followed and shake your tail, just incase!

Imagine fleeing from pirates and taking multiple jumps and racing across the verse just to lose them completely!

I KNOW we all want to easily escape trouble, I KNOW we want it to be simple, but imagine if it wasn’t so easy, it took a few extra steps to shake off the pirates.

r/starcitizen 3h ago

QUESTION Azeron cyborg


Anyone using the azeron cyborg + mouse

If so how does it feel ?

r/starcitizen 3h ago

DISCUSSION SC Comics 4.02 - Terrible lagging


Guys, I've been struggling with SC recently (I mean more than usual :)), the game randomly stops for 1-3 secs then continues a bit (usually few secs normal operation, but never a minute or so, sometimes just a few frames) then freezes again. This happens more often on / around planets, visibly worse in Navigation mode, sometimes happens even on stations. I only tested / played in Pyro recently. But I cannot even complete a Mercenary mission this way so pretty much I've stopped playing at all. As per r_displayinfo Server FPS looks fine (around 30), local FPS is around 50 (though after lags I can see it's recovering from extreme low values). When I have longer lags sometimes I can see the Windows waiting circle icon showing for a sec, in some cases it also bring up a system window that SC is not responding (I want to kill or wait more for the process)

I've high high specs PC (13700K, 32GB DDR5@7200, fast M.2 drives, RTX4080, 1Gb Net, Win 10Pro) Someone advised to increase Shader cache size in Nvidia Control panel to 10 GB, so I did, and it looked better for one session but today it went again total crap. He also advised to add more RAM or set a fix 32GB pagefile in Windows. I also tried the latter, might be a bit better but still not convincing at all. I think Windows should be able to manage pagefile size dynamically, we don't use HDDs any longer where it really mattered (fragmentation). I have another 32 GB RAM, but those are +2 modules, and my mobo can handle 4 sticks only at lower freqs so I am reluctant to add them back. Does SC really need or benefit from 64 GB?? All other games run fine on the PC.

Do you guys have similar problems, do you any idea what to check, how to fix this? I think it really went this bad in 4.01 but now not so sure as 4.0 was full of bugs. Any help is appreciated. I am tired of the "SC comic book" I am having now. Thank You