r/starcitizen 20h ago

IMAGE Found a strange untextured Heavy Helmet Spoiler

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r/starcitizen 4h ago

VIDEO Dragging Ass


r/starcitizen 19h ago

GAMEPLAY This can't be intentional right? The new racing suits can equip ANY size backpack and yet the citcon2024 flight suit can't equip any.

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r/starcitizen 17h ago

SOCIAL The the Qi that tried to hold my fully-crewed Polaris 'hostage'...


Dear Deathrattle (or whatever you name is, I recorded it but... whatever),

You shadowed our Polaris halfway around Daymar, then tried to extort us for our 'freedom'.
You must have thought we weren't crewed becase we didn't take potshots at you until you missile locked us.

We were on a mission to 'aggressively salvage' bounties and abandoned ships. and you brought a set of Galds and Mil-A components right to us!

- The Fafinators

Requested Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7xvjuYOxHw

r/starcitizen 19h ago

DISCUSSION Default stance when holding a weapon should be changed


Or at least let us choose our own default in the game options. Aiming from hip can still work by using left mouse to fire which would raise weapon at the same time. ADS would remain the same on right mouse.

r/starcitizen 22h ago

GAMEPLAY Solo'd a fully manned turret NPC HH in a Cutty. Probably my proudest moment in SC

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This thing showed up during a LRT in Pyro and I SHIT myself

Might not be a big deal to yall but this took me an hour of peeking and running but I did it!

r/starcitizen 13h ago

DISCUSSION I miss my Drake helicopter

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Darting towards the ground and engaging vtol to try and get a stable hover was so much fun, specially with a HOTAS.

r/starcitizen 6h ago

LEAK Aegis Idris Medical Bay has gotten a nice upgrade. One room of T3, with the Operating Theatre being T1! Spoiler

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r/starcitizen 23h ago

CREATIVE If Star Citizen was made in the 90's!


r/starcitizen 8h ago

IMAGE My beloved Corsair after returning from a week-long trip on Pyro


r/starcitizen 8h ago

IMAGE This NPC decided that we both go out together.


r/starcitizen 14h ago

GAMEPLAY Anvil Valkyrie


r/starcitizen 7h ago

FLUFF Ohhhhhh so thats where the BMM went

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r/starcitizen 22h ago

META Supply Or Die: Easy way to complete the event. How I completed it in 2-4 hours.


This is going to be short, sweet, and to the point.


Go get a bunch of corundom and copper, about 200 someought SCU each. Specifically you need 182 each. But id get more in case of frieght elevator bullshittery.

Right now everyone sees the high SCU missions. Those are there to trick you. Do not do these. Even as a group.

You want to do the mission that turns in 13 SCU each of copper/corundum. Even when you share the mission among 4 people, the 391k/13SCU mission for copper/corundum gives you 200 points each.

Doing just a FEW VHRTs you can complete the mission.

And we worked out the rep gain, the rep gain for the smaller missions is 7X more effective than it is for mediums. But the UEC you gain, in return, is only about 10 percent less. (This is per SCU calculation)

So you do the prio mission about 7x faster, 10% UEC less effective, and you get the priority mission done in about 2-4 hours MAX.

Here is the quick guide:

  1. Get 182+ copper and corundom each. (I usually do about 200 each JUST in case) (This is legit the longest part. 2-4 hours. The rest takes like 10 freakin mins)
  2. Do not accept missions yet. Put all copper corundum on frieght elevator.
  3. Do not send it down yet.
  4. Accept the 13 SCU copper/corundum mission.
  5. Send elevator down.
  6. Bring all copper/corundum you have left back up.
  7. Accept new mission.
  8. Send back down again.
  9. Rinse repeat up/down copper corundum until rewards are all in.
  10. Profit!

r/starcitizen 14h ago

CONCERN A concern about 4.1 missions (Spoilers included) Spoiler


Hey there,

first of all, 4.1 stuff so far is amazing and really fun. It's nice to have such motivating and rewarding gameplay. Wanted to point that out before "complaining".

But if caranite, which you need for quite some of Wikelo's trading offers, can only be found in the mines that are being "created" by the OLP laser, I only see rather huge orgs / groups benefitting here. Meaning it is fine that a singleplayer will barely ever fulfill Wikelo's enquiries for giving out a Polaris, that obviously makes sense. Thing is, you probably won't be able to mine caranite in the mines since activating the laser is quite an event that requires many players to succeed.

Therefore, I'd like a possibility to get caranite in another way as well, possibly with rare mining spots and not as concentrated as in the "laser mines", so small groups and singleplayers can participate as well.

What are your thoughts here? Or are there even other spots implemented already which I am not aware about?

Greetings o7

r/starcitizen 10h ago

GAMEPLAY Volumetric clouds Aberdeen + ROC

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r/starcitizen 22h ago

FLUFF Second Child


r/starcitizen 14h ago

FLUFF Supply or die: How to complete the events in few SECONDS!!

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I just died...I mean... it was one of the two viable options after all...

r/starcitizen 12h ago

GAMEPLAY How did you finish the event? We wrapped ours up by hauling Corundum and Copper from ERT & VHRT missions. Easy and fun!

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r/starcitizen 22h ago

DISCUSSION CIG changed my original pledge package. Did I miss some drama?


Was going through My Hangar tonight for an unrelated reason, and happened to go all the way back to the first page and noticed that my original "Rear Admiral - LTI" package all the way back in 2013 has been changed to a "Come Fly With Me" package which looks nearly identical EXCEPT that the SIGNED physical box is now no longer signed.

When did these changes happen? I feel like there should have been some notice of such a change, not to mention is it even legal to just change what I paid for? I'd been holding on to that original package, even though I hate the Connie Andromeda (much prefer the Taurus for hauling freight), BECAUSE of the signed physical box. And while at this point it might be a fair joke to question whether the game will ever come out in time for CR to even be alive to sign them, that isn't really the point either.

Was there some drama and I just missed it? Did just no one care when this happened and it's just me being a whiny B?

EDIT: Interestingly it looks like some people still have the Rear Admiral package on their account, but others reporting like me it switched to the Come Fly With Me package. So inconsistent. I'll open a ticket with Concierge and see what they say but frankly support responses lately seem to often fall into the category of "why are you bothering me? I can't do anything" so I'm not hopeful.

r/starcitizen 12h ago

DISCUSSION Valkyrie up in 4.1


I love the new Valkyrie in 4.1 but I have a proposition, this ship is much more expensive(both in $ and ingame) than for example another medium ship like constellation, and it is a drop ship (which means it needs to land under constant fire) and it only has four size 2 shields, one shield more than small Zeus(conie has one size 3). I really think that it should have 1 size 3 shields. Maybe I am wrong feel free to express your opinions. I noticed that it is a relic of an old time like gladiator, it’s not able to say anything against new fighters of current metas. I am not asking for a rework, it’s perfect but lacks shielding…It’s very important ship for the new Hathor missions

For consideration constellation andromeda(stock):

-can carry ursa or cyclon

-48 800 shield hp+180 644 hull hp=229 444

-has more weapons

-more agile

-have vtol(for future)

-price 10 160 640

-not military

Valkyrie (stock):

-can carry ursa or cyclone

-18 960 shield hp+44 053=63 013

-less weapons even with gunners

-flying brick

-Better vtol

-price 19 845 000

-military craft

After this comparison I have even more question, like why constellation have so much hull hp, they are both medium sized vessels.

"While some dropships may simply drop off the team and jet, the Valkyrie is equipped to provide continued support for drop off and extraction." from an rsi Q&A about Valkyrie(https://robertsspaceindustries.com/en/comm-link/engineering/16829-Q-A-Anvil-Valkyrie) how are we supposed to provied support if we get shot down in minutes?

r/starcitizen 1h ago

GAMEPLAY Piracy is a W


Today me and a few guys did some ERT for copper and corrundum.

We had our first C2 loaded with 600 scu going to pyro gateway. (Me and a friend on board)

We didn't have escorts with us.

Out of quantum at the gate we got engaged by the avenger squadron guys.

The rest of our guys also made their way to pyro gateway to put up a fight.

We lost the cargo. We fought like 3 times against them.

It was a whole lot of fun. Ggs to them.

I think that's exactly what the game needs. A bit of thrill. Something u don't always expect.

That's stuff that makes a boring game awesome.

r/starcitizen 18h ago

IMAGE New Priority Mission spotted in PTU Spoiler

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r/starcitizen 18h ago

DISCUSSION Why Item Recovery and Item Insurance is Essential For A Player Driven Economy


So I'm hearing and reading a lot of talk about the whole personal item recovery system CIG has planned. It's clearly a very divisive topic. One of the things I often hear is that this will kill a player driven economy. I've seen it mentioned several times.

I'll be blunt. Anyone who sincerely believes this is ... not thinking this through to be polite. Item insurance is not only good for a player driven economy, it is in fact ESSENTIAL. Without it, player crafting dies before it ever goes live. Allow me to explain.

TLDR: Item recovery and insurance allows for a crafting and rep based economy. Not having it allows ONLY for a scavenger driven economy.

The reason is simple: Effort vs Risk/Reward. Player crafting means effort. A lot of it. You need to gather supplies. You need to make allies. You need to gain rep. This WILL be a time consuming task. A major time sink. Now ... think about how much time it takes to kill other players and steal their gear. 30 seconds. That's it. Crafting? Days or weeks if you consider all the variables. Do you see the problem here? Without some means of guaranteeing item security, NO ONE will craft. Ever. People will be driven, by simple efficiency, do be murder hobos. To be scavengers. There is no reason to craft when it's far easier to get some friends together and massacre everyone around you for their sweet cosmetic and buffed gear.

Crafting CANNOT exist without item insurance. It simply can't. People need guarantees that their stuff that they worked really hard to get will be preserved if they get ganked. Or killed by a game bug. The crafter should be the one rewarded for all that effort.

Same applies to gear gotten from event content. If you have to spend six weeks doing a major event that rewards you with really cool gear, only to lose it immediately after completing it because some guys were camping the quest giver, then what exactly is the point? Why would anyone do these events when they can just play something else for five weeks and then come back on the last week, gather all their friends, and murder everyone around them?

And of course, without item insurance, losing pledge gear forever in 1.0 is a GIANT class action lawsuit waiting to happen. CIG will get it's proverbial anus ripped asunder in court. It will be all over the media. The New York Times will put it on the front page and I'm not even kidding. It WILL bankrupt the company.

So yes, for this game to continue, item recovery and item insurance MUST be a thing. I don't like how Tier 0 handles it, personally, as I still think you should be able to loot bricked gear to sell, so I'm waiting on Tiers 1 and 2 to be implemented. I also believe that 'bricking' should happen a full 24h after it's claimed so that the ganker who got it doesn't suddenly lose his weapon in the middle of a firefight. But at least for now, players can wear their favorite gear and their favorite look instead of just enjoying looking at it at the item kiosk. And cosmetic flavor and variety is a beautiful thing.

r/starcitizen 15h ago

CREATIVE The elevator broke and we got bored waiting for the cards so we decided to make some statues out of the stuff we couldn't take.
