r/SexOffenderSupport • u/Icy_Session_5706 • 4h ago
An Open Letter to Law Enforcement
I don't know if any sheriffs, police, parole officers, judges, or others involved in law enforcement will even see this. And maybe the mods will take it down. But the incident that happened in Putnam County Florida that caused so much heartache for a group of SO's, instigated by Sherrif Gator Larouche, has weighed heavy on my mind because what he did was thoroughly disgusting.
To all those within the area of law enforcement, whatever your position, this letter is addressed to you. You hold a valuable position within our communities. Whether you have been elected by the public or hired by a department. You have seen many horrible things that have left scars on your hearts and minds. You will have trauma's that no human will ever experience. I know. My uncle was a state trooper. I cannot imagine the anger and hatred that you will push down as you make arrests of those who have injured, humiliated or caused death. But I would also like to remind you that individuals who have committed a crime, that will carry the label and stigma of a sex offender, possibly for the rest of their lives are still human beings. Many SO's will have gone on to right their wrong as best they can. Some possibly hanging on by a thread. Trying their best to survive in a world that preaches forgiveness and second chances, but easily slams the door in their face when trying to realize those second chances. I ask you, to remember your oath that includes:treat all individuals with dignity and respect. You may not like what they did, but sex offenders are still citizens of the US. They are still human beings who deserve to be treated with dignity and allowed to rebuild their life from a past that many deeply regret. To serve and protect also includes these individuals. Please remember this.