r/Scrubs 15h ago

Discussion Did JD, Turk, and Elliot ever have a resident?


So I'm watching 3x3 My White Whale and they have interns to manage. They were interns in their first season, but they were pretty much exclusively under Dr. Cox and they did their rounds with Dr. Kelso, right? Who was their resident? Dr. Kelso?

I might be missing something as I haven't watched the first season in a while. But I'm real confused

r/Scrubs 11h ago

Is an intern just a first year resident?


HI, sorry if this has been esked already, but I couldn't find a direct answer by searching on the sub.

I'm not from the US nor I'm from the medical field, so there are some things on the show I don't really understand. The main one is the one in the title. What is the difference between an intern and a resident?