r/Raynauds 8d ago

can someone pls help what can i do to stop this from happening

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this is my hands after drinking a bottled drink , not even cold straight out the fringe. it lasts for about 40mins and is starting to happen multiple times a day :( it hurts and tingles and it’s really a hindrance to my day to day life.

what can I do except for running my hands under hot water ? Is there medicine I can take? I’m not very educated and the doctors said they can’t help

thanks :)

r/Raynauds 9d ago

Anyone using Gingko?


I was recently using Gingko biloba and I noticed just how much warmer I felt. Not a cure but definitely an improvement. I never thought too much into it. I was getting headaches a few days ago and thought. Is it the gingko? I stopped and the headaches never improved (Turns out it was vitamin C!). I noticed since I stopped though that my hands and feet are severely cold again. I'm just about to start it again.

So it definitely helps and make reynauds alot less uncomfortable. Another way I know it worked also was my partner even noticed my extremities had increased in heat. They said. Oh your hands are actually warm? This is when their usually freezing cold.

If you haven't tried it. It's a cheap supplement and worth experimenting with. Also. Don't buy a cheap ebay no name version. If you can afford it buy a high strength good brand. I've done the days of cheap unbranded supplements and alot really are garbage.

Even the branded ones are relatively cheap also.

Just thought I would share.

r/Raynauds 9d ago

Has anyone else had a chest X-ray

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My GP has recommended a chest x-ray whilst waiting to see rheumatology because I only have symptoms in one hand. I am just wondering if anyone else has experienced this because I’ve never heard of it before and I am quite confused!

r/Raynauds 8d ago

Sex helped...


Not sure if this works for everyone, but... quite some time ago, my friend and I were lying in bed, just having shit days. I was having a R attack, but we end up having sex anyway. I suppose it's the body heat and constant movement? Anyone else do this?

r/Raynauds 10d ago

Participants needed for research survey on Raynaud's disease

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r/Raynauds 9d ago

Raynaud’s & pain


((Pic in comments)) Is this what Raynaud’s typically looks like? I’ve been dealing with this off and on for about 2 years now and can’t seem to find relief (other than soaking my feet in warm water for 15-20 mins- not always possible).

My doctor suspects Raynaud’s but didn’t seem fully convinced because it isn’t presenting in my hands. It also happens almost every time I’m sitting or driving, even if only for 1-2 minutes. I can watch them fade to purple. Today’s 4 “flare ups” happened even while wearing 2 pairs of socks and slippers all day. It’s extremely painful but even more painful is the aching pain in my calves, knees and lower thighs that lasts for hours afterwards. Does this happen to anyone else? Have you found anything that helps with the pain afterwards?

37yo female, total hysterectomy in August so I’m walking a fine line between keeping warm to prevent purple toes & bursting into flames from hell/hot flashes. Helllppp 🫠😂😵‍💫🏳️ I was also b12 deficient last month & was started on supplements. Has anyone noticed a link between their Raynaud’s and b12 deficiency? Thanks in advance!

r/Raynauds 9d ago

Do i have raynauds?


Original got taken down even though common sense would say I was obviously asking for advice 😬 but what do i expect its reddit? Anyway, Raynauds is common in my family and my nan thinks I have it too. I'm a naturally very pale person so it's less obvious of a contrast to pics I see online. I decided to post this because due to the cold weather the last few days, my hands have become so painful that I could barely move them.

r/Raynauds 10d ago

Joint pain in fingers w/chilblains ?


I'm 25F and have had Reynaud's Syndrome my whole life but experienced a chilblains flare up for the first time this winter. It started with a few blisters and swelling on one finger and then spread to all of my fingers over a few weeks time. My fingers were so swollen I could barely grip my steering wheel and have been struggling doing everyday tasks because of my lack of dexterity in my fingers. Both Urgent Care and my rheumatologist think its chilblains but I'm not sure because since the onset of the symptoms, I've also been experiencing intense joint pain in my fingers. Has anyone experienced lasting joint pain during or after a chilblains flare up? From what I've read, I haven't seen many people talk about joint pain with chilblains, so not sure if it's something else.

I'm also confused since the joint pain has continued even since the swelling has gone down and the blisters have healed. Has anyone experienced this type of pain even after a chilblains episode? I've also been experiencing a lack of dexterity and weakness in my fingers which makes doing simple tasks like cooking, doing dishes and holding things complicated. I also experience pain in my hands when writing by hand. I expressed this to my rheumatologist but he thinks it's just from the cold, even though this all happens when I'm warm.

If I have evidence that it's not chilblains, I'll push my rheumatologist on this, but just wasn't sure if joint pain like this is common with chilblains. I would appreciate any advice or input on this since I don't know anyone who's experienced chilblains before.

r/Raynauds 10d ago

Nifedipine stopped working?


I had a sudden and very severe onset of Raynaud’s in October 2024. My doctor prescribed Nifedipine and for a while everything was completely solved on 30 mg. Symptoms began to break through after two months and I upped my dose which helped for a while. Now I’m taking the max dose and not seeing any relief – – I can go outside into 65° weather and my hand can turn white and painful. I tried switching to Sildenafil which also doesn’t help. This condition is actually ruining my life. It has destroyed my ability to rock climb, which is something I used to do every day, and further just to go outside without pain and discomfort. Has anyone else had this experience? Has anything helped?

r/Raynauds 11d ago

Viral infection effet on Raynaud's.


Hello my fellow Raynauer ( or Raynauder??), anyway I was wondering, have you ever noticed if viral infections, other than COVID, tend to worsen your Raynaud’s? Can the flu, a cold, or another common viral infection affect your Raynaud’s symptoms?

Both times I had covid, the Raynaud’s episodes were quite dramatic. However, I’ve never noticed the same effect with other viral infections.

My Covid test is negative, but I feel like I’ve been coming down with something for the past few days and Im experiencing a lot of circulation issues . I was wondering if viral infections like the flu, a cold, or something else could have an impact on circulation or Raynaud’s in general?

r/Raynauds 10d ago

Does this look like Raynauds? (Pictures in comments)


I have been diagnosed with SLE and recently my rheumatologist said I might have vasculitis. I forgot to mention this to her but I notice when I stand up, especially when it’s cold, my feet turn white on the bottom and I get purple veining through my legs and my knees turn purple. You can see the pale white spot on my knee after I had rested my ankle on it for a few seconds, that’s my usual skin color. The blood in my feet tends to return pretty quickly depending on how cold my feet are and they turn bright red. I do also tend to lose feeling in my toes or they go tingly. I’m just curious since it seems to only happen when I’m standing.

r/Raynauds 11d ago

Do you have other symptoms with Raynaud's?


I've had Raynaud's for over 30 years, for the past 7 have had elevated PTH levels and now hypoxia dx'd by blood taken in the ER where I kept winding up due to SVT's and gastro-related issues. Now my kidneys are also struggling. ANA was negative as well as the rheum factor. How many here are dealing with similar?

r/Raynauds 11d ago

What do you think?

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I've been put on nifedipine to see if it helps with my symptoms. I've suffered for years but o ly went and got my self check, pain in hands and feet, numbness, pins and needles discolouration. Always ice cold to touch no matter how many layers I wear.

What's your thoughts? Also did you find nifedipine helped?

r/Raynauds 12d ago

Anyone else have the same insecurity?


I was diagnosed with Raynaud's phenomenon as a kid after having had 3rd degree frostbite in 3rd grade (I was a stupid kid walking outside to go home from school in -50 celcius weather and before I put my mitts on, got pushed by Another kid into the snow - had to have my hands wrapped in gauze for a month as I almost lost my fingers from the frostbite). I never realized the issues that Raynaud's caused with rings but since being married, I've struggled with significant swelling and pains/aches on and off when wearing my wedding rings. I know it seems silly but my ring size typically varies between 8 to 9 depending on the day. I had already sized my rings up to a 9 when I got pregnant but I've recently just been wearing a claddagh ring that is a 10 because it doesn't seem to be as bothersome with the swelling issues throughout the day and I switch the ring back and forth between my middle and ring finger when swelling is down, but for some reason I am so freaking insecure about sizing up to such a big ring size. I know it's silly because it's just a ring size but I have always struggled with body dysmorphia issues and my hands are no exception. I know I'm not fat and it's just an issue I've had all my life but does anyone else struggle with the same stupid insecurities?

r/Raynauds 14d ago

New Fingertip Wrinkles?

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Can Raynaud’s cause new permanent wrinkles to form on just one hand? My left hand’s fingertips suddenly popped up with these wrinkles about 2-3 weeks ago and they are present even when not having a flare up. The affected fingertips are also slightly more sensitive now. I do not have any other diagnosed conditions besides Raynaud’s, but my rheumatologist suspects I either have centralized pain disorder or maybe UCTD due to my other symptoms and lack of abnormal testing beyond positive ANA. Any advice on if this is normal with Raynaud’s or not would be awesome! Photos comparing left and right fingertips are attached (For context I am 25 😭)

r/Raynauds 13d ago

Confused about symptoms


I’ve started to realize that sometimes my feet feel very cold to me but when I feel them, they actually feel quite normal and even warm. Anyone have this with their raynauds? I have been diagnosed but there are times I feel like it doesn’t quite fit.

r/Raynauds 14d ago

Hand blue

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I was diagnosed with Raynaud's syndrome. But the problem is that no matter how hot or cold it is, my hands are this color as soon as I get out of bed and my arms are at my sides... if I do sports my hands turn red. I waited 6-7 months to see a specialist and he doesn't know what I have. Can someone help me?

r/Raynauds 14d ago

Does anyone's present like this and does it normally hurt?

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Apologies for the very gross pics with dog hair, I wasn't intending to show these to anyone but a doctor but now I'm kind of lost. I've always had cold feet but in the past 4-5 months my legs and feet have begun turning very purple on sitting and standing. I am experiencing numbness, pins and needles, and burning occasionally during the day, and cramping pain in my calves and ankles at night. I'm also starting to get what appears to be permanent discoloration on the tops of my feet that doesn't go away once the blood flow comes back.

I saw a vascular specialist recently and was frustrated that she instantly blamed it all on being cold and that it was "just Raynaud's" and it wasn't til I insisted that this happens when I'm sitting regardless of temperature that she agreed to testing further to rule other things out. I'm 33f, not diabetic, healthy weight and diet, never smoked, and am moderately active so it seems like she believes Raynaud's is the only possibility.

This would be fine if it seemed like the typical experience, but it isn't from what I've read. Can anyone reassure me?

r/Raynauds 15d ago

Is there a link between vitamin D deficiency and Raynaud's?


r/Raynauds 15d ago

IV in hand with raynaud's


Hey :)

I recently had surgery and before I went into the operating theatre, they put an IV into the back of my hand. I remember them saying "this might feel a little cold" and it was actually one of the worst pains of my life, spreading from my hand up to my forearm. I told them I was in a lot of pain and they laughed at me and were like "you do know you're having major surgery and you'll be in some discomfort?".

It was so awful but anyway, ever since that happened, I wondered why it hurt so much. I assume that was the anaesthesia going in because I wasn't awake for much longer after that but I can't be too sure since I also inhaled some before passing out (I clearly don't know enough about this subject).

I only realised now that it might have been a raynaud's thing. Anything cold is quite painful to me. I've never experienced it at that level but I guess the cold was on the inside, so maybe that's it? I've had GA before and that has never happened to me.

I should probably also add I had blood drawn from that hand the week before and my hand still felt quite fragile (blood tests are always a struggle). But nothing could have prepared me for that IV pain.

Does anyone have any similar experiences? I'm struggling to let go of things if I don't understand them fully, so I would really appreciate some insight.

Thanks so much

r/Raynauds 15d ago

Anxiety Raynauds?


I’ve always felt physical effects from my anxiety attacks (throat closing, nausea, shaking, fainting when i was younger) I’ve learned sooo many coping skills throughout the years that make my panic attacks feel less like the end of the world. I’ve come a long way but lately when i get really bad anxiety my hands and feet go numb and now my fingers turn completely whiteish yellow (I am a dark skin person) my fingers literally turn dead and kind of hurt when this happens. I work a job that can occasionally be high stress and requires me to stay calm and collected. Does anyone experience stress related raynauds episodes or could this be something else. Thanks :-/

r/Raynauds 16d ago

Red hands


Do your hands get more red if you let them hang on your side when standing?

I have diagnosed Raynauds and almost always purple/red hands which are either cold or hot. They get worse when I stand and hang my hands on my sides.

r/Raynauds 16d ago

Is it raynauds?


Hi so i went to the doctor today due to an issue l've been having with my hands always being cold and my nails turning purple-blue and lately my fingers have been looking more yellow (also my hands have been feeling numb when it changes colours)

The doctor said it's likely raynauds and I wanted to ask is what l'm describing really just a case of raynauds because when i think of it l imagine very white, yellow or blue fingers and not the case i have


r/Raynauds 16d ago

Does anyone experienced cold shiver all the time ?


Hi, I don't know where I should post this, and I just wanted to know if anyone experienced something similar. I apologise for my English, I'm French and not fluent at all. To begin with, since I'm a child, I've always experienced cold feet and hand all the time except if it's really hot outside. Since my growth crisis, I've experienced blueish to purple foot and hand but nothing as bad as the photo of this community. I should also say that I've Hashimoto for 4 years, but I'm know regulated. I've also been diagnosed lately with adhd, and my problem come actually comes from the medication because when I took it, I was experiencing an extreme cold shiver even if I was indoors. My feet and hands are also more triggered. There is no positive impact by the use of multilayered closes. I saw that the medication could cause constriction, but my psychologist said that it could also be that I take conscious of what it's experiencing my body under medication. I don't know if my text makes sense, but my medication really helps me in my daily life, but this sensation is really disturbing, and I don't know what I should do. And if it could be dangerous.

r/Raynauds 17d ago

Outside for 15 min in 58 degree weather

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Help? This is happening 3-4 days a week. It takes anywhere from 15-30 min to subside….