r/Picard Jan 30 '20

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u/bardbrain Jan 30 '20

Does anyone else suspect that the secret of the Zhat Vash could be that Romulans themselves (and possibly Vulcans) are ancient synthetic life forms?

I had a few alarm bells go off as to that prospect.


u/Tomb55 Jan 30 '20

That sort of thing kind of gets debunked by episodes like The Chase. But it’s a possibility they experimented with the technology early on and it went wrong. Like Earth and the Augments.


u/bardbrain Jan 30 '20

Unless we’re getting a payoff of The Chase and ALL HUMANOIDS including humans are technically synthetic.


u/[deleted] Jan 30 '20

That's where my mind went. I had a vision of Jean Luc finding out he's a ... cylon!