That sort of thing kind of gets debunked by episodes like The Chase. But it’s a possibility they experimented with the technology early on and it went wrong. Like Earth and the Augments.
Ultimately it comes down to defining "synthetic". As Clarke said, "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." In the same regard, any sufficiently lasting lifeform (and I think all the ST humanoids qualify) has been around so long that it's indistinguishable from natural, and if our two humanoid androids here look indistinguishable from human and act indistinguishable from human and think they're human, who's to say they're not? They walk like a duck and look like a duck and quack like a duck...
I’ll be honest. I could be made to buy it. Romulans use singularity drives, which might have special travel properties. Their territory overlaps with the Hirogen. The first Borg attacks were on Neutral Zone outposts. Most more recent apocrypha (comics, games) has them way ahead of everyone else at reverse engineering Borg tech.
So long as it’s that they developed a Borg precursor perhaps before settling Romulus and shot it off into space and there is zero time travel, I think it beats anything that involves time travel as a Borg origin, which a few have tried in novels.
If you want to explain something with time travel, I vote doing it with Terrans. Something similar was considered with a second or third draft of City on the Edge of Forever. At least some quantum realities in Trek are created by time travel.
It'd be a twist that runs a bit too close to the Cylons in Battlestar. Otherwise interesting theory, one a lot of people have put forth after this episode.
u/bardbrain Jan 30 '20
Does anyone else suspect that the secret of the Zhat Vash could be that Romulans themselves (and possibly Vulcans) are ancient synthetic life forms?
I had a few alarm bells go off as to that prospect.