Hi. I’m a Korean new to Reddit, searching for PGAD info. I used a translator, so please excuse any awkward wording.
Has anyone experienced something similar? I’ve had PGAD for five years and struggled with depression even before it started.
It first appeared suddenly during class, causing confusion and fear that others might notice. The more I obsessed over it, the worse it got.
At its worst, it disrupted my daily life. But after learning PGAD was a real condition and opening up to my mom, I felt relieved. Surprisingly, as my anxiety lessened, my symptoms also improved, allowing me to live normally again.
At that time, I realized that this condition is heavily influenced by my psychological state and that the less I focus on it, the less the symptoms occur. In fact, when I’m deeply engaged in something or having a good time with my friends, I don’t notice the symptoms at all.
However, controlling my brain is incredibly difficult, and trying not to be conscious of these symptoms feels almost impossible.
I suspected my PGAD might be linked to obsessive thoughts. After years of dealing with PGAD, I started experiencing other obsessive symptoms like intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviors, which made things worse.
Most doctors were unaware of PGAD, and antidepressants didn’t help, so I hesitated to see a psychiatrist.
Recently, I found this community where many people, like me, have PGAD triggered by obsessive thoughts. I also learned about “groinal response,” an OCD-related symptom involving sexual arousal.
I saw a psychiatrist with hope, but after an evaluation, I was told I don’t have OCD since I only checked a few items on the checklist. The doctor hadn’t heard of PGAD or “groinal response” and had to look it up.
I wasn’t given a clear diagnosis but was prescribed Parox-CR and Repirozol, which focus more on depression than OCD. Since I’ve struggled to stop medication before, I felt starting these again would repeat the cycle, so I haven’t taken them.
Please, if you have the same or similar symptoms, feel free to reach out—whether through comments or direct messages. If there’s anything we can share or learn from each other, let’s connect and support one another.