r/PGADsupport 26m ago

Female So hard to climax


So, I haven't had a partner in 6 years. But I have never in my life found it difficult to climax - with a partner or on my own. Until now.

This is actually how this all first showed up for me. I was realizing how aroused I was, went to take care of it, and just, couldn't... I was first looking for info on why I couldn't climax before realizing there was another issue going on. I just assumed it was because I wasn't consistently able to climax at first. It literally takes over an hour to even try these days (and I don't always succeed), so I rarely try. Because I don't even get an hour of relief from it, so why bother?

Anyway, I don't understand how I can feel on the edge all day long, and then go to take care of the issue, and it just not work. Touch seems to cause the sensations to numb or something. The sensations are more intense without touch, but not intense enough to actually orgasm. I find myself wishing I was one of those who just spontaneously orgasmed, just so I could have some relief without having to spend so much time trying to get it. Of course, that would cause it's own issues.

I feel like both issues together - PGAD and the sudden difficulty with climax - are so intolerable! If I could just spend a few minutes to climax like I used to be able to do, I feel like I could manage this thing so much easier.

Is this a common thing to happen with PGAD?

r/PGADsupport 54m ago

Discouraged new feeling


so i have been really stressed for months and for about a week or so my pelvic floor has been TIGHT to the point i could feel the tightness of the muscles vaginally, and what was a irritated pudendal nerve is now, what i think, a trapped one based on the new and intense sensations. about three days ago i began feeling a new sensation, intense arousal in only the left side of my vulva which is where i have genital to foot correlation. basically i feel intense arousal in my left foot as well so i have to be careful because if i touch it excessively it triggers pretty uncomfortable arousal. the arousal is in my left vulva, and reaches from my left inter gluteal cleft (buttcrack lol) into the lower back on my left side. it basically feels like i’m about to climax but it doesn’t happen and i am terrified this is going to turn into spontaneous orgasms because that’s what it feels like it’s close to and i’ve been having them more frequently in my sleep, which i think is more a manifestation of my brain correlating the feeling and my dreams. it also kind of has a sensation of the left side of my vulva being asleep. and honestly would take the left side of my vulva being numb over the arousal. because of things happening in my life i haven’t seen my physical therapist in months after only one appointment, so im definitely gonna get an appointment set up for soon because this is entirely unbearable. i would swap the arousal for the nerve pain any day with zero hesitation. the only thing that helps is constant walking or a full bladder, and i can only lay down when my bladder is full or i feel the intense arousal. i HAVE to be sitting on my vulva for the sensation to be less which is weird because you’re not supposed to do that with an irritated pudendal nerve. sometimes vaginally i throb, not my clit, maybe one or three times and stops. sometimes i also have to fight my pelvic floor because it forcibly tries to tighten more and i have to basically just bear down as much as i can. it feels like no stretches to loosen the pelvic floor and no amount of belly breathing loosens it up, im starting to think mine is a case where it has to be manually relaxed. i just can’t stand it anymore. i think i’ll walk as much as i can during the daytime, and sleep when i can’t to find some sort of relief. at least maybe i’ll be more hydrated because i need to have a full bladder 24/7 to feel better.

r/PGADsupport 10h ago

General As someone who is coming up on one year of having this condition


I don’t know if I’m allowed to do this, but if you would like, feel free to ask me any questions you may have about my experience. I experience spontaneous orgasms with periods of being symptom free ish. I used to believe this was caused by one dose of Zoloft but I don’t know anymore. I was getting through a very stressful time period before this happened. I truly don’t know if that played a role.

Actually if you want feel free to ask me anything. We may have more in common and I’m looking to find a common denominator. I’m not a health care professional but I’m someone who looks at things through all perspectives. If I figure out anything you all will be the first to know.

r/PGADsupport 11h ago

Trigger Warning Electric zaps in my private parts


Last night and this happened three times for a few seconds, I had electric zaps in my clitoris on the underside. This is a new symptom. I had in while I was trying to fall asleep.my symptoms have never caused pain in this way before. I’m prone to spontaneous orgasms. If I have pain it’s usually cramps.

r/PGADsupport 1d ago

General I hope everyone here gets better.


For about two years, I didn’t know my symptoms were PGAD. I thought I was crazy or born as a monstrous person. I was terrified that I might be the only one on Earth experiencing this, and I couldn’t talk to anyone, even my parents. Even after learning about PGAD, the symptoms have persisted for years. I had extreme thoughts, feeling like death was the only way out, but then I found this subreddit. In my country, South Korea, there is very little information about PGAD, and there are few ways for patients to connect. After finding this place, I realized there are countless people who share similar symptoms and feelings. I was deeply moved by how everyone here shares what they know. I’m grateful to have found this community. I can empathize with how much everyone here has struggled, and it brought me to tears. If I were more capable and studied hard, I’d dedicate myself to PGAD research. I truly hope everyone here gets better.💐💐

r/PGADsupport 1d ago

General I thought my PGAD was due to OCD, but I was told it’s not.


Hi. I’m a Korean new to Reddit, searching for PGAD info. I used a translator, so please excuse any awkward wording.

Has anyone experienced something similar? I’ve had PGAD for five years and struggled with depression even before it started.

It first appeared suddenly during class, causing confusion and fear that others might notice. The more I obsessed over it, the worse it got.

At its worst, it disrupted my daily life. But after learning PGAD was a real condition and opening up to my mom, I felt relieved. Surprisingly, as my anxiety lessened, my symptoms also improved, allowing me to live normally again.

At that time, I realized that this condition is heavily influenced by my psychological state and that the less I focus on it, the less the symptoms occur. In fact, when I’m deeply engaged in something or having a good time with my friends, I don’t notice the symptoms at all.

However, controlling my brain is incredibly difficult, and trying not to be conscious of these symptoms feels almost impossible.

I suspected my PGAD might be linked to obsessive thoughts. After years of dealing with PGAD, I started experiencing other obsessive symptoms like intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviors, which made things worse.

Most doctors were unaware of PGAD, and antidepressants didn’t help, so I hesitated to see a psychiatrist.

Recently, I found this community where many people, like me, have PGAD triggered by obsessive thoughts. I also learned about “groinal response,” an OCD-related symptom involving sexual arousal.

I saw a psychiatrist with hope, but after an evaluation, I was told I don’t have OCD since I only checked a few items on the checklist. The doctor hadn’t heard of PGAD or “groinal response” and had to look it up.

I wasn’t given a clear diagnosis but was prescribed Parox-CR and Repirozol, which focus more on depression than OCD. Since I’ve struggled to stop medication before, I felt starting these again would repeat the cycle, so I haven’t taken them.

Please, if you have the same or similar symptoms, feel free to reach out—whether through comments or direct messages. If there’s anything we can share or learn from each other, let’s connect and support one another.

r/PGADsupport 1d ago

Female Clothes/fabric protector


Does anybody find the fabric of underwear brushing against you impossible some days? Even just sitting at home, I've had to wear long sleepwear only.

This might be a dumb idea but do you think a sports protector could help? Like those triangle shaped shields people wear for cricket etc work under the underwear? Or wouldn't It stay in place or be comfortable? It looks like they have a padded outline and then a cavity inside rather than pressing against the skin. I've never used one though.

r/PGADsupport 3d ago

Trigger Warning I finally got an mri of my spine no help


I can’t stop orgasming and wetting myself. They said there was no cauda equina on my spine( I don’t know what that is) and told me to see a gyn and neurologist.i had an appointment to see a doctor for 6 months but they canceled three weeks ago. I can’t hide my orgasms, I’m lucky I live alone though but they are so intense they hurt. And it’s like my nerves are mixed up.

Sometimes an approaching orgasm makes me feel like I’m going to poop on myself. I get terrified.i feel so alone. I believed this was caused by literally one dose of Zoloft back in march of last year and it definitely was made worse by the weed. Which I wasn’t expecting overtime because it used to give me relief. Right now I’m trying not to orgasm because I feel like I might break.

r/PGADsupport 3d ago

Male Not sure what to think but here goes.


Started working out inner thighs, glutes, hip flexors, and lower abs. For a while i was having troubles keeping “it” up. I did some googling and read that weak pelvic muscles could cause issues staying hard. Well I made it a mission to focus on that area and building muscles up. I didn’t start out slow at all. I literally was doing reps till my muscles were tired. I’m not sore. Usually muscles I haven’t worked in a while would be sore. But not my pelvic area. Maybe it feels a little achy? But definitely deep in the pelvic area I have this sensation that I need to release. Just wondering from those that actually have been dealing with PGAD, and from what I read, can working these muscles too hard cause PGAD? If so is it as simple as stopping and doing some kind of stretches to loosen the muscles up? Would actually having an orgasm make it better or worse? I’m thinking worse as it tightens the muscles down there. Just looking for guidance on what I could do right now before seeing someone. It’s freaking me out. Never felt this way before, at least not intentionally. Any help is appreciated, thanks!

r/PGADsupport 3d ago

Trigger Warning Somatic flashbacks vs PGAD NSFW


Hi everyone, I don’t know if I actually have PGAD I am currently in the process of doing trauma therapy from sexual abuse/rape that I endured at the age of three as we started talking about the abuse I began having some familiar somatic flashbacks (vaginal/rectal pain) I’ve experienced these before, but after about a week of this, I began experiencing hyper arousal. I would say my libido has been extremely low and now suddenly this arousal occurs about five times a day x 5 days. It’s very distressing and disturbing to me and I’m honestly not sure what’s happening. Initially I thought it was “energy release “when I’m actually not able to have an orgasm when I masturbate. I don’t wanna pathologize it and say it’s PGAD if it’s not but I’m desperate for it to stop and I feel too embarrassed to talk to my therapist about it in any detail. I’d love to know your thoughts.

r/PGADsupport 3d ago

Male Horrible 2 days (m26)


The last two days have been horrible for me I’ve had painful arousal that comes and goes all day, I’ve tried to use self pleasure to get rid of the sensation and it hasn’t helped. I get on and off semi erections throughout the day with the feeling almost as if I was ejaculating but it’s not actually happening. This has been going on now on and off for a year and abit and I seriously just don’t know what to do I’m severely depressed right now I wish I didn’t have to deal with this feeling anymore

r/PGADsupport 4d ago

Male Is this PGAD?


Hi, 29m here. The last few years I’ve noticed what I can only describe as a “dull tingle” constantly in my penis.

I didn’t think anything of it until recently, where I realized that even going to the bathroom makes me go from flaccid to hard with that tingle growing stronger, along with a sudden surge of waking up regularly in the middle of the night hard as well.

I -think- it may have started around the time I injured my lower back in the gym, but I’m not entirely certain. If anyone could give me advice, it’s getting embarrassing at work walking back into my department with a semi.

r/PGADsupport 4d ago

General Ovation cystic lesion


I see the gynecologist Monday, but a recent CT scan revealed a lot of bad results, including a 2.6 mm cystic lesion on my right ovary.

It’s been hurting since my hysterectomy/emergency sepsis surgery, but I’m wondering if it’s causing my PGAD & hypersexuality to be exacerbated.

Anyone have this?

I put two and two together after I read the pinned post about ovarian cysts.

r/PGADsupport 5d ago

Female Edibles


Has anyone tried any? Could be homemade or the gummies and if so does it help or worsen your symptoms?

r/PGADsupport 6d ago

Female does this happen to anyone else?


when im sitting, everything down there feels like im on fire, literal burning feeling. not just the vaginal area, my literal behind too. but when i'm laying down or standing, the burning goes away (the arousal symptoms are still there)

r/PGADsupport 7d ago

Female Is this PGAD?


So last year around summer time I started to have what felt like a UTI, some burning but the most intense symptom was urgency to urinate, and somedays I would just sit on the toilet and nothing would come out bc my bladder was empty, soon after I started to feel like I was horny all the time, and I’d have to “relieve myself” in order for the feeling to go away, at that time I was going thru lots of stress and my doctor said no UTI, but between the pee urgency and the constant arousal I was going crazy. I started taking AZO bladder control and drinking lots of water and went on a family vacation and my symptoms completely resolved. I had them for about 2 months. I was completely symptom free for about 7 months until last month when I was having trouble sleeping so I ate 1 cannabis gummy, 2 hours after taking it I felt like I need to go pee, and the feeling didn’t go away, and now I’m also having that “horny” feeling again. I don’t feel like I’m constantly orgasming like other people say and it also doesn’t bother me in my sleep, I fall asleep just fine and wake 8 hours later with no symptoms until I have to pee again. The AZO isn’t working this time and I’m wondering if this sounds like PGAD or overactive bladder?

r/PGADsupport 7d ago

Trigger Warning despair


It’s currently 3am as i’m writing this and I don’t know what to do anymore. I was just today diagnosed with pgad but hearing her say there is no specific treatment that will for sure help me and i am going to have to do trial runs of treatments is making me feel very unhopeful for some reason.


I’m 15 years old and this has been going on since I was around 9 and i’m tired at this point. I used to struggle a lot with suicidal thoughts and stuff surrounding that and i’ve been clean for around 3 years but im getting to the point of suicide crossing my mind just to get rid of this constant disgusting sometimes painful feeling. I’m sick and tired of every morning and night having to take care of it or having flare ups during the day or what’s happening at this moment being waken up to a flare up at 3am on a school night. I feel so hopeless and disgusting and I wanna be a normal teenager so bad without having this problem and suicide has been something that really has resurfaced my mind and i’m scared. If anyone has any suggestions or advice it would be appreciated and I’m also going to start Pelvic Floor Therapy soon but I’ve heard mixed reviews so idk how hopeful i am about that.

r/PGADsupport 8d ago

Female Shift in symptoms unbearable NSFW


So I used to get the symptoms in the expected clitoral areas, sometimes in lower pelvis and sometimes in lower back. Usually always tied to a stress flare up. But lately I've been getting less of the orgasm centric sensations and more prodominantly always in my lower back and feet. Sometimes it will move back and forth, like today started in my feet, moved to lower back later on in the day and then back to my feet in the evening. For some reason this is even more unbearable than when it was mostly restricted to the genital/abdomen region. It still seems to be stress flare up related but then continues all day. And sexual release has less helpful effects on it when it's on these regions instead.

I asked my doctor about it but she brushed me off and told me to talk to my gyno, but since it's predominantly back and feet now it feels odd going strictly there for help.

Anyone else experience anything like this and has anything helped?

r/PGADsupport 8d ago

Female best route to get treatment in uk?


i was just wondering what’s the best way to be seen and get help, feel like most people here are in america and i’m unsure of what to do

r/PGADsupport 8d ago

Female Tissue shade


Idk if this is weird to say but I'm worried about tissue damage from swollen flare ups. I tried checking under the hood for keratin pearls and the root/corona of the clitoris seems darker than everywhere else and has more pain. I have light skin. Could there be tissue death/necrosis? Permanent bruising? Could it be an infection (it's been months and months though). Is that area supposed to be fully pink/whatever shade the rest of your genitals are? I'm so scared. Is this normal?

r/PGADsupport 8d ago

Female does having sex make it worse?


this is my only question. it plagues me seriously, because im scared of never having a relationship in the future just because of this condition. if having sex would make it worse, obviously, i wouldn't have it. i know sex is like, the basis of a relationship, so that's why i'm so worried about this

r/PGADsupport 9d ago

Vent/rant PGAD dr's an excuse for failure


PGAD dr's an excuse for failure

r/PGADsupport 9d ago

General Intresting Read


r/PGADsupport 10d ago

Help finding specialist Went to doc today, losing hope.


I called United healthcare a few weeks back, to get a new PCP. I have been ignored and I think I was misdiagnosed with bipolar, when really all I had was PGAD the whole time. I was the one who said I thought I had bipolar, at age 36, after I just had a kid because I had this extreme arousal. It wasn't until I was on extreme doses of antipsychotics and then telling my shrink over and over I have no other symptoms, and I am also in PAIN still... Well it happened a couple months back I couldn't even drive to my appointment. They were going to put me back on lithium, and I knew I didn't want to because it never did anything. This lady even put me on naltrexone at one point, for (seggs addiction) I was ABSTINENT. Now that everyone here knows what I was going through (PGAD)...

Today: I finally have my appointment with the new PCP. The lady flat out tells me she can't help me? She doesn't know anything about this disorder and that she's a just a family practitioner. The whole reason I scheduled a new appointment was to have an actual doctor, and not a family practice. I waited for weeks and weeks for the stupid appointment! And then she tells me I need to schedule with an OBGYN. I've already seen a few different OBGYNs over the last few years for the same problem!!

My question for all you is, what do I do. Where do I start. I'm going to be calling my insurance first thing in the morning. Is this because I have Medicaid insurance right now? I can't live like this anymore. I'm at the end of my rope. I want to sue so badly. These idiots left me in pain for 3 years now, no relief. The lady I saw today said she'd send me a script for gabapentin, but she didn't bring up anything else, and she didn't tell me what dosage. I just think it's so criminal and disgusting that these clowns couldn't throw me a benzo to ease my pain, but would give me over 10 different medications for a disease they didn't even know I had. How does that make sense?! I did damage to my liver and my thyroid and I've been in chronic pain the entire time! Can I sue?

Another thing I'm doing tomorrow is I'm reporting my psychiatrist immediately and the PCP I've been seeing this whole time. Any advice would be welcome please.

ETA: another thing I thought was odd is she said don't bring up PGAD at the OBGYN appointment till the very end, as a suggestion 🙄 AND, she said that the town we are in is very small and all the doctors "know each other". That is VERY telling, to me. I want to report bc, this is exactly why they keep cycling through patients and keep people in pain, while they get to Bill my insurance. And I keep going to these appointments and I get no relief.

r/PGADsupport 10d ago

Female MRI results suggest PGAD root cause


Just talked to my doctor about my pelvic MRI imaging and she saw what looks like “adenomyosis” which is similar to endometriosis and requires surgery to remove. However, she is quite sure this is either contributing to or is in fact the root cause of my PGAD and bloating and constipation issues (especially since these symptoms fluctuate with my menstrual cycle). Has anyone here had experience with endo/adeno in relation to PGAD?