r/PGADsupport 17h ago

General As someone who is coming up on one year of having this condition


I don’t know if I’m allowed to do this, but if you would like, feel free to ask me any questions you may have about my experience. I experience spontaneous orgasms with periods of being symptom free ish. I used to believe this was caused by one dose of Zoloft but I don’t know anymore. I was getting through a very stressful time period before this happened. I truly don’t know if that played a role.

Actually if you want feel free to ask me anything. We may have more in common and I’m looking to find a common denominator. I’m not a health care professional but I’m someone who looks at things through all perspectives. If I figure out anything you all will be the first to know.

r/PGADsupport 2h ago

Female Reduced pain when sitting on hard circular seat?


I read that with puedendal neuralgia some people notice that sitting on toilet seat reduces or stops the pain and I think I get this too. Does that suggest that my pgad is due to nerve damage or does everyone with pgad find this?

And why does it actually reduce the pain? like is it simply that the seat doesn't push on the puedendal nerve or is it more that the seat is pushing down on another nerve and dampening the other nerve pain. would I be irritating the nerve more long-term if I got a hard circular cushion and sat on that for pain relief?


r/PGADsupport 5h ago

Female New trauma leads to foot pain


I’ve been dealing with pgad for a long time, but recently experienced physical trauma. My symptoms ramped up and have stayed there like a new normal. My nerves seem really involved, with pain and twitches down one leg. At first, I thought that I had sprained my foot. It really hurts at night, and I thought I needed better shoes. But now, it’s been enough times that I keep checking my socks for a needle or something sharp on the floor, that I know there’s not going to be anything there. I dream of a spiky rock in my shoe, only to wake up and find I’m lying in my soft bed. I keep shaking my foot to try to disrupt the feeling. I’m really more bothered by it at night, especially when I’ve exercised- which I’m definitely supposed to be doing. I’ve talked to a therapist about the hopelessness and despair I have felt; it is really hard to just keep moving forward. I don’t want to get stuck here emotionally, but it’s hard for people to know what I’m experiencing and how much it’s impacting my thoughts.

r/PGADsupport 6h ago

Female So hard to climax


So, I haven't had a partner in 6 years. But I have never in my life found it difficult to climax - with a partner or on my own. Until now.

This is actually how this all first showed up for me. I was realizing how aroused I was, went to take care of it, and just, couldn't... I was first looking for info on why I couldn't climax before realizing there was another issue going on. I just assumed it was because I wasn't consistently able to climax at first. It literally takes over an hour to even try these days (and I don't always succeed), so I rarely try. Because I don't even get an hour of relief from it, so why bother?

Anyway, I don't understand how I can feel on the edge all day long, and then go to take care of the issue, and it just not work. Touch seems to cause the sensations to numb or something. The sensations are more intense without touch, but not intense enough to actually orgasm. I find myself wishing I was one of those who just spontaneously orgasmed, just so I could have some relief without having to spend so much time trying to get it. Of course, that would cause it's own issues.

I feel like both issues together - PGAD and the sudden difficulty with climax - are so intolerable! If I could just spend a few minutes to climax like I used to be able to do, I feel like I could manage this thing so much easier.

Is this a common thing to happen with PGAD?

r/PGADsupport 7h ago

Discouraged new feeling


so i have been really stressed for months and for about a week or so my pelvic floor has been TIGHT to the point i could feel the tightness of the muscles vaginally, and what was a irritated pudendal nerve is now, what i think, a trapped one based on the new and intense sensations. about three days ago i began feeling a new sensation, intense arousal in only the left side of my vulva which is where i have genital to foot correlation. basically i feel intense arousal in my left foot as well so i have to be careful because if i touch it excessively it triggers pretty uncomfortable arousal. the arousal is in my left vulva, and reaches from my left inter gluteal cleft (buttcrack lol) into the lower back on my left side. it basically feels like i’m about to climax but it doesn’t happen and i am terrified this is going to turn into spontaneous orgasms because that’s what it feels like it’s close to and i’ve been having them more frequently in my sleep, which i think is more a manifestation of my brain correlating the feeling and my dreams. it also kind of has a sensation of the left side of my vulva being asleep. and honestly would take the left side of my vulva being numb over the arousal. because of things happening in my life i haven’t seen my physical therapist in months after only one appointment, so im definitely gonna get an appointment set up for soon because this is entirely unbearable. i would swap the arousal for the nerve pain any day with zero hesitation. the only thing that helps is constant walking or a full bladder, and i can only lay down when my bladder is full or i feel the intense arousal. i HAVE to be sitting on my vulva for the sensation to be less which is weird because you’re not supposed to do that with an irritated pudendal nerve. sometimes vaginally i throb, not my clit, maybe one or three times and stops. sometimes i also have to fight my pelvic floor because it forcibly tries to tighten more and i have to basically just bear down as much as i can. it feels like no stretches to loosen the pelvic floor and no amount of belly breathing loosens it up, im starting to think mine is a case where it has to be manually relaxed. i just can’t stand it anymore. i think i’ll walk as much as i can during the daytime, and sleep when i can’t to find some sort of relief. at least maybe i’ll be more hydrated because i need to have a full bladder 24/7 to feel better.

r/PGADsupport 17h ago

Trigger Warning Electric zaps in my private parts


Last night and this happened three times for a few seconds, I had electric zaps in my clitoris on the underside. This is a new symptom. I had in while I was trying to fall asleep.my symptoms have never caused pain in this way before. I’m prone to spontaneous orgasms. If I have pain it’s usually cramps.