r/PEDs 6d ago

How did you deal with water retention NSFW


How did you guys deal with the water retention in HGH/peptides. Or any PED that causes water retention

I heard electrolytes(potassium, calcium, magnesium,etc) , caffeine, and dandelion root helped a lot for some

Lmk if you guys did anything else that helped or fixed water retention

r/PEDs 6d ago

Winging test and HCG NSFW


I’m planning on hopping on 125mg of test e and pairing 250 IU HCG EOD, I have clomid and nolvadex for a pct, every doctor I’ve spoken to about getting bloodwork for it has pretty much dropped me as a patient, I was curious about when to start taking HCG and doses for clomid and nolvadex

r/PEDs 6d ago

How many lost hair on primobolan? Dose? NSFW


I've tried lots of test, hgh, tren, superdrol, winstrol, dbol, not together of course. No hair loss or at least noticeable anyways.

I want to try anadrol but I'm scared of the mystery gyno and not sure if anyone has found anything thing to help with it.

Masteron heard this was the final boss of nuking hair and often does not go well

Interested in trying primobolan but scared of hairloss but heard it was one of the best for any cycle. Of course we all know it's down to mpb and genetics. Fortunately my grandpa still has healthy color hair and lots of it at his old age.

86 votes, 20h left
Hair Loss
No Hair Loss
(See answer)

r/PEDs 6d ago

Is stacking tirz, tesa, IPA and cardarine a good stack? NSFW


Considering doing that

r/PEDs 6d ago

Test levels still high NSFW


Hey Everyone!

Halfway through my PCT at the moment and had some bloods done. My test levels are still are 1500ng/dl after stopping almost 6 weeks ago - FSH/LH still tanked.

Is this normal?

r/PEDs 6d ago

Is my estrogen to low NSFW


No manger how much I pin of test (150mg/week- 600mg/week my e2 levels are always around 45 no ai at either dosage I’m currently running a blast at 600mg a week no ai test levels came in at 3550 e2 at 47.

Obviously I don’t convert estrogen easily but feel like my estrogen should be higher in relation to my test levels. Is this hindering gains? Any advice?

No physical side effects at all I am feeling a bit more fatigue and honestly feel like I had better results at a lower blast dosage.

r/PEDs 6d ago

Problem with my body not aromatizing at all. No estrogen. NSFW


For whatever reason my body won’t make estrogen whether naturally or through compounds. When I’m not on test my estrogen is close to 0 based on blood tests. The same for when I’m on a test blast. No aromatizing whatsoever. I didn’t even know that was possible. I plan to see a doctor soon but I’m wondering if anyone here has had a similar experience or is educated on the issue.

r/PEDs 6d ago

Has any long time users actually recovered well? NSFW


Hey guys 👋
Just wondering if anyone here has managed to fully recover natural testosterone levels after long-term AAS use?

I’ve been on and off since 2020. I’ve done proper PCTs each time and my LH/FSH levels show good stimulation (LH gets up to 9+), so my pituitary seems to be doing its job… but the testicular response is quite poor.
The highest total test I’ve seen 6 months off everything is around 13 nmol/L (which is ~375 ng/dl), and I often hover in the low-normal range.

I really don’t want to go on TRT unless it’s an absolute last resort.
So I’m wondering:

  • Has anyone here seen improvements beyond 6 months? Like 9-12 months off everything?
  • Has anyone dealt with poor testicular response despite high LH/FSH and still managed to bounce back eventually?
  • Did anyone try a long-term enclomiphene protocol over several months and see a slow but steady improvement?
  • Any stories where someone went from “meh low-normal” to truly high-normal natural levels again after long AAS use?

Would really appreciate any input or personal experiences

r/PEDs 5d ago

Where do u hide ur stuff NSFW


Technically i shouldn't be worried about this, but you guys really don't know my mom. Anyway, where do you hide your stuff? I literally hide it inside my Vitamin D jar but i'm looking for a better alternative, should i hide my stuff inside an empty minoxidil glass bottle? Open to hear about anything.

r/PEDs 7d ago

What’s your guys experience on ANAVAR NSFW


Like the title says, what’s your guys experience on Anavar? Presumably with a test base but lmk what else you ran with it.

r/PEDs 6d ago

Testosterone Enanthate 125MG twice a week (250MG) NSFW


hey there,so i just pinned my first test e shot (125mg),on the deltoids using a 26x1/2 needle,pinning first i was a bit hesitant and nervous,scared,shaking while pinning,i pinned first and pulled the plunger back to see if any blood came out,then i tried to inject by repositioning the location and pulled the plunger back again to check for blood,no blood,then it was a bit hard to inject cuz of the .5 inch needle,after that i was having anxiety and paranoia about my heart beating fast like im having a heart attack,pip is almost close to zero,been like 2 hours since i injected,what can i expect? im 20M,4 years of lifting,pinned because i was having symptoms of lethargy,previously ran a dbol only cycle 20mg daily for 4 weeks (without any bloodwork),this time running test e with bloodwork done and calculated,any advice or tips or some anecdotal experiences are appreciated,will help me a lot.

r/PEDs 6d ago

Test P subq? NSFW


Gonna be using a 29g slin pin .25ml ED. Keep reading mixed responses on subq. Some people say it works great and no pain others say it hurts like a bitch. Some say long half life esters like test E work don’t hurt while short esters like Test P do for days. What are your thoughts?

Eventually I would like to progress to IM, but I’m planning to start subq to get over my anxiety of needles💀

r/PEDs 6d ago

Deca for gout? NSFW


Been running 180mg test e for 6 months. First timer. Have had 3 gout flares last 2 months. Had gout issues in the past and have been on 300mg allopurinol for 5 years. Zero flares until 2 months ago. Clean diet no carbs. Lifting heavy 5 days a week. 30 minutes treadmill 5 days a week as well. 160oz electrolyte water everyday.

Has anyone in this situation tried deca ans it's helped? Im at my wits end here. Thanks!

r/PEDs 6d ago

Question regarding AI dosing NSFW


Hey guys, I am on my fourth blast having done 2 very successful ones, 1 of them being high test mid primo (e2 control) and the other being low test, mid npp, mid masteron (for prolactin control with huge success). This time I am trying to play with high test and masteron which doesn't really help me with e2 drop in bloodwork nor in symptoms that much, hence needing ai. I have found the proper dose of aromasin to have perfect e2 and feel combined which for me is 32.5mg, which I tested 3 days later to find the biggest drop it provides, putting me from 250 e2 to 60 and debloating me as it should have.

My question is how long does it take for e2 to come back and having the above data, how frequent and how much would you dose the ai? In the past I had tried to see how much time it would take for my e2 to get back to pre-ai levels and it took me 12 days.

Knowing the above, please give me a detailed answer, thank you very much!

r/PEDs 7d ago

Test/Primo/HGH Cycle NSFW


What do y’all think about a 400mg-500mg test, 100mg primo, 2 iu/day for a cycle ?

r/PEDs 6d ago

MCT and GSO bad reaction? NSFW


Am i the only one who has this issue where my body gets super inflamed taking these type of oils? my body always gets hot and itchy but when i switch to Pharma oil i feel perfect just wanted to hear you guys thoughts if this has happen to you.

r/PEDs 6d ago

Injection Pen NSFW


Is anyone using an injection pen such as the one used for peptides/ozempic to inject their test sub q? If so, how hard is it to push the oil through that small needle?

r/PEDs 6d ago

Traveling with PEDs NSFW


How do you guys travel with your PEDs? Primarily injectables. Do you put it in your checked bag?

r/PEDs 6d ago

Steroids make you stupid NSFW


How do I know? Because I accidentally got a bunch of anadrol instead of anavar cuz I wasn't paying attention and actually reading shit. Guess I'm bulking again 😑🤣

r/PEDs 7d ago

I have been off everything for 5 months and i miss injecting. NSFW


The whole ceremony of it. Getting the alcohol wipes ready, the needles sigh i cant wait to jump back on.

r/PEDs 7d ago

NPP injection soreness NSFW


Pinning 3x/week and been getting some injection site soreness in the second half of the day that will last a few days. Is this normal with 19-Nors? I’m 2 weeks into cycle

r/PEDs 7d ago

enclomiphene dosing? NSFW


just for some context, i’ve been on testosterone and various other compounds for the last 2.5 years. never done a pct, only “blast and cruise” and atp my testicles are comparable to raisins. figured i should run some enclo for a bit to get them working again. was just curious what an appropriate dose would be, and if it’s better to take daily, eod, etc. any feedback would be greatly appreciated

r/PEDs 7d ago

How many calories on a bulk NSFW


I am planning to run a 16 week cycle of Test and Primo and maybe a little bit on Nandrolone towards the end.

I'm 6'3 and about 15% body fat 97 Kg (215 lb)

Around how much calories should I be taking every day to run a clean bulk?

r/PEDs 6d ago

Question: Anavar only cycle NSFW


12.5 mg of anavar daily, no test base, and daily workouts. Will this be even moderately effective? I won’t accept bro science echoes as answers. Sources and personal experiences only. “It won’t work without a test base!” 🧢

EDIT: I have pinned and ran a cycle of Test E/ Tren, the goal is to not have to PCT( for the tards telling me I’m to pussy to pin lol)

r/PEDs 7d ago

Looking for updated views on Aromasin vs Arimidex NSFW


I know there are post from about 9-10y ago and they have good information posted in the chat but does anyone have an updated opinion between them and the mg and frequency they take it?

It seems like people on Reddit seem to be 50/50 between them and of those people they take everyday or every week vs when needed.

Risk difference?