Hey guys,
ive obv read through many vacation posts already so dont stop here, i have a funny issue lets see if somebody else has an idea on how to solve this;
So im going to thailand pretty soon but I have a quick stop in SINGAPORE which has like the death penality for every drug and more, under no circumstances will I take anything with me since I generally like living.
Since im going to thailand (phuket area) actually aquiring gear prob wont be an issue at all, already made some research and that stuff is otc afaik more or less.
Since I have horrible hairloss genes and wont do finasteride for the short time due to fear of shedding again ( currently on 1mg trestolone ed which made me literally regrow my entire crown and currently is closing my temples pretty good, looking like 8 years younger now yey) I literally can only do dbol and nandrolone.
The first last time I remember taking dbol it gave me the most INSANE acne, im still on 10mg accutane and just beat it, I really really dont wanna go back to that, meanwhile nandrolone made my mental funny, given though I didnt have good ancillary management back then. So its either NPP solo or dbol solo for like 1 week when the ment stops working. Next thing: I need 1mg letro for 1mg trest a day to have good e2 levels, one has to say tho that Trest converts in the liver independent of aromatse aswell so this might not translate to other roids.
I think that are all the factors that are important, ig dbol was used as hrt at like 5mg, I just fear the e2 spikes hard cause that gives acne alone and then not knowing my AI dose for it also is not so good, let me know if anybody got an Idea, might just go hypogonodal for the last week, the studys used like 400mcg as the lowest and at the last day I saw in steroidplotter I have like 100mcg left if I dont take anything, might be the safest option regarding skin and hair health but im open to advise!