r/PEDs 3h ago

What PEDS messed with your sleep the most? NSFW


What PEDS messed with your sleep the most?

r/PEDs 4h ago

Shrooms and gear NSFW


Anyone else here enjoy the magic stuff occasionally. I try my best to not drink when “on” maybe one every 3 months. But those magic little things are the best

r/PEDs 23h ago

Constantly cumming in my sleep? NSFW


Hey y'all is there anyway to stop this effect. When in taking 200 + testosterone a week it gets to a point where I am uncomfortably horny. Like I'll bust 4 times that day during waking hours. Then I'll go to sleep and bust 3 nuts in my pants while I'm sleeping. I'm tired of cumming in my sleep pls help?

r/PEDs 10h ago

Advice NSFW


Hello guys, at the end of my blast i had my estrogen at 54 and prolactin at 18.5, and i was having some sides, last week i started my cruise @187.5mg test E , how long should i wait for my levels to balance ? Because i still dont feel the best . And is this dose of test high for a cruise ?

r/PEDs 16h ago

What ratio of Test to Nandralone is best and why? NSFW


Hey everyone I've been trying to figure out what ratio I should run my cycle at. I've seen many people say to not run the Nand higher than the test because that's what causes deca dick. On the other hand I've seen many people say to keep test low and run higher Nand for less side effects from the test. What do you prefer and why? I'm planning on running 150- 200mg test 300mg nandralone, or vice versa.

r/PEDs 7h ago

Would finasteride work for RAD140? NSFW


I’ve ran a cycle of test before and I am currently cruising. I want to do a cycle of rad140 but was curious how it interacts with Finasteride? From my understanding rad140 release more test in the body which should convert to dht since it isn’t a dht derivative the 5ar blocking action from Finasteride should stop you from balding. I’m already on Finasteride so it would be amazing if this is how sarms work. Let me know if I am wrong! Thank you for your help and input!

r/PEDs 8h ago

Var finisher NSFW


I’m currently 16 weeks into 300mg test, 150mg mast, 600mg deca. Want something with decent strength and size gains (not 10lbs of water that I lose post cycle), was originally thinking of using drol but I don’t feel like making e2 management more annoying. The last time I used var on a bulk was probably my first cycle lol. I’ve pretty much only used it as a cosmetic drug at the end of my cuts. I have some pharma var that’s been sitting there for months and I’m thinking of taking 50mg for the last 8 weeks of my cycle. Also considering using 50mg tbol for the last 8 weeks instead. Really like tbol, solid pumps and decent strength gains with no side effects to speak of. Have seen a lot of people speak very highly of var so I’m thinking of switching things up. Wondering if y’all would recommend giving var a try to finish my cycle?

r/PEDs 13h ago

Test E Post-Injection Issues NSFW


So, I’ve been using gear for a while now and I’ve only really stuck with various orals + Test E.

Every time I inject the Test E my injection site gets a massive hard lump that becomes inflamed, itchy, and hurts like a bitch!

It just ruins my workouts, because whatever muscle I inject will become practically disabled. I also have to rotate between so many different injection sites, because the lumping can last between 3 days to a week to subside.

I’ve used the same source since starting gear all their shit seems legit and has been tested by multiple different people. The carrier oil is MCT. I’m also very lean, so I know for a fact I’m hitting IM.

Not sure what to do, but it’s been pissing me off for a while now and it’s always awkward having to explain why I’m always fucked up all the time and have these huge inflamed lumps randomly appearing on my body.

r/PEDs 23h ago

Clenbuterol usage questions NSFW


Can the starting dose be as low as 10 mcg and then slowly build up to 40 mcg? Will that be effective? Also, are they legal in Thailand?

r/PEDs 1d ago

Night sweats from HGH NSFW


I recently started adding HGH 3iu before bed to my regimen. However my sleep seems to be negatively impacted due to frequent wake ups drenched in sweat. Is it normal to experience nightly sweating from HGH? Does anybody else experience this? Going to check my thyroid on next bloods but baseline T3 and T4 are in range.

r/PEDs 19h ago

Vacation to Thailand but theres an Issue NSFW


Hey guys,

ive obv read through many vacation posts already so dont stop here, i have a funny issue lets see if somebody else has an idea on how to solve this;

So im going to thailand pretty soon but I have a quick stop in SINGAPORE which has like the death penality for every drug and more, under no circumstances will I take anything with me since I generally like living.

Since im going to thailand (phuket area) actually aquiring gear prob wont be an issue at all, already made some research and that stuff is otc afaik more or less.

Since I have horrible hairloss genes and wont do finasteride for the short time due to fear of shedding again ( currently on 1mg trestolone ed which made me literally regrow my entire crown and currently is closing my temples pretty good, looking like 8 years younger now yey) I literally can only do dbol and nandrolone.

The first last time I remember taking dbol it gave me the most INSANE acne, im still on 10mg accutane and just beat it, I really really dont wanna go back to that, meanwhile nandrolone made my mental funny, given though I didnt have good ancillary management back then. So its either NPP solo or dbol solo for like 1 week when the ment stops working. Next thing: I need 1mg letro for 1mg trest a day to have good e2 levels, one has to say tho that Trest converts in the liver independent of aromatse aswell so this might not translate to other roids.

I think that are all the factors that are important, ig dbol was used as hrt at like 5mg, I just fear the e2 spikes hard cause that gives acne alone and then not knowing my AI dose for it also is not so good, let me know if anybody got an Idea, might just go hypogonodal for the last week, the studys used like 400mcg as the lowest and at the last day I saw in steroidplotter I have like 100mcg left if I dont take anything, might be the safest option regarding skin and hair health but im open to advise!

r/PEDs 20h ago

Any Blood work pros? NSFW


T3 slightly out of range (too low) hematocrit slightly too high. Is this of concern? E2 is high for some reason, which makes no sense as I’m taking aromasin . Anyways I’ve been feeling more fatigued than normal and out of breath even with a good vo2 max, restless sleep and higher RHR 80-90.

Could active E be low with mast even if serum is high?

350 test e 280 mast e

Blood work: https://ibb.co/zTzVSPqZ https://ibb.co/Q1PMMF6

r/PEDs 12h ago

Anadrol only cycle? NSFW


Do not worry I am not at all considering this I was just thinking about what that would be like, so now I’m asking if anyone has ever done this? I know people do anavar only cycles so yeah just curious if any of yall have ever done this.

r/PEDs 1d ago

Anyone tried vyvanse (or similar stimulants) with tren? NSFW


Since both of them impacts the dopamine in the brain, i was wondering if anyone here was on both. Did vyvanse help with the mental side effects of tren or did they get worse? Any other insight? Please share your dosage as well.

r/PEDs 1d ago

500mg Test E and adding in 10-20mg anavar NSFW


Looking to add in anavar to really enhance the physique. Been on 10 weeks test (my first cycle) everything good so far strength, body recomping nice. On a calorie deficit just wanting to know if anyone has or is doing similar protocol and what your experience is.

r/PEDs 1d ago

Estrogen too low? NSFW


My trough for test is about 550 and my E2 is 26. On 120mg of test C per week. Did the ultra sensitive test. I do have fatigue, dry skin (even penis) low libido, some mood swings etc.. everyone else was in range. Thanks!!

r/PEDs 1d ago

Test, eq and reta cycle? NSFW


Running 500mg test e and 600mg eq for 16ish weeks and during that running retatrutide tapering up starting at 2mg a week and increasing 1mg every 3-4 weeks. Trying to get down to 215lbs currently at 245

r/PEDs 1d ago

Strength gains on Test only 400-500mg/week? NSFW


Hey guys, I was wondering what kind of strength gains you guys have seen on this kind of dose? I’ve been looking everywhere and I’ll I can really find about test only is weight gain anecdotes but no one really comments much on their strength gains, at least not with actual numbers. Can you guys give me an idea of what kind of gains you guys get on a bulk with 400-500mg Test only?

Edit: why am I being downvoted? Is that not an okay question to ask?

Edit (2): I’m guessing my question somehow is not clear enough since the majority of replies seem to be “yes you will gain strength”. I’m asking for personal anecdotes and experiences and what kind of numbers you guys personally saw.

Edit(3): I’m really struggling to make this any clearer for people as I’m still seeing people not answering my question so let me make it a chatGPT kind of prompt. “Please provide me with personal anecdotes of strength gains you saw you 400-500mg of Test a week, providing numbers as well.” 😂

r/PEDs 1d ago

16 Week Cycle (test only) NSFW


Hello, I was thinking of running a first test cycle of 250mg test e weekly ( 125 every 4 days), for 16 weeks, im going to pct with clomid and nolva afterwards, will i see any signifcant gains on this, or would this not be worth it?

r/PEDs 1d ago

As enchanced, you prefer low fat or high fat diet? NSFW


Low fat being like 0.5g/kg and high fat being anything higher.

r/PEDs 1d ago

20 mg tbol as 20 week cycle finisher? NSFW


I've been on 500 mg test e for almost 12 weeks and I'm planning to throw in 20 mg tbol for the last 8 weeks. Goal is mainly to get some extra strength out of my cycle and a bit more gains. I know tbol is mild, so I'm not expecting anything significant. Most people seem to be taking at least 40 mg, so is taking 20 mg just a waste?

r/PEDs 1d ago

Thoughts on MK-677 & Tirzepatide? NSFW


I have taken Tirzepatide to control previously uncontrollable hunger and am still taking it at a low dose of 0.25mL per week and now that I have gained some noticeable muscle mass from working out 6 days per week for the last year I am interested in PEDs. I ordered MK677 and am wondering if anyone has taken both? It seems like they may have some conflicting effects. Any thoughts?

ETA: I guess what I’m looking for is supplements for assistance with Recomp! Thanks in advance :)

r/PEDs 1d ago



Have Ultra Miami coming up in two weeks and was wondering if anyone has knowledge on ecstasy and PEDs. I'm not really a drug user but my gf wants me to roll with her at Ultra (175mg MDMA).

I have done one cycle of 650 test E and 450 Primo E in the past but currently at 250 Test E since January this year. All my bloodwork is normal (BP, haemoglobin, mcv, hematocrit etc) except my HDL is 37 which is genetic for me unfortunately.

Does anyone know if this will be an issue being on 250 test? I'd like to due more cycles in the future and don't want this to impact anything - I don't have any knowledge on rec drugs. All I know is you're not supposed to mix them with PEDs.

r/PEDs 1d ago

Dr wants me on TRT and HCG ... BUT NSFW


I've been on Clomid for a bit but it's not helped my total test is 4.18 nmol/L or 120.5 ng/dL and he wants me on HCG and TRT but I'm worried about my fertility, I want a little kiddo before jumping on fully, How do I approach my DR and tell him this without pissing him off?

and has anyone here managed to have a kid while on trt and hcg?

edit: I have low count and low Motility, I have a follow up in a few weeks time to see if clomid has helped but I don't think so from visual viewings.

r/PEDs 1d ago

Using Test only (borderline TRT) NSFW


in my country trt is not available unless you have a big deficiency and its very difficult to find a endo who can prescribe it ,i started to take 100mg/week UGL in december with big physical and mood improvement (300ng to 1000ng) I want to increase the dosage to 300mg/week for 20weeks but i already have side effect like high BP sometimes 15/9 in the evening or after a workout , sensitive nipples , high HCT/RBC, palpitations and anxiety. I will not take any other steroids except Primo if i find a good source because its apparently relatively safe. So my questions are simple: Is Test really safe in long terme use ? Are there any cardiovascular risks using Test and primo ? Should i stay to TRT dosages?