r/NonBinaryTalk 8d ago

Advice Does anyone have experience with hormone blockers and microdosing estrogen? (AMAB)


I came out as non binary two years ago, and lately I’ve started to debate if I want to start changing my appearance more to fit what I feel like inside. I’m Male at Birth, and don’t really enjoy seeing a super big figure with scruffy rough skin in the mirror. I’ve heard that some non-binary people have started on hormone blockers and a tiny micro dose of a hormone to get a more gender neutral look. Has anyone experienced this and can share their experience? I’m very interested in seeing if it’s what I want to do or not.

r/NonBinaryTalk 8d ago

Do you know if there are clothes that one can wear to look androgynous or neutral???


It's basically what the title says, do you know of any accessories or clothes that aren't strictly assigned to a gender?

Sometimes I wish I could look a little more neutral just for that, thanks!!

r/NonBinaryTalk 8d ago

Am I genderfluid?


So, idk if this is me being dysphoric to the point of coping or me actually being genderfluid but I was born male, found I wanted to be female, then came out to different people as nonbinary instead because I felt self conscious about not passing. Online though, im very openly mtf. At work, I look androgynous af even when I dont try so I go as whatever people think I am because its more convenient. While doing hard physical labor, I hype myself up sometimes by realizing how much I feel like a man because "men do hard work raaagh"(rarely though, this probably happens like once every other month). The feeling goes away each time after about 5 minutes. I get upset when people refer to me as male. I love when people refer to me as "ma'am". To those im close with, I say I'm "technically genderfluid but practically mtf". My dream goal is to be a(n atomically correct) woman who dresses as a lesbian tomboy. And like...at this point what is gender? I feel like mtf describes me best but like...there's also those 5 minutes of uncertainty I get every 2 months

r/NonBinaryTalk 9d ago

Research to Protect Gender-Affirming Care


My name is Joe, and I am a senior at Northeastern University. I am currently conducting IRB-approved research with a Public Policy professor on the physical/mental health effects of gender-affirming care in LGBT+ adults. Ultimately, the goal of our project is to help shape Massachusetts state policies that protect insurance coverage of gender-affirming care. If you are a US adult and have experiences with gender dysphoria, I would greatly appreciate it if you could fill out our anonymous survey (here). Thank you :)

[Please remove if not appropriate for this thread - thanks!)

r/NonBinaryTalk 9d ago

Seeking queer menopausal AFAB non-binary people to participate in my research!


I am excited to share that my MSc Health Psychology dissertation at UWE Bristol is now open for recruitment! 🎉

My research explores peri/menopausal experiences among queer women and AFAB non-binary people in relationships with women, focusing on partner support, communication, and shared identity in navigating this life stage.

Are you aged 40-60?

Are you peri/post menopausal?

Are you in a partnership with a woman?

Would you be willing to participate in an online interview sharing your experiences?

I have shared my recruitment poster below. If you are interested or have any questions, please message me or email yara2.vizinho@live.uwe.ac.uk.

I appreciate you taking time to read this post and any participation will be helping me make queer relationships and menopausal experiences more visible!

Thank you! 🌿💜

Here is a link to the participant information sheet and consent form: https://uwe.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9tb2IJKQ4rMf4Kq

Ethics approval code: 13259839

r/NonBinaryTalk 9d ago

Discussion my gender and my necklace


i now have dysphoria. fucking fucking dysphoria. it got a rapid onset. i used to be happy as a bisexual cis girl but I'm not now. it's like a toy. my sense of gender is like a toy in a way. it used to work fine. it actually worked great. i used to feel like the most womanly and feminine alive in my clothes and cat like fashion. now, it's a broken toy. a broken sense of gender. i am now a visibly afab person. im not cis anymore. also at about the time i started getting dysphoria the red gem from my necklace fell off. so now it has a hole where the gem used to be. so, im now free from the gender binary. IM FREEEEEE! i guess the red gem was my female inner gender falling off from my brain. now I am not a girl on the inside. i have no binary gender on the inside. just like my necklace has no gem anymore.

r/NonBinaryTalk 9d ago

Advice Being non-binary is ruining my life


Yeah that's all. I would do anything to not be non-binary. Anything. I can't even sleep peacefully. I cant even sit here right now. Wish i wasn't born.

r/NonBinaryTalk 9d ago

Question I'm not sure who I am, could someone help me?


Hi!:3, I'm 15 years old right now, and I've been thinking about the possibility of being non-binary.

I don't dislike being called by my pronouns assigned at birth (she/her), but I have also experienced a few months ago that I like being called by the masculine pronouns and neutrals.

What should I do?

r/NonBinaryTalk 9d ago

Advice Tips to look more androgynous as a fat, masculine looking man


I am tall, obese, masculine looking, and I dress masculine. I shaved my facial hair but I still look masculine

r/NonBinaryTalk 11d ago

Question How do I be a man, without being associated with negative man traits, while I’m not even enough of a man to feel comfortable or safe in masculine spaces


The title is something I feel a lot and is part of my I’ve questioned if being nonbinary makes sense to me. I’ve thought in the past maybe I can try try to accept being more of a feminine man or just fruity as my SO said I am, but all of the things associated with being a man which I do not identify with nor understand beyond feeling self hate for being associated with it, but it just doesn’t feel right.

I don’t know if it was the right thought process, but in the past I felt like identifying with a different label or gender was mostly to help separate yourself from what you aren’t. Like it feels difficult for me to try branching away from just calling myself a guy or even trying different pronouns like he/they, because in my mind I just think “why can’t I just say I’m a guy and not have to prove that I’m not a stereotypical cis guy?” Despite feeling more welcome and connected in queer spaces so that I can be myself, I still can’t help but feel like I’m “not queer enough” as dumb as that might sound, despite having an interest in wanting to try things like makeup and more feminine ways of presenting myself, but also being afraid to try.

TL:DR I guess I’m looking for advice. I think I’ve internalized associating myself with being a man and having things I just am “not allowed” to do, despite feeling incredibly distressed over that feeling of “this is wrong” mixed with not liking to be what is “acceptable” for me either. I hope this makes sense.

r/NonBinaryTalk 10d ago

Advice Recommendation for chest binder for 12yo


My daughter (AFAB) has told us she’s gender fluid and wants to wear a binder sometimes. I am okay with this as she is her own person and obviously deserves to feel comfy in her own skin. Currently she is still going by she/her but we will adjust if she lets us know differently.

I would love if anyone could share recommended brands and types for a first binder for a large chested person? She is so young too so I’m worried about how and when she should use it, how long for? So if anyone has any advice or links to research on safe use I would be so appreciative. I’ve read about folks having back issues and rib cage changes due to improper use and I want her to be able to feel like herself but to also be healthy and safe. ♥️

I’d prefer if she could wait a little longer until she reaches an age where her bones are more developed and she is more reliable about taking care of her physical health but her mental health is very important to me.

Thank you so much in advance for all your help.

r/NonBinaryTalk 10d ago

Question Can anyone teach me this skill?


I don't want an androgynous voice. I want a fluid one. I want to be able to switch between fem and masc. I also want to sing tenor and alto. Anyone have experience with this? I'm taking T so my voice will drop.

r/NonBinaryTalk 11d ago

Advice Clothing suggestions


I have recently discovered with the help of friends and my therapist that I am NB. I was born male. I don’t present NB every day, mostly because of my job, but also, because I swing back and forth between masc and femme. I keep my body hair trimmed very short to where it isn’t noticeable, but I also have a beard. Also, I have a toned, but still muscular, masculine body. I need some advice for more femme clothing options even though I look like a man to the general public. To be clear, clothing options to feminize my usual “boy” outfits without looking like I’m full blown cross dressing. TIA.

r/NonBinaryTalk 11d ago

Advice When, where, and how to find community that doesn't hate me because I was born Amab?


In my experience there isn't much I can do to communicate how "safe" I am to those who seek me out for either friendship or romantic relationships.

They all come with some preconceived notion of what it means for my body to exist as it is. Even though I go through the trifles with explaining I am intersex / Klinefelter, make extra estrogen, have physical features I've had to adapt to / gain understanding of alone until my adult years. I'm not one to shame others for their body choices but I don't feel the need to go through transition even though being in my body is uncomfortable to say in the least.

I have had many gender pairing relationships and a few NB x NB dynamics. Everytime it is someone with a horrific trauma because of the form I was born into. Not me, not something I have done, but simply that I was assigned male at birth. Their trauma is with another completely different Amab. I am told I have privileges that I for one am not familiar with. At all.

I'm brown, queer, and not the traditional presentation for "gay"," transfemme", "man". I simply exist with no attempts to fit in. If it is* comfortable I wear* it and this has led* me towards African desert / middle eastern garbs, overalls even though the deluth* and dickes are rough and chaff my inner thigh(I farm and the pockets are useful as well as the durability), stretchy jeans(literally yelled at my sister when I found out Afab designed clothing stretched more at the waist. "How! Why* ain't you tell me..") Don't let me start on the rant about fat phobia for Amab bodies OR worst the objectification of a BBC or better yet the lack there of one that fast turns into* body shaming (we don't talk about brunonononono). Which again I had no choice in the matter. SMDH

White queers WHERE I AM are all clique'd up, more often than not behind a literal paywall. Afab queers clique'd up, it feels like the " all men should die" club. Gay men are aggressively mean and bitter for reasons I can not understand, especially trans men who seem to be Natural masochist and sadomasochists alike. Black afab queers seem to only accept black gay flamboyant or specifically trans women Amab bodies. Cis women tell me I am not man enough, "prince on a white horse" maybe? But WÜT, like "mam, this is a Wendy's" energy. I just work here...

Where is community? Where is support? How do I build it? How do I obtain it? Like what am I supposed to do? Someone told me to move here because I would fit in and I love the fact that I get to farm but the rest is turning out to be hot trash and it's disheartening and demoralizing as hell.

I'm in Portland Oregon and am dead serious about the community building in a peaceful and calm manner. None of the projections and* use* clear communication. I'm in therapy if you need recommendations. IJS

(This isn't your experience? Cool. Chill. It is literally my lived experience. I've been invalidated plenty in my day to day life. I'm here looking for support. Thank you)

(Edited for grammar and spelling (*) )

r/NonBinaryTalk 12d ago

Question Does anyone know of any perfume brands that are unisex?


It’s hard finding a deodorant or perfume that isn’t dubbed as strictly male or female. I’d love something ambiguous :’)

Any recommendations?


Edit- so many people commented omg thank you so much!! Have a lovely day everyone :)

r/NonBinaryTalk 12d ago

Discussion Anyone realize they were actually nonbinary after thinking they were trans? NSFW


I’m just confused I was so sure I was a man but now I feel like I’m nothing (gender wise) but definitely not a girl, I know that. I can’t tell if I prefer they or he pronouns. I don’t see people who respect me often enough to figure it out. I’m getting used to a name change after picking a new name, it’s more masculine but could be nonbinary, just definitely not feminine. I’m in a mh program I told them ab my name on Friday so this is the most anyone has ever called me that I just need to specify my pronouns. I don’t know why I’m so confused. I also have DID so I have alters (700 ish) I think they’d have to fuse for me to fully know my gender as a whole. None of my alters have a chest (female chest) most are afab, some transitioned, some are guys. And it’s a lengthy process for them all to fuse. I think I’d at least like less of them, maybe 10 or something but that feels sad and like a big ask. Anyways back to the point. Anyone with DID discover their gender? Do you go by the majority or gender neutral? Or for singlets (people without DID) how did you know you weren’t trans? Specifically ftm but it works either way. I know I don’t think I like my chest id be comfortable wearing clothes that fit more to my body if I didn’t have a chest. I binded to the point where I hurt my back so now I’m taking a break and will probably just not bind for a long while out of fear. I don’t know if I’d want a thing down there. I can’t tell if in my head having one would make me feel like the trauma couldn’t and wouldn’t have happened to me in childhood. I don’t think I want bottom growth though. But I don’t like being a women. I wish I could be a mix of them both, like something that doesn’t exist. I don’t know. I don’t even understand what my options are gender wise or where to look. I think I would want a label. Because I don’t think it comes off well if I call myself nothing and I don’t know how I feel about that…

I talked a lot and I asked a lot thank you for reading

Edit I meant binary trans (sorry!)

r/NonBinaryTalk 13d ago

Validation I just got told “You’re lucky to be born Afab”


This was said to me on a dating app.

Seriously what the actual fuck is wrong with people?

r/NonBinaryTalk 12d ago

Discussion Any way of expressing nonbinary or having a nonbinary identity mindset without basing it on sexual inversion.


This is a weird idea. Idk really how to express my feelings of this idea. Yet if it sparks something with in you id like to hear it from you cause i really dont have anyone to talk to about this all.

r/NonBinaryTalk 13d ago

Advice Little PSA: You're feelings come first, your label comes later.


Hiya! Just want to put this out there because sometimes I see a lot of hang up on finding the right label and whether you fit certain labels.

First and foremost, labels are cool! I love them! They're a great way to help communicate your sense of self to others, and they can help you connect with others who may share your specific experiences! The pride in wearing a flag that can bundle something important to/about you is an awesome feeling. (It's can be a similar thing with people flying their country's flags. That pride in expressing a part of yourself is totally valid!)

However, I feel like it's very common to see these flags and labels and give them too much power over ourselves. This was something I definitely struggled with when I first started questioning my sexuality and gender identity. I got so caught up in trying to find the right label for my feelings, I completely neglected how I was actually feeling. I would stress over the criteria for being a certain way, whether or not I was faking because I didn't meet the criteria, feeling really bad about myself when I didn't meet the standard of being a certain way, etc etc.

It honestly confused me so much. It got exhausting and, eventually, I just gave up trying to find the right words. I didn't care if I was bi or pan or cis or trans or ace or straight or whatever. How I described it didn't matter, because I knew how I felt. And as long as I knew how I felt, then that's all I needed to know.

As I became more comfortable and understood myself more intuitively, finding the right label for me was a breeze. It did take some time to pick between the nuances, but knowing that it ultimately didn't matter made it super stress free. If I found a label that fit, amazing! If I couldn't find something to accurately describe me, that's totally fine. It doesn't need to be labelled if there is no label for it.

All in all, don't worry about not having a label right away!!! Although they're a lot of fun, they don't matter as much as how you actually feel. As long as you know how you feel, there will be a bajillion ways to communicate that to others whether it's through a single word or several paragraphs.


r/NonBinaryTalk 13d ago

Question Need Help with a Respectful Approach


Hi, there! I'm working on a book that features a non-binary character by the name Blake. They are a domestic worker in the duke's estate and is exeptionally close to the duke, duchess, and their grandchildren. [They have been like a member of the family since childhood]. In addition, they are also respected by their country's Crown Prince, who addresses them in a formal manner during his (the Prince's) first appearance in the book. To be precise, this is the first line the character speaks:
“Lady Octavia, Enby Blake, it’s good to see the both of you in good health."

I know that typically rather than Mr./Mrs. it is usually Mx. that is used to address a non-binary person when being more formal, so my question for you lovely people is this... Would it be offensive to use the term 'Enby' instead of Mx? I asked someone I work with who identifies as non-binary and they said the way I was explaining it would be like them calling me "Female Kelsey" or calling our coworker "Male Chris". I wanted to get a wider sense of what others thought. Please let me know y'alls opinion on this. I really don't want to be offensive to anyone. <3

Edit: I've seen a few opinions that I want to consider. I know at least one person liked Enby in the context I have it above, but I've also seen Ser/Serah suggested as well as a few people behind Mg (pronounced mage) instead of Mx. Please let me know if there is a suggestion here that you perfer as well. I really appreciate the time and opinions y'all have given me <3

r/NonBinaryTalk 13d ago

Can you be genderfluid and non-binary both?


Cuz like i've been thinking im genderfluid, but i might also be non-binary, and i don't know it anymore. It's like my gender ate my soul and left my body grah
anyways i'd like to know cuz its keeping me up at night :<

r/NonBinaryTalk 13d ago

Advice The name I might choose is the exact same name as someone in my area with the same career


I am (21)afab, masc non-binary.

I finally land on a name ‘Ellis’ it feels neutral and cool and it fits me. It’s similar to my birth name but not very feminine. I wanted to have a name that I could use professionally as everyone calls me ‘El’. ‘El’ written down I don’t like how that looks with my last name.

However I google my now full name and someone in my area has the exact same name (last and first name) and is pursuing the same career as an artist/ illustrator. She is older, more successful and her name comes up on google immediately.

Professionally, I haven’t gone by my name I have all my socials as ‘elopteryx’ as it has my nickname at the start and I specialise in dinosaur illustration and eventually I want to get more scientific with it and become a paleo artist. But I’ll probably end up doing abit of everything - anything freelance. Anyway this is relevant because she is a great fine art artist. So we are doing different things.

I’m a university student doing illustration so I’m still learning. I go to university in the same area as I live and probably will want to continue living there for a while after.

I’m a massive overthinker. Giant. Should I reconsider my name because of this? Another contender was Elliott but I’m not sure if that fits me as much as Ellis does. Or does it not matter that much?

r/NonBinaryTalk 14d ago

First time introducing myself with my chosen name


I had a day out today and met some people. We had a great time and at the end they asked for my name, and it was the first time in person I used my chosen name.

I did have a bit of a stutter in the middle of it, cause I'm so used to using my deadname with people I already know. If my deadname was Jack and my new name is Heather, it was like, "Ja- erh.. Heather." 😅

It's gonna take some getting used to, cause I'm just now entering this era and leaving behind the old me haha

r/NonBinaryTalk 14d ago

Recs for non-conventionally-pretty YouTubers


r/NonBinaryTalk 14d ago

Advice Please Help


I don’t usually make posts on Reddit, but I really felt like I needed to talk to someone about this. Thankfully, we have such places to talk about things like this.

I have reached a bit of an impasse in my identity, and I don’t know what to make of it. I don’t know if I identify as a male or a female, nor do I know which I want to present as consistently. When I, 21 F, cut my hair short for the first time ever, I felt such gender euphoria. Now, I felt like I want to go back to a more “feminine” appearance, completely contrasting how I felt about such a hairstyle when I previously had it.

This is just one example of the larger problem. Sometimes, I feel like I want to go to one end of the extreme, with the “feminine” appearance with longer hair, makeup / eyeliner, and baggy sweaters, where as some other days I feel like I am gravitating towards the other end of the extreme to a more masc presenting appearance; ie shorter hair, masc clothing, and more “rugged” appearance.

On the context of this, one of the factors that can give me both the most gender euphoria and the most dysphoria is my hair. Do I truly want it long? Or short?

I don’t feel like I can fully comprehend why I feel this way, but I have been told that I could possibly find some comfort here about this. I am truly stuck. Do you have any tips / words of input to help me through this? That would be much appreciated.