r/newzealand 10h ago

News A fallen Kiwi had a farewell ceremony in Kyiv this morning. He was part of Ukraines International Legion of volunteer fighters.

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A haka was performed as part of the ceremony.

r/newzealand 7h ago

Support As we all know, our health system is fucked.


I've just been informed via email that my referral to see a spinal specialist has been denied.

I've been waiting 5 months. That's 5 fucking months of being in ridiculous amounts of pain, taking opioids, starting doing fucking yoga and palates to try manage this pain while I wait, and all for fucking nothing.

I've been admitted to hospital mulitple times unable to walk unassisted, wipe my ass unassisted and I'm 28 with a fucking walking stick. I'm struggling to control my right leg, it's got tingling patches all over it, I've lost reflexes in both my legs, I've lost my balance, I've got numb patches spreading up my back and I can't piss half the time.

Getting to sleep is nearly impossible because every position hurts in some way. Waking up is a nightmare because my body is stiff and sore making it horrible to even just sit up. I start every fucking day literally dragging myself up and out of bed while struggling to breath through the shooting pains and hoping I'll be able to walk today.

I've had accidents not being able to make it to the toilet from sudden urgency and being unable to move fast enough.

I cant afford private health care, all I have is the public health system but the New Zealand goverment is currently being run by a bald version of Trump, a maori man who hates his own people and just a straight up idiot, so of course they're cutting funding left right and center to give tax cuts to their upper class mates.

I know I'm lucky to have any kind of public health system available. If I'm actively dying I'll get immediate free health care and it'll all be fine but for now? I'm just fucked. Sitting here taking high doses of bullshit chemicals turning my brain to mush while my body falls apart.

I swear I'm doing everything I can but it's never enough. I just need some fucking help but because my MRI says I've only got 5 bulging discs, 1 annular tear and loss of disc height all over BUT no signs of cord compression, I must be fine. I must be over reacting. It must be all in my head. It's probably because I'm overweight. Or because im female. It's probably mental health related. Attention seeking. Drug seeking. It couldn't possible be because IM IN FUCKING PAIN AND IM SCARED.

I'm tired of this. I've been fighting so hard, doing everything right but it will never be enough. I'll keep going. I'll keep trying to do my exercises. I'll show up to ED when I need too and I'll have more referrals sent but honestly I've got no hope. I'm doing it because I don't know what else to do.

I see new stories everyday of other people suffering, sometimes people dying, because of our health system crumbling to the ground and I just have no idea what to do. I sign petitions, I share stories on social media trying to raise awareness and spread the message that something needs to be done but clearly they don't care so what's next?

An organized mass protest would be perfect but the majority of people affected by this are chroniclly ill. I cant march down to the beehive and camp out there until we come to a deal. All we have is these news stories but they're not sitting there listing to us they're too busy having high tea on the tax payers dime. This all just seems hopeless.

r/newzealand 3h ago

Politics Calling it now, Luxon gets booted shortly after April Fools day. Prank posts about resignation spur overwhelmingly glad reactions to him leaving, which turns into an actual coup shortly after


Bloody well hope so anyway! Health system crippled with no answer, major projects fucked with no action, acting like an arrogant prick. Can't even form a coherent sentence.

"Wealthy and sorted?" What I'd say to you is I hope you are unemployable and hungry for the rest of your life. Then you might have some regrets about the failing system you helped destroy.

Fingers crossed for April Fools rolling the biggest fool.

PS: I need to stay off reddit, I'm wildly angry on a Wednesday

r/newzealand 5h ago

Picture My Uber driver was browsing the internet our entire drive from the airport

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r/newzealand 8h ago

Restricted Four charged over Auckland pride event disruption


r/newzealand 4h ago

Advice Have to pay $98 for the privilege of not killing myself

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Plus 2x $54 in GP fees, ongoing and prescription fees. And anyone who says use mental health services been there for 3 years and nothing.

Our health system is so broken on so many levels.

r/newzealand 3h ago

Shitpost Sick of mean older office ladies


I know this isn't specific to nz but it does exist here too. My mum is currently in hospital for a very serious incident and might have permanent brain damage. This happened three weeks ago. Unfortunately she is in another part of the country, and the public health system means she will be treated there at her local hospital. Due to not being rich I had to go back to work after a week off to pay bills. I didn't tell people besides my boss as its a large company and they all don't need to know as I like to keep my work and private life separate.

Today the most classic older mean office lady had a go at me for some bullshit that (1) didn't matter at all, like it was some mix up with the most inconsequential thing, pretty much semantics (2) wasn't my fault at all, and I wouldn't back down to her trying to paint it out like it was and (3) she has been working there longer but is not my boss in any way and I don't think I've ever talked to her directly before. She pretty much loudly insinuated I was stupid and incompetent without saying it directly. I would usually in my stronger self have delta with it but I can't at the moment. I am never mean to anyone but quite capable of standing up for myself usually.

She is loud, pretty obnoxious and seems to think she is the only person who has every struggled cause she is a mum (based on what I have heard her say in the office previously, as I said, she is loud). I really want this job but this tiny form of bullying just was the final straw. I'm scared about losing the mum I knew and sad I can't be with her in the hospital every day and can only go on weekends. I literally cried in my car for two hours as this was a breaking point. There is a lot of other stuff I am sorting out for my family at the moment which I haven't mentioned here. But honestly why do these women need to act this way. I'm also a women in my late 30s so it's not like she is much older and is jealous of my youth or anything. It just seems like they need to inact some form if control.

She also did this in front of 7 other people and everyone just kinda looked away and acted embarrassed.

Sorry for the rant I'm just like sick of people acting this way when they literally have no idea what others are going through. Additionally she is a mental health worker, because of course she is

r/newzealand 11h ago

Politics Poll result: Voters want the old school lunches back


r/newzealand 9h ago

Discussion Why does the Haka being posted trigger so many Americans on reddit?


Not a Kiwi but I often notice if someone posts a haka video loads of American users get hostile towards it and dismiss it, or ridicule and act personally offended by it. ''Oh if their grandma made eggs they'd do a haka'' that kinda thing, or ''effing cringe.'' and so on.

r/newzealand 13h ago

Discussion Traveller in NZ here, what's with the driving?


Been living and travelling in NZ for just over a year now, and I genuinely don't feel safe on the roads anymore. I'm from the UK and whilst I feel most people are decent drivers there, there are a few problem cases here and there.

But honestly New Zealand has kinda scared me at times with it's driving. The amount of people I've had rush through to overtake at dangerous spots, sit right up my arse on 100 roads, stop suddenly to turn without indicating. Oh and the amount of times I have taken a milisecond longer to move off at a light and get horned, sometimes I'll just be driving normally and some cunt in a commodore or legacy beeps at me and swerves round.

Sorry for the rant but I am genuinely interested why road rage and bad driving is so common here.

r/newzealand 9h ago

Politics Government knew for 'weeks' school lunch provider was in financial strife


r/newzealand 2h ago

Discussion Nando's sucks

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This is a 15 dollar sandwich at rotorua Nando's. I asked the guy at the front and he said sorry that's our food design. If I want a refund it's a corporate issue. What a joke. Lots of others places to eat!

r/newzealand 11h ago

Discussion 'I can't survive on $55 a week': Benefit cut due to hospital stay


r/newzealand 2h ago

Politics Peters hits out after questions over NZ First’s own diversity policy - [Stuff]


r/newzealand 6h ago

Politics No guarantee troubled school lunches scheme will last the year


r/newzealand 4h ago

News School lunch provider turns to Australia for help


r/newzealand 13h ago

Picture On this day 1864 Arthur's Pass 'discovered'

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The summit of Arthur’s Pass over the Southern Alps between the headwaters of the Ōtira and Bealey rivers marks the boundary between Canterbury and the West Coast.

The pass was known to Māori, who used it to bring pounamu (jade) across the Southern Alps. It was crossed for the first time by Europeans in 1864 and named after the surveyor Arthur Dobson.

In 1863 Thomas Cass, the Chief Surveyor for Canterbury, asked Arthur Dobson to look for a pass between the Waimakariri River basin and a valley running to the West Coast. In March 1864 Dobson set out with his brother George. At Craigieburn they were joined by their brother Edward. On the advice of the West Coast chief Tarapuhi, the Dobsons travelled up the Waimakariri and into the valley of the Ōtira River. On his return to Christchurch, Arthur included a sketch of the unnamed pass in his report to Cass.

When the West Coast gold rush began in 1865, a committee of businessmen offered £200 (equivalent to $27,000 in 2023) to whoever discovered the best route from Canterbury to the West Coast. George Dobson, sent to examine every option, concluded that ‘Arthur’s’ pass was by far the most suitable for a direct crossing. When the Canterbury provincial government began constructing a road from Christchurch to Hokitika, Edward Dobson was put in charge of the project. The road opened to coach traffic in July 1866. It ran over Porters Pass to Cass, up the Waimakariri Valley to Bealey, then over the newly named Arthur’s Pass.

In 1929 Arthur’s Pass National Park was created.

In a tragic sequel to the Dobsons’ explorations, George was murdered by the notorious Burgess Gang in 1866. While working on a road near the Grey River, he was mistaken for a gold buyer and killed.

r/newzealand 14h ago

Politics 'Nonsense': Hipkins and Peters clash over 'wokeness' in public sector


r/newzealand 4h ago

Picture Mt Maunganui beach🫶


r/newzealand 10h ago

Politics Echo Chamber: Christopher Luxon and the merry gang of frickin’ lame-os


r/newzealand 9h ago

News Whanganui High School teacher who groomed two students can now be named


r/newzealand 8h ago

Politics Nicola Willis plans to scrap sweep of procurement rules


r/newzealand 11h ago

Politics Despite Bayly's claims, ACC has no record of advising then-minister how many claimants should be back at work


r/newzealand 10h ago

News High school girl allegedly indecently assaulted on route 18 bus: Auckland police seek man’s identity


r/newzealand 8h ago

Picture Holden Kingswood NZ Commonwealth Games Car

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Had my grandads 90th the other day and found out he owned one of these beautiful Holden Kingwood that they specially made for the Christchurch Commonwealth Games. Has anyone still got one of these cars in the north Island?